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Topic: Could you tell me...
Jill298's photo
Sat 05/10/08 07:41 AM
I just like to meet people doing things that I enjoy doing, then right from the start we have things in common. For example, I love book stores, trail hiking, and yes the occasional bars drinker

RoamingOrator's photo
Sat 05/10/08 07:47 AM

I don't have anybody to hang with. My only friend's are from work. Everybody has their own live's going on so, it's hard to make real friend's on the outside of work. I went to a bar I've shot pool at(with now ex bf) by myself. Haven't done that in a few yr's. It was NO FUN.

I haven't been to Colorado in three years. You want to go to Denver and shoot some pool over at Pinky's on Leedsdale?
Sound's good! But, I won't be losing on purpose. I don't go out by myself to shoot hence, haven't been doing so at all.

I have a table at home, but my den's not big enough so you have to tilt the cue in corners. Hence I'm good at jump shots, but lousy at regular shots.

RoamingOrator's photo
Sat 05/10/08 07:49 AM

I just like to meet people doing things that I enjoy doing, then right from the start we have things in common. For example, I love book stores, trail hiking, and yes the occasional bars drinker

Bookstores and trail hiking, look for me next time your out, we'll hang

Jill298's photo
Sat 05/10/08 07:50 AM

I just like to meet people doing things that I enjoy doing, then right from the start we have things in common. For example, I love book stores, trail hiking, and yes the occasional bars drinker

Bookstores and trail hiking, look for me next time your out, we'll hang
laugh laugh it's not likely I would bump into you on a trail in IL since you're in Kansas:wink:

RoamingOrator's photo
Sat 05/10/08 07:56 AM

laugh laugh it's not likely I would bump into you on a trail in IL since you're in Kansas:wink:

Actually you'd be might be suprised. ;)

Jill298's photo
Sat 05/10/08 07:59 AM

laugh laugh it's not likely I would bump into you on a trail in IL since you're in Kansas:wink:

Actually you'd be might be suprised. ;)
one of my fav places to go is the Maquoketa caves in Iowa... look it up, it's a cool place if you are ever lookin for something new

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 05/10/08 08:02 AM
If I wanted to meet someone I would go to a library or a local community event (the local college holds several). Though I'm not currently looking for anyone, so I go to the bar get hit on by some random girl that likes the style of my hair and go home.smokin

Jill298's photo
Sat 05/10/08 08:04 AM

If I wanted to meet someone I would go to a library or a local community event (the local college holds several). Though I'm not currently looking for anyone, so I go to the bar get hit on by some random girl that likes the style of my hair and go home.smokin
laugh drinker drinker

RoamingOrator's photo
Sat 05/10/08 08:04 AM

laugh laugh it's not likely I would bump into you on a trail in IL since you're in Kansas:wink:

Actually you'd be might be suprised. ;)
one of my fav places to go is the Maquoketa caves in Iowa... look it up, it's a cool place if you are ever lookin for something new

always looking for something new

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