Topic: Baby Mama Drama--HELP!!! | |
Do you think it is fair for a woman to keep a man's child away from him just because they are not a couple anymore? She feels if she can not have the man, he will not see his child. What's up with that? |
That is very wrong. NOT fair. Just because he wants to end the
relationship is no reason to hold the child from their dad!! It would be H*** to pay if my X told me I couldn't see my kids anymore. We would be in court the next week!!!! JMO Nerves ![]() |
Nope, not fair. Mommy is mommy and always will be. Daddy is daddy and
always will be. Adults tend to forget this. |
She just thinks if she does do that that he will stay with her. But if
he is not happy she should let him go and let him be happy... women do forget that he will always be the father and if she take them away from him the kids will blame her for that one day. |
Not right sounds childish to matter wat goes on between her and
him is between her and him and the child shouldn't have to if he choose not to see the child thats his my case i give my babys dad the chance to see his son he chooses not too...why he chooses not to thats a hole different story though |
I've seen some women do this purely to hurt the guy. A lot of times,
she feels this is the only way to get back at him -- payback for whatever it is he did that hurt her, real or imagined. If there's no communication and they can't deal with things rationally, and in the best interests of the kid, it all boils down to selfishness and revenge. The sad part is it's usually the kid who gets the short end of the stick; impacts on their later life, relationships, etc. A ot of screwed-up kids become screwed-up adults because the parents were too short-sighted and self-absorbed to consider how their actions would affect those kids. |
No it is not right at all for kids tend to blame their selves for thier
parents spiltting up and for an adult to put a child in the middle of it like a pawn is wrong and one day if she doesn't fix it now her children will blame her for all |
My two cents:
She's hurting the child more than anything. It's no longer about her, it's about the child and setting a positive example for the child. |
No...It's not fair...A female should be glad a man wants to see his kids
now...With some of the ignorant men that women have to deal with today....See that is how good men get turned off because some stupid woman took them through the mill....Do you know how many of our good black men have turned into **sholes because of some simple minded woman...... |
Well, what suggestions do you have that could help him persuade her to
let him see his child? |
please don't take this answer as bitterness, but the 2 words that come
to mind right away ???.... COURT ACTION ..... not good for the child, expensive, BUT people, act like adults THEN have children. |
The words, "Talk to my lawyer." come to mind. If she's that dead set
against him seeing his child that would seem to be the only recourse. |
No as you put it, it does not sound fair. But are you sure there is not
something deeper on why that mother does not want the father to see the child then what they are sharing? If no then yes taking legal action is the best way. It's the best way whether the answer is yes or no. But I know being a single mother that left an abusive relationship. I will not allow my ex anywhere near my children unless there is somebody that is 18 years or older that I trust. But get him or her to go to the family courts and file a suit. |
That is so not right the only persont that gets hurt by that is the
child. It's realy sad that men or women uses a child as a pawn to hang over the others head. Sorry but they need it done to them for a while and so they could see how that really hurts the other person. You don't ever use a child as a pawn anytime heck I us to encourge my ex to pick the kids up anytime he wanted to we did not go by the divorce papers on that but it was his choice not to pick them up not mine. A child should always be able to be around both parents and anytime. For when they grow up the parent that keep them away will regret those choices sooner or later. |
Take her to court a judge will make mince meat out of her and quick they
really frown on those things and if she does it again after that and he takes her back to court humm she better like seeing the inside of a jail cell for she will have plenty of time to count the bars for a few days for that is what the judge will tell her the first time. So go through the system and take her to court. |
I hear you all....Please pray for this situation to get better. ![]() children, how can our children learn to be adults? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
since when are the courts fair to the father?
I heard that rambill!
So far the courts are taking almost all of his money...almost causing him to loose his job. And then on top of that she is running around like a chicken head XXXXXXX. It's a sad situation, but I believe that if you and I pray that things will change for the better. Thanks! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Opinion; Best attorney wins, just the way it is. I had to go to the
mattresses to get my ex to calm down. Load your guns w/all the evidence you can & take toe other down. |
well i know this situation well i have two sister that have kid that
have no contact with the fathers also i grow up myself without knowing my own father this is a bad thing the father is just as important in the lives of childern as the mother that why i vow to stay apart of my kids lives even thou me and thier mother's not together(seperated3years now) |