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Topic: Guess...
writer_gurl's photo
Thu 05/08/08 11:56 PM

look at the all the desperate women

Desperate???noway ,I'm just here for something to do

no photo
Thu 05/08/08 11:58 PM
ummmmm..............your a sittin.....nakerd in the bean bag...

eatin cheeto's??????????????


EtherealEmbers's photo
Thu 05/08/08 11:58 PM

angelface, why on earth are you teasing everyone with whatsherface's pictures? laugh Use your own, you're a hottie laugh :tongue:

This is me...lol about 4 years ago...

I meant the pic of that one artist chick I can't remember the name of right now... the one you deleted :wink:

no photo
Fri 05/09/08 12:10 AM

angelface, why on earth are you teasing everyone with whatsherface's pictures? laugh Use your own, you're a hottie laugh :tongue:

This is me...lol about 4 years ago...

I meant the pic of that one artist chick I can't remember the name of right now... the one you deleted :wink:

Sorry babe..I uploaded the wrong oneflowerforyou

EtherealEmbers's photo
Fri 05/09/08 12:40 AM
holy moly.. my eyes!! my eyes!!

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