Topic: What is Hell? | |
Thanks again MorningSong....I needed that one too. Got scripture to back that one up too? I think I need that one more than the scripture on God not being able to look upon sin. ![]() 1 John 2:1-2. My little children, these things I write unto you, that ye sin not. And if any sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous : And he is the propitiation for our sins : and not for our's only, BUT FOR THE SINS OF THE WHOLE WORLD. ![]() |
I have to agree with the OP. Hell is just the absence or nonpresence of God.
Furthermore, hell can be experienced in this very Earth when we choose to. |
If God created everything he obviously created evil. If God can do anything then he can look upon sin. If he did not create Evil and he cannot look upon sin then he is not the creator of everything and he cannot do all things. He has a limit. |
If God created everything he obviously created evil. If God can do anything then he can look upon sin. If he did not create Evil and he cannot look upon sin then he is not the creator of everything and he cannot do all things. He has a limit. He created all which is good my friend. No further argument cause you know what you know, and i know what I know. I hope u r doing ok, though. |
What is your take on Hell? I grew up being taught that Hell is all fire, brimstone, suffering, and evil. Now as an adult, I wonder if Satan isn't so much a "master of evil" but more the guy God appointed to watch over and run Hell. I also wonder if Hell is as "forever" as many religions preach. Maybe the lake of fire is more a means to cleanse the soul of sin before going to Heaven or even trying again on Earth. If God created it all, then he created evil, Hell, and Satan. He could easily destroy it all with a blink of his eye. Hence why I can't imagine things being a "Holy War of Good and Evil". The winner is already there. |
Genesis 3:4-5.
And the serpent said unto the woman, You shall not certainly die ; For God does know that in the day you eat of it, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. something was buggin' and triflin' Isaiah 45: all |
if fire is physical and only effect physical things then how can it effect the dead that's suposely spiritual ...
so will the dead actually experience the fires of hell or just the illusion that there is a fire as their own pre-programmed religious thoughts condemn them to a self-induced pugatory |
As a child I was told that Hell is the place where the devil lives and is a fiery pit of flames and torture. As an adult someone gave me a different perspective. They said that because God is love and the source of everything good and since God cannot be in the presence of sin, it stands to reason that Hell is actually the ABSENCE of ANYTHING good. I found that scarier than the fiery pit of flames and torture. Does anyone know if there is any Biblical basis for the later? Which do you think is scarier? What is your take on Hell? living with my x. |
im a diest - that believes god is the creative force but does not interfere or interact with his creation - as for religion - i believe as someone said - that is is an opiate for the masses.
I have to agree with the OP. Hell is just the absence or nonpresence of God. Furthermore, hell can be experienced in this very Earth when we choose to. I agree and on a lighter note... for me it would be to be sitting in a room with Country Music blaring, and no way to get out. ![]() |
Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people. Karl Heinrich Marx
God CANNOT look upon Sin !!!!!
That's the silliest thing I ever heard. An all-powerful God who can't look upon sin? Then how does he know when sins are being committed? This seems totally unreasonable to me. I always tell people that if they don't want God spying on them whilst they're have sex then just don't get married because God can't look upon sin and sex outside of marriage is a sin. ![]() Obviously God won't even know it's going on because he's not allowed to look. ![]() This has to be the most unreasonable thing I've ever heard. I thought that with God all things are possible. I guess not. God can't even look upon sin! Clearly not an all-powerful God then. ![]() |
If God created everything he obviously created evil. If God can do anything then he can look upon sin. If he did not create Evil and he cannot look upon sin then he is not the creator of everything and he cannot do all things. He has a limit. The biblical mythology is full of "Have your cake and eat it too". In other words,…. it's unreasonably self-inconsistent and logically contradictive. It's a story about a supposedly all-powerful, all-loving, all-wise, and all-perfect God who clearly doesn't have any of these characteristics. ![]() |
If god cannot look upon sin then he cannot look upon us, for there is not a sinless person in this universe.
"Sin" and "Evil" are words used and defined by religious doctrine.
I understand what they are supposed to mean but sometimes they are ambiguous and subject to a personal interpretation and opinion of what they are. People at war always consider their enemy to be "evil." JB |
living with my x. LMAO!!! ![]() |
Hell, is not being able to step through my computer screen into Jeanniebean's living room.
Evil, is what would result if I could. ![]() Sin, is what Christians would call it as they gossip about the event. ![]() Pantheists would know that it was actually Heavenly. ![]() Funches would deny it ever happened. Miguel would explain that it doesn't happen to everyone. Spider would quote a scripture where it happened in the Bible. Miles, would offer interpretations that differ from what actually occurred. MorningSong would bless the event and ask God to save all who were involved. Reverend Rabbit would say that it was just an act of love and God wasn't involved at all. Abra would write a song about it. Smiless would make a game out of it. S1owhand would have something clever to say about it. Just Say Hi, would change their name over it. Dragoness would just lay there comfortably and take it all in. Lurch's Sister would write a poem about it. YellowRose would explain to everyone how she personally feels about it. Artgurl and CreativeSoul would be too busy to know it even happened. Life would go on. As it always does. ![]() |
"Sin" and "Evil" are words used and defined by religious doctrine. I understand what they are supposed to mean but sometimes they are ambiguous and subject to a personal interpretation and opinion of what they are. People at war always consider their enemy to be "evil." JB Evil Morally bad or wrong; If "evil" is doing something morally wrong and is "used and defined by religious doctrine", does that mean those who are non-religous are amoral? If not, then doesn't that mean that "evil" has a meaning and is used outside of religious doctrine? |
"Sin" and "Evil" are words used and defined by religious doctrine. I understand what they are supposed to mean but sometimes they are ambiguous and subject to a personal interpretation and opinion of what they are. People at war always consider their enemy to be "evil." JB Evil Morally bad or wrong; If "evil" is doing something morally wrong and is "used and defined by religious doctrine", does that mean those who are non-religous are amoral? If not, then doesn't that mean that "evil" has a meaning and is used outside of religious doctrine? Certainly not. Moral and amoral is all a matter of opinion which are usually shaped by religious doctrines. So, even morals are essentially defined by religious doctrine. Even the terms "right and wrong" are opinions of society. If a society is influenced by certain religions, (which most are) then even "right and wrong" are subject to influence by religious doctrine. If there were no concept of God or religion, there would be no use for the words "evil or sin." JB |
hell for me would be life without chocolate or men....and maybe my cigarettes
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