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Topic: one of our favorite souls
bastet126's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:18 PM

he's the count and the reaper
soul seeker
posts of evil mind surrendering
thought bending

he's DeathsTreaty
and he's another year older!!!!


(5/14 - but who said we can celebrate a little early!!?!?) devil

barefootbaby78's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:18 PM
:heart: :heart: matthew:heart: :heart:

PATSFAN's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:19 PM
devil Birthday Beatingsdevil

no photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:19 PM
Happy Birthday, DT.....!!

Now blow out the candles and make a wish....

No fair cutting the cake with a scythe....

JadedHeart's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:20 PM
flowerforyou Happy Birthday (early) :wink:

mssilverfox's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:20 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou HAPPY BIRTHDAY DT flowerforyou flowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:20 PM

:heart: :heart: matthew:heart: :heart:
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:22 PM

he's the count and the reaper
soul seeker
posts of evil mind surrendering
thought bending

he's DeathsTreaty
and he's another year older!!!!


(5/14 - but who said we can celebrate a little early!!?!?) devil

Oh ya .. baby .. congrats drinker

no photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:22 PM
another year of wisdomdrinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

Taurus' rock!smokin smokin

bastet126's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:23 PM
another year, yet just the beginning of ...everything! happy birthday deathstreaty! flowerforyou

wyatt1844's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:23 PM
bigsmile Happy Birthday BroodingIntellect (Deaths Treaty)bigsmile

drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

no photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:25 PM
Edited by discoafternoon on Tue 05/13/08 07:25 PM
drinker drinker happy birthday! drinker drinker

IndnPrncs's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:25 PM
Happy Birthday (((Treaty))) flowerforyou

DeathsTreaty's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:27 PM
Thanx Everyone ^^

I feel funny inside....

lifestooshort6's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:36 PM
Happy Birthday DT!!flowerforyou drinker

steelersgirltina's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:36 PM

michiganman3's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:40 PM
Don't Fear the Reaper
Happy Day

DrX's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:41 PM
happy birthday

bastet126's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:58 PM
happy birthday!! keep it going until 12:01pm (est) flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:58 PM
Happy Birthday, Dear Death... Happy Birthday to you...... flowerforyou

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