Topic: THE GREEN DRAGON'S INN - part 4 | |
*Looks over at Criani not exactly sure what she is suppost to do with her boss in the room* Well hello Sitka how are you today? I hope these fine knights have not breaked a sweat on you yet. |
XI (day 95) of the time of the sun era
A brigade of the King’s knights has entered the town of Sinatorium. Many of the inhabitants cheer as they ride their magnificent armored warhorses. They dismount to enter the Green Dragon's Inn taking every seat available and gulping down Goblin's Brew. Criani (Green Dragon's Inn owner) had to hire extra staff to keep up with the demand. It will be hard to get a seat or fast service I am afraid today! |
*Looks over at Criani not exactly sure what she is suppost to do with her boss in the room* Well hello Sitka how are you today? I hope these fine knights have not breaked a sweat on you yet. Actually Ma'am its been fairly quiet. *smiles weakly* Though some man was trying to take drinks and have some one called "rathil" pay for them? Didnt sit right with me. |
Criani Peracien walks down the stairs to look how her tavern is doing. She goes to the counter to look inside a pouch to see how much gold has been earned. She then takes the pouch and attaches it with strings on her belt. She pours herself a glass of elvin wine and sips on it. Calliope for the first time sees Criani. She steps over to her and introduces herself, " Hello, Criani, I have heard much about you from Boromir, I am Calliope from the Hills of Tantor...I am but a mere hobbit, but I have offered my services to help him when he is otherwise disposed..." She curtsies in her presence with a nervous smile. Well today was a busy day as the King's knights have enter this tavern today. They have travelled far and seek good food and drink. I have heard much from you from Boromir. I hear you make savory food and have helped increase the revenue of the tavern. I would be delidghted to have you work here. Let us say 100 gold for every 5 days you work here. You also get room and food here as we have hobbit size accommadations. She walks back over to Criani and replies, "My lady, I would be honored to fill such a position in your establishment! When would you like for me to start? Can I choose my own menus?" she thinks to herself how wonderful it would be to fix fine meals, eat them, sleep in a dreamy room in this Inn and paid 100 shiny gold pieces... |
*Looks over at Criani not exactly sure what she is suppost to do with her boss in the room* Well hello Sitka how are you today? I hope these fine knights have not breaked a sweat on you yet. Actually Ma'am its been fairly quiet. *smiles weakly* Though some man was trying to take drinks and have some one called "rathil" pay for them? Didnt sit right with me. "Ah yes Jericho the grumpy man. Well Rathil didn't tell me that I pick up Jericho's tab. Until then he must pay Sitka,"Criani replies. |
Criani Peracien walks down the stairs to look how her tavern is doing. She goes to the counter to look inside a pouch to see how much gold has been earned. She then takes the pouch and attaches it with strings on her belt. She pours herself a glass of elvin wine and sips on it. Calliope for the first time sees Criani. She steps over to her and introduces herself, " Hello, Criani, I have heard much about you from Boromir, I am Calliope from the Hills of Tantor...I am but a mere hobbit, but I have offered my services to help him when he is otherwise disposed..." She curtsies in her presence with a nervous smile. Well today was a busy day as the King's knights have enter this tavern today. They have travelled far and seek good food and drink. I have heard much from you from Boromir. I hear you make savory food and have helped increase the revenue of the tavern. I would be delidghted to have you work here. Let us say 100 gold for every 5 days you work here. You also get room and food here as we have hobbit size accommadations. She walks back over to Criani and replies, "My lady, I would be honored to fill such a position in your establishment! When would you like for me to start? Can I choose my own menus?" she thinks to herself how wonderful it would be to fix fine meals, eat them, sleep in a dreamy room in this Inn and paid 100 shiny gold pieces... "You start today and yes you can create menues also. Just as long as it is seasonal for they are pricey at Mesa's Trade Company trying to buy goods offseason really sinks deep in my pockets. ((Put on your character sheet the following - WORK: Earn 20gold pieces per day working for Criani Peracian at the Green Dragon's Inn)) |
Thats what I told him. He wouldn't listen. I nearly threw him out myself but I didn't want to upset the patrons coming in. *sighs*
Waiting for a reply from Criani, Calliope scurries into the kitchen, prepares the plate of Turbot with cypress
Chopped vegetables and Hot baked bread. She reenters the Inn and places the plate in front of Raquil. "I hope you like it...We hobbits have gathered recipes from many different lands and pride ourselves in eating well..." she stares at him as he takes a bite. |
Thats what I told him. He wouldn't listen. I nearly threw him out myself but I didn't want to upset the patrons coming in. *sighs* "I will talk to Rathil to control his people. I am sure he will understand,'Criani replies. Well I have to run down at Mesa's Trade Company and buy some goods. Keep the knights filled with Goblin's Brew. I sense more of them will come in. Afterall they have travelled for many days on horse,'Criani says while leaving the tavern out the front door. |
Waiting for a reply from Criani, Calliope scurries into the kitchen, prepares the plate of Turbot with cypress Chopped vegetables and Hot baked bread. She reenters the Inn and places the plate in front of Raquil. "I hope you like it...We hobbits have gathered recipes from many different lands and pride ourselves in eating well..." she stares at him as he takes a bite. "You start today and yes you can create menues also. Just as long as it is seasonal for they are pricey at Mesa's Trade Company trying to buy goods offseason really sinks deep in my pockets. ((Put on your character sheet the following - WORK: Earn 20gold pieces per day working for Criani Peracian at the Green Dragon's Inn)) |
*Sees her leave and sighs. She looks aro und and begins to once more wipe down the bar*
Criani Peracien walks down the stairs to look how her tavern is doing. She goes to the counter to look inside a pouch to see how much gold has been earned. She then takes the pouch and attaches it with strings on her belt. She pours herself a glass of elvin wine and sips on it. Calliope for the first time sees Criani. She steps over to her and introduces herself, " Hello, Criani, I have heard much about you from Boromir, I am Calliope from the Hills of Tantor...I am but a mere hobbit, but I have offered my services to help him when he is otherwise disposed..." She curtsies in her presence with a nervous smile. Well today was a busy day as the King's knights have enter this tavern today. They have travelled far and seek good food and drink. I have heard much from you from Boromir. I hear you make savory food and have helped increase the revenue of the tavern. I would be delidghted to have you work here. Let us say 100 gold for every 5 days you work here. You also get room and food here as we have hobbit size accommadations. She walks back over to Criani and replies, "My lady, I would be honored to fill such a position in your establishment! When would you like for me to start? Can I choose my own menus?" she thinks to herself how wonderful it would be to fix fine meals, eat them, sleep in a dreamy room in this Inn and paid 100 shiny gold pieces... "You start today and yes you can create menues also. Just as long as it is seasonal for they are pricey at Mesa's Trade Company trying to buy goods offseason really sinks deep in my pockets. ((Put on your character sheet the following - WORK: Earn 20gold pieces per day working for Criani Peracian at the Green Dragon's Inn)) "Thank you Criani, I accept and I may find some of the critters on my own, which will be no cost to you," she is really excited and starts to bob back and forth very quickly, not wanting to be to silly in front of her. "How shall I address you? Ms. Criani, Criani or Ma'am?" |
Edited by
Fri 05/16/08 02:46 PM
A large group of knights reenter the tavern and take up all the seats to the tavern. Fortunately Calliope, Sitka, and Boromir are there to serve this sudden group of noble fighters.
They wear white plate armor and are astonishing to look at. One knows these men are the finest fighters the king can ask for. They raise their hands shouting for some Goblin's Brew. Boromir begins to pour one after another mugs of brew looking at Sitka to hopefully take them to the knights. **Criani has already left the tavern** |
*As soon as the knights start to order brew she instantly jumps up and grabs a few pitchers of brew and mugs putting them on a tray and goes around filling a glass for each of the knights trying despiratly to catch up*
Edited by
Fri 05/16/08 03:20 PM
Calliope runs into the kitchen knowing that the soldiers will be wanted to fill their bellies...She begins to prepare a number of plates, lining them all up to be served..
She comes back into the Inn and begins asking the knights if they would like to eat. " The soldiers start to yell at the same time which makes it difficult for her to decipher...she smiles at them and decides to do a head count but has to stand on a chair to see all the tables..."Lets see,,1....2....3...4....5...6...7...8...9." She counted 9 total. "Bows to the nights, snickers and replies.."Ill be back in a jiffy fine Knights and I know you will enjoy the meal!" She scurries into the kitchen |
*He looks at the knights, not being very comfortable around them... He has history with the royal guard. He can only hope none of these knights are old enough to recognize him.*
*Stops at Raquill* do you need anything lad?
*Stops at Raquill* do you need anything lad? No, I'll be alright now, thanks. |
*Rubs Raquills shoulder with her one free hand for a minute* alright.
Calliope pushes the kitchen door open with her elbow carrying a platter with many meals on it...she will have to make 2 trips to accomplish her task.
She begins places the plates in front of the knights and feels a strange hand on her butt. She looks behind her and sees the knight to the left of her is sliding across her waistline, she says to him' "Sir, kindly take your hand off my gluteus maximus for I am a 3ft hobbit and your desires would be better served elsewhere..." she smiles and slaps his hand with her spoon... |