Topic: 1st Lt. Watada court martial
Marie55's photo
Tue 02/06/07 12:08 AM
Lt. Watada's court martial started today for his refusing to ship out to
Iraq, because he believes the war to be illegal and has other issues
with it. There are major demonstrations going on outside Fort Lewis
here in Tacoma, WA, and even Sean Penn attended a local rally last night
in town.

I understand his issues and why he doesn't want to go to Iraq, but am
somewhat confused in that he enlisted AFTER the war in Iraq had started.
Why would he enlist after the war was started and then refuse to go

He is facing 4 years in prison and a dishonorable discharge. Just
curious if anyone outside Washington State is aware or watching this.
There is actually a website about him too.

no photo
Tue 02/06/07 06:55 AM
I read about this and it makes me angry that he enlisted AFTER the war
had started and is now disgracing the service this way.
And who would want to run around for the rest of your life with a
dishonorable discharge on their record?

People need to think before they take something this serious and just to
make an issue out of it.

karmafury's photo
Tue 02/06/07 07:25 AM
It's wanting the benefits with doing the duty.To join the Armed Forces
during a time of conflict and refuse to do your duty, refuse to carry
through on an oath you took of your free will is nothing short of

Cybear's photo
Tue 02/06/07 09:07 AM
I'll second Karma's comment.He's a coward and a disgrace to my uniform
and my Country.He signed completely voluntarily into the U.S.Military
Forces with no sign or element of cohesion.Legally under UCMJ law you
are owned lock,stock and barrel for the entirety of your obligation that
signed off on.You are given complete documents and beforehand knowledge
of your responsibilities and rights to be respected and served out for
the duration of said military contract.And by no means will he able to
play out the religious~conscientious play card because this is not a
draft situation.He even had before hand knowledge that our country
servicemen were currently serving in two hostile regions.Either 1)He
will be shipped to Iraq effective immediately upon completion of ruling
and will serve honorably and faithfully.2)He will serve the 4 years
prison time probably in Ft.Leavonswoth,Kansas.3)He will be Dishonorably
Discharged with no benefits and seen as a disgrace indefinitely;and
possibly serve the 4 yrs in addition to the Discharge.He Probably
enlisted with the intentions of reaping the GI bill benefits;but thought
he could avoid any direct military combat.Lt.Watada is definitely a
Coward and a Disgrace to our beloved Country.Submitted by Cybear{101st
Airborne Soldier}Until there is Peace.Amen!

Marie55's photo
Tue 02/06/07 12:04 PM
That is the part that gets me, he knew there was a war going when he
enlisted, you would think he would know that would mean he would likely
be deployed. Now he is trying to argue that the war is illegal. Anyway,
suspect he is going to lose this one and do time.

Gryphyn's photo
Tue 02/06/07 12:57 PM
Lets look at this a moment. This person signed a contract with the U.S.
government to support the constitution and the bill of rights, then
decides he does not wish to honor this contract that he signed? It
sounds to me he is in the wrong here, by the laws I know of a signed
contract not written or signed under duress is considered a legal
document, and in that case wouldn't the U.S. government have just cause
to apply for punitive damages and attorney fees if this person is found

I often wonder how stupid people really are at times and the extent they
will go to, to try and break the law. I am amazed, simply amazed. Is
this another tree hugger in disguise?



Fanta46's photo
Sat 02/10/07 04:51 PM
maybe Im wrong, but hasnt he already served one tour in Iraq?

Fanta46's photo
Sat 02/10/07 04:52 PM
Not that it really matters, He should go or resign his commission!

FedMan's photo
Sat 02/10/07 06:07 PM
Does not metter when a person enlists, the fact is they are enlisting
into the military service and going into a combat zone will very likely
be something they will face at some point during their enlistment. If
you do not want to go, then do not enlist.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 02/10/07 06:35 PM
cant an officer resign his commision after a time Fedman, Its been a
long time since I served, but seems to me they can, but your right he
should go or resign his commission! No arguement there. He is a 1st luey
though, not enlisted!

Fanta46's photo
Sat 02/10/07 06:47 PM
LOL, dummy me I guess he has not reached his commitment or they would
not be court martialing him! DAAaaa

If they had not quit shooting them we would not have this problem, would

Of course all those Vietnam draft dodgers who went to Canada, would be
dead instead of presidents and senators!!

Them there are the women, who refused to go because they had children!

Fanta46's photo
Sat 02/10/07 06:49 PM
and what was the basketball player that quit for the NBA,
remember Robinson, David!