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Topic: I HATEEEEEEE gold diggers
GordonGordon's photo
Sat 05/17/08 03:00 PM

you do know hes sat back reading this having his giggles again...come on gordon show your real self
happy laugh yea you guys are funny I almost pissed myself last time
stop been naughty..:tongue:

but I really am rich and I have a big snake in my pants

DebbieJT's photo
Sat 05/17/08 03:00 PM

you do know hes sat back reading this having his giggles again...come on gordon show your real self
happy laugh yea you guys are funny I almost pissed myself last time
stop been naughty..:tongue:

but I really am rich and I have a big snake in my pants
yeh you have agreat imagination too

poohbearface19's photo
Sat 05/17/08 03:01 PM
yeha right u have nothing down there

GordonGordon's photo
Sat 05/17/08 03:01 PM

yeha right u have nothing down there

link97my's photo
Sat 05/17/08 03:02 PM

poohbearface19's photo
Sat 05/17/08 03:03 PM

yeha right u have nothing down there

u are too funny

itsmetina's photo
Sat 05/17/08 03:04 PM
hey he's rich enough to take a woman to the vibrator store

HMontana's photo
Sat 05/17/08 03:05 PM

hey he's rich enough to take a woman to the vibrator store

Good enough.glasses

CleanBathroom's photo
Sat 05/17/08 03:07 PM

hey he's rich enough to take a woman to the vibrator store

I'm starting to see a pattern with you Tina. drinker

Stop corrupting Montana.

NO, KEEP GOING!! mad devil

poohbearface19's photo
Sat 05/17/08 03:07 PM
now why would u wnat a vibrator when u got a mn who has too have a real one mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm:smile:

willy_cents's photo
Sat 05/17/08 03:08 PM
some men utilize money as a phallic symbol, to replace that which they do not have enough of.

and I ponder: Is it better to be rich with no endowment, or poor with sufficient endowment.laugh laugh laugh

poohbearface19's photo
Sat 05/17/08 03:11 PM
ok got u

DebbieJT's photo
Sat 05/17/08 03:13 PM

some men utilize money as a phallic symbol, to replace that which they do not have enough of.

and I ponder: Is it better to be rich with no endowment, or poor with sufficient endowment.laugh laugh laugh
and if you know how to utilise that endowment wisely:tongue: laugh

link97my's photo
Sat 05/17/08 03:18 PM

some men utilize money as a phallic symbol, to replace that which they do not have enough of.

and I ponder: Is it better to be rich with no endowment, or poor with sufficient endowment.laugh laugh laugh
and if you know how to utilise that endowment wisely:tongue: laugh

embarassed :cry: :cry: I'm screwed both ways.....sad sad sad sad sad

DebbieJT's photo
Sat 05/17/08 03:22 PM

some men utilize money as a phallic symbol, to replace that which they do not have enough of.

and I ponder: Is it better to be rich with no endowment, or poor with sufficient endowment.laugh laugh laugh
and if you know how to utilise that endowment wisely:tongue: laugh

embarassed :cry: :cry: I'm screwed both ways.....sad sad sad sad sad
awh poor link..better look next time:tongue: laugh laugh

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