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carold's photo
Sun 08/03/08 06:35 AM

Gonna be working in the house today, weeding out a whole bunch of stuff. Busy day
I bet getting everything organized for the 2 you. Don't want to move lol

flame1cutie's photo
Sun 08/03/08 06:42 AM
Not just that I'm throwing stuff away that I have kept since my divorce in a box. Going through it and chucking it, don't want it around

carold's photo
Sun 08/03/08 07:01 AM
Not just that I'm throwing stuff away that I have kept since my divorce in a box. Going through it and chucking it, don't want it around
I can understand that.biggrin

no photo
Sun 08/03/08 08:25 AM
good luck with that flame. i'm here for u for moral support. I remember that all too well. Needed friends to help get me through that sort.

Just relaxing the rest of the day, doing little things around the house, maybe get company later:tongue:

flame1cutie's photo
Sun 08/03/08 08:40 AM
Edited by flame1cutie on Sun 08/03/08 08:41 AM
Ive had the boxes of stuff for over 10 yrs just never went through them. My daughter's here helping me to get rid of all of it. If I need you you will be the first one to hear me hollerlaugh

no photo
Sun 08/03/08 08:41 AM
Glad to hear ur daughter's there to help.

flame1cutie's photo
Sun 08/03/08 08:44 AM
It's just stuff I didn't want to face, but it's time to get er donelaugh

no photo
Sun 08/03/08 02:59 PM
how'd that project go?

flame1cutie's photo
Sun 08/03/08 03:04 PM
Edited by flame1cutie on Sun 08/03/08 03:04 PM
Got it all taken care of, all gone!!! feel a whole lot better nowbigsmile

oldsage's photo
Mon 08/04/08 04:02 AM
Flame, I have been doing the same thing for past 8 yrs. Just keep getting rid of stuff, that really just doesn't matter.

Today, dumping stumps at recycle center, they take all yard waste at a penny a pound. Adjuster coming to look at my roof. Got to get water line finished to building & start watering the grass around it.

no photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:10 AM
hope to finish up the car deal today. also working on a shed project.

carold's photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:14 AM
Looks like we might have a strom coming in tonight off the Gulf.

no photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:15 AM
haven't been watching the weather. is it supposed to be heavy?

carold's photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:34 AM

haven't been watching the weather. is it supposed to be heavy?
Me either a friend just told me. Will see half the time they are always scaring us on the news but you never know.Going to check out news before I leave for work.

flame1cutie's photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:58 AM
Got a bad one coming in here this afternoonfrown

bonniebelle's photo
Tue 08/05/08 12:08 AM
3 ladies here expecting storms. better not let that banana rain dancing chic now about it, she might show up for a large hot cup of coffee w/lots of cream & walk around looking for puddle play drinks :banana: bigsmile
notorious puddle loverhuh :banana:
glasses laugh laugh laugh

bonniebelle's photo
Tue 08/05/08 12:08 AM
3 ladies here expecting storms. better not let that banana rain dancing chic now about it, she might show up for a large hot cup of coffee w/lots of cream & walk around looking for puddle play drinks :banana: bigsmile
notorious puddle loverhuh :banana:
glasses laugh laugh laugh

bonniebelle's photo
Tue 08/05/08 12:08 AM
3 ladies here expecting storms. better not let that banana rain dancing chic now about it, she might show up for a large hot cup of coffee w/lots of cream & walk around looking for puddle play drinks :banana: bigsmile
notorious puddle loverhuh :banana:
glasses laugh laugh laugh

bonniebelle's photo
Tue 08/05/08 12:38 AM
computer is dragging ended up posting a triple. that is "know about it", not "now about it." duh rofl

no photo
Tue 08/05/08 06:22 AM
Busy morning. Contractors already here, need to check on borough zoning ordinances, mom stopping by for a visit, order shed, fireworks tonight.

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