Topic: my point of view... | |
any man that tells me god is not real i will believe if he can at least make one single blade of grass himself....until then i cannot believe that everything NOT man made was by happenstance I can do you one better. My ancestors made your God. Yes, our ancestors made the false image of God that so many people worship today. But just becasue they made this false image doesn't imply that a real God does not exist. ![]() |
...of yesterday and today's events in these forums. 1) Yesterday I saw a post which basically said that it's ok for people to have beliefs as long as these beliefs are not publicly expressed. Furthermore, if for any reason these beliefs are expressed people who express them must be ready to show with reason why those beliefs should be truth. My answer: First of all, and just from a simple basic natural law. If I'm being forced not to express my beliefs this just go against my basic right of self expression which is just wrong. Second of all, if I'm an atheist and if I'm walking down the street and I pass by a church ofcourse I won't get in. The same applies in this forum. All of us know who is who. So if I'm an atheist and I see TLW who is crazy fanatic posting something ofcourse I'm not even going to read. Third of all, how am I going to give a reasonable explanation with regard of my beliefs if certain nonbeliever does not have the open mind to read and respect my explanations rather he/she always is in a defensive mode trying to diminish every single reason I gave about what I believe. Therefore, let's not claim innocense if inherently we are attacking other's beliefs (not just christianity.) 2) Today, a thread claiming that the debates held in this forum are not being held in an adult manner. My answer: It works both ways. Believers and nonbelievers are guilty in the same amount. I don't say more about this because each one knows each one. A final conclusion: As long as the dialogue is just exchange of ideas why I think a belief system is correct or not I will debate. However, I have stated too many times (and I won't get tired) whenever I see a derogatory or a ridicule agenda I will say something. TLW Again another good point. I thought spiders was good too, but it was apparent that people took it the wrong way. I think people had the impression he was attacking the atheist side and I think he meant both sides. Both sides should express their opinions, have respect for each others believes, promote the sharing of ideas, and try and hold back any intolerant remarks. Your living in a dream world then Chaz cause he named names and they were all on one side. There was nothig equal about it. He named names, yes. He however, didn't state that those were the only people involved. If you want to assume that you know everything thats going through another persons mind that is fine. I don't like to pretend I know what others are thinking so I give them the benefit of the doubt. I didn't have to pretend. He wrote it out. He gave example, with modifiers like, such as. If I said there are rich people like Bill Gate does that mean that only Bill Gates is rich? The people he mentioned did do what he was talking about, some more often then other. Some do apologize when they realize they offend someone. Yes there are others that he didn't mention that do the same things that are on the other side of the argument. Truth be told, he actually did make a good point. People should act like adults, and all people did was give him hell for posting that. People even gave me a hard time when all I said was that people should respect one another's opinions. |
i keep failing. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Keep chipping away at it Miguel, eventually you'll become a master quoter. ![]() In the meantime, I was fully able to understand your poorly quoted post. ![]() ![]() |
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Fri 05/09/08 10:31 AM
They will never comprehend a simple truth like that. A lot of people need God Reverend Rabbit. They need to know that there is something more than just what they see around them. They seek to know that they are something more than just a bag of atoms that came together by pure happenstance. And if they have a creator, then want to worship it, not because it is demanding that they do so, but to simply honor it and show it that they truly appreciate what it has created for them. To ask people who need to know their creator to become total atheists is like trying to ask someone who is a great romantic and has a deep-seated need to love and interact with others to spend their entire life in solitary confinement. Some people need to know God. And that’s admirable. It doesn’t need to come down to a decision of whether or not to be an theist or atheist. The real question is,… Can those who need to be theists genuinely come to know God? And do ancient pictures of gods have any validity? Or are they are all grossly mistaken? And if they are, then what is the true nature of God? I have pondered all of these questions in great depth, and I have found my answer in pantheism. I would love to share this picture with the world. But it’s quite difficult in light of the vehement resistance of those who would perpetuation ancient mythologies at all cost. Sad really. ![]() The ones who need God will believe and feel the joy in that and the ones who don't will savor and accept life for what it is to them. One is not right and the other wrong. My point is that to argue about the existence of God is a waste of time. You either believe it or you choose not to believe it. Let those who believe, believe and live their life according to what they believe. Let those who do not, live in peace. Why argue the existence of God? That was my point. But if you like to argue, have fun. I like to debate and discus beliefs, but in some cases, it is not worth the squabble. JB |
sweet ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The real question is,… Can those who need to be theists genuinely come to know God? And do ancient pictures of gods have any validity? Or are they are all grossly mistaken? And if they are, then what is the true nature of God?
It does not matter if they are grossly mistaken. All paths lead to God. It is when the realization that God is Love dawns on them that they come to know God. We have many incarnations to learn the truth. There is no such thing as true death. I have pondered all of these questions in great depth, and I have found my answer in pantheism. I would love to share this picture with the world. But it’s quite difficult in light of the vehement resistance of those who would perpetuation ancient mythologies at all cost. Sad really. frown
Share to those who are receptive and inquisitive. Don't try to share or preach to those who are on another path, because if you do then you are intruding into their core belief system. Again, it does not matter who is right or who is wrong, what is true or what is a lie. Humans will alway seek answers and they will always seek truth and they shall find it for themselves when they are ready. All paths lead to God because there is no where else to go. There is only God. JB |
It does not matter if they are grossly mistaken.
I would beg to differ with this. If what they believing in is a false doctrine that is causing humanity much angst in general. Then would it not matter? Would it not be in the best interest of humanity to unveil the falsity of the doctrines that is pitting man against man in the name of God? You had stated that you had fallen for the teachings of a false cult. You were able to escape it on your own. But had you not done that would you not ultimately have appreciated someone else’s help in opening your eyes to the folly? Again, it does not matter who is right or who is wrong, what is true or what is a lie.
Tell that to the proselytizers of dogmatic religions that only serve to pit man against man and nation against nation. |
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Fri 05/09/08 12:40 PM
It does not matter if they are grossly mistaken.
I would beg to differ with this. If what they believing in is a false doctrine that is causing humanity much angst in general. Then would it not matter? Would it not be in the best interest of humanity to unveil the falsity of the doctrines that is pitting man against man in the name of God? You had stated that you had fallen for the teachings of a false cult. You were able to escape it on your own. But had you not done that would you not ultimately have appreciated someone else’s help in opening your eyes to the folly? While I was involved with the false teachings of Eckankar, many Christians did attempt to tell me I was wrong and many were offended by my spreading of this false teaching. Arguments resulted, as I defended my strongly held belief. I look back on it now and look at it as two fools arguing over two false doctrines. Neither would budge from their position. Certainly not me, for I believed I was right and they were wrong. Certainly not them, for they believed they were right and that I was wrong. Their beliefs told them that I was following Satan, and Eckankar actually taught that Christianity unknowingly worships Satan. Looking back on those times, make me realize what a futile waste of time and energy that was. No amount of so-called "proof" or witnessing would budge me from my position. It was the same with them. I had even heard about a book that exposed Eckankar for the fraud it was, but was told not to read it and that it was propaganda from those who seek to destroy the true path to God. So no, I did not appreciate their efforts. I left Eckankar when I felt the heavy hand of cult manipulation and control upon me when higher initiates started telling me what I could say about Eckankar to the public and requiring certain training to even teach classes. There were too many do's and don't and I was beginning to feel I was being told how to live my life. Even the later book that came out called "Confessions of a God Seeker." was simply information that came after the fact. I had already abandoned the cult and freed myself People cannot be freed from what enslaves them, they must free themselves. Again, it does not matter who is right or who is wrong, what is true or what is a lie.
Tell that to the proselytizers of dogmatic religions that only serve to pit man against man and nation against nation.
I happen to believe that if world leaders would leave people alone there would be no wars. They use religion to pit one against the other. They set these things up on purpose. The Church and other organizations like foundations, governments etc. have been infiltrated with people who use these organizations for their own selfish agenda of world domination. It is not the people of the world that want war. It is the few who seek to dominate the earth and form a one world government that have infiltrated all countries and governments and religions like a snake in order to cause strife and discord. This snake is talked about in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and describes the entire process. These are the bloodlines of the non-human and their supporters. These are not the Jewish people, they are the ones who claim to be jews but are not. They are like the ones who claim to be Christians but are not. They are the ones who claim to be for America but are not, and are for the formation of a one world government. They want us to fight and kill each other. They incite riots and wars and pit people against each other and nation against nation. They spread lies and propaganda, ignorance and fear. This earth game is a battle for world domination. It is the game. There are two sides. One is human and the other is not. You cannot tell the difference, by their appearance~~ you can only know them by their deeds. JB P.S. There is a "THEY" and they are out to get us. |
I had even heard about a book that exposed Eckankar for the fraud it was, but was told not to read it and that it was propaganda from those who seek to destroy the true path to God.
One point I would like to make here is that this Echankar religion you refer to really doesn’t appear to be much differnet in it’s fundamental ideas from Christianity. Being that it has the same basic idea there are people (or evil forces) who are out to destroy the true path to God. In fact, if Echankar taught that Satan is behind Christianity, then all Echankar really amounted to is a believe in the biblical God (and Satan, etc), but simply believed that the biblical doctrine had either been fabricated or corrupted by Satan. When I speak of something like pantheism, I’m not even talking about a ‘competing dogma’. Pantheism does not say that any path is ‘wrong’. On the contrary from a spiritual point of view, God doesn’t even care what people believe in a spiritual sense. All paths lead to God. Or put another way,… all souls return to God no matter what they might have believed or what they might have done. This is something a lot of people don’t seem to realize. I am not preaching pantheism! Pantheism is not the kind of religion that needs to be preached. In fact, it’s not a ‘religion’ at all in that sense. This is why I often say that it’s just an understanding of the true nature of God. It’s not a doctrine. I’m merely a humanitarian who is attempting to enlighten people to this very truth. My purpose is not to ‘sell’ pantheism, but rather to unveil the untruths of ancient archaic religions. I have personally realized that pantheism is the correct picture of God. This isn’t a ‘belief’. Pantheism is true whether I choose to be a theist or an atheist. Pantheism doesn’t say, “There is a God” All pantheism says is, “If there is a God, then this is what God must be like” You can understand pantheism whether you are a theist or an atheist and benefit from its wisdom either way. However, I warn atheists! Once you truly understand what pantheism is saying you will come to the realization that God exists. It won’t be a choice. You’re eyes will be opened to the fact that it has to be true. However, there is nothing in the pantheistic view that pits man against man, or nation against nation. And isn’t that what God should truly be like? ![]() |
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Fri 05/09/08 01:59 PM
One point I would like to make here is that this Echankar religion you refer to really doesn’t appear to be much different in it’s fundamental ideas from Christianity. Being that it has the same basic idea there are people (or evil forces) who are out to destroy the true path to God.
In fact, if Echankar taught that Satan is behind Christianity, then all Echankar really amounted to is a believe in the biblical God (and Satan, etc), but simply believed that the biblical doctrine had either been fabricated or corrupted by Satan. This is true. Eckankar taught that there was a god of the lower worlds that ruled this earth and that it had two faces. One was good and one was evil.... a two faced god. This two faced god was called Kal Niranjan or something like that. (I don't remember the spelling of the last name.) This was the god of this world, or the equivalent to Satan and was the god that all religions worshiped. The difference is that Eckankar had a "living Master" and not a dead one like Christianity. This living master was the representation of God on earth and the main leader of Eckankar and the spiritual guide to all Eckists, and took the roll that Jesus plays in Christianity. Eckists were first told not to worship the Master, but they did in a sense. The master demanded obedience. \ The teaching of Eckankar was all about contemplation and getting out of the body and exploring the inner worlds, but they were not very successful teaching people to do this. (Robert Monroe and the Monroe institute is a better place to learn this skill.) Many people never did learn how to do out of body projections or soul travel and so they felt bad about that, thinking that they just weren't spiritually in tune or advanced enough. Many of these people went about acting like they were high on fairy dust. It is a feeling that they and they alone know the truth to the key to the universe of God. It is an infatuation with the idea that they have a relationship with the true master. But in many ways Eckankar was the same kind of religion as Christianity except they had a living master, and they claimed to be teaching their chelas how to get out of their body and experience God in person. JB |
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Fri 05/09/08 01:36 PM
Perhaps all these religions that we mention is nothing more then imagination from scholars who wanted to create great stories for us to enjoy ourselves in. Later some clever people took those ideas and created ways for us to believe they were true events to profit from them.
Whatever the choices or beliefs we have, I feel we will never know in my opinion. It is too complex for anybody to understand. Even Einstein as of great scholars have struggled to try to figure out if their is a god or not. Unfortunately they died not knowing. If anything if you want to feel that there is another force of good out there to soothe your soul then please by all means for it means you will be more pleasant to be around with in the future. ![]() It will be a great mystery and we are all agnostic rather we want to admit it or violently disagree that we aren't. |
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Fri 05/09/08 01:47 PM
Perhaps all these religions that we mention is nothing more then imagination from scholars who wanted to create great stories for us to enjoy ourselves in. Later some clever people took those ideas and created ways for us to believe they were true events to profit from them. Whatever the choices or beliefs we have, I feel we will never know in my opinion. It is too complex for anybody to understand. Even Einstein as of great scholars have struggled to try to figure out if their is a god or not. Unfortunately they died not knowing. If anything if you want to feel that there is another force of good out there to soothe your soul then please by all means for it means you will be more pleasant to be around with in the future. ![]() It will be a great mystery and we are all agnostic rather we want to admit it or violently disagree that we aren't. I read once that anything that we can imagine exists, for all that we imagine can exist because we are the creators and our thoughts are manifested in this dream-like holographic reality. That which we cannot imagine cannot exist. Plain and simple. JB IMAGINATION RULES THE WORLD! |
Whatever the choices or beliefs we have, I feel we will never know in my opinion. It is too complex for anybody to understand. Even Einstein as of great scholars have struggled to try to figure out if their is a god or not. Unfortunately they died not knowing.
Actually many great scholars including Albert Einstein have come to the same conclusion that I try to share in spite of the resistance to it. And that is that, if there is a God, it most certainly isn’t described by the Biblical picture. Actually Einstein believed precisely what I attempt to convey on the forums. That if there is a God, pantheism mostly likely is the correct picture that describes it. Einstein actually referred to Buddhism as being the best picture of God thus far. (Buddhism is a pantheist view by the way). However, personally don’t even like to get that specific when discussion pantheism. I think the worst thing we could do to the pantheistic view is to associate with any kind of manmade ‘dogma’ (or doctrine) of any kind. It will be a great mystery and we are all agnostic rather we want to admit it or violently disagree that we aren't.
I am also in COMPLETE agreement with you on this point. Even to think of pantheism in terms of a ‘religion’ requires FAITH. There is nothing in the pantheistic view that proves the existence of any intelligent godhead. Pantheism and Christianity, (both) begin with the assumptions premise that in the beginning God exists. However, I would like to add that the pantheistic view holds value even if a person chooses to view it atheistically. It still says that we all arose from a single source, we all are children of the universe, we all came out of it, we all return to it, and we are all part of something bigger, and we are all related. Those things are all true whether one want to assign this to an intellectual supreme being, or pure happenstance. So the pantheistic view isn’t just for breakfast anymore. ![]() It’s also for lunch, dinner, and for servings at atheistic parties. ![]() |
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Fri 05/09/08 02:12 PM
I read once that anything that we can imagine exists, for all that we imagine can exist because we are the creators and our thoughts are manifested in this dream-like holographic reality. That which we cannot imagine cannot exist. Plain and simple. JB IMAGINATION RULES THE WORLD! I'm in total agreement with this. ![]() This veiw is compatible with pantheism. ![]() And for someone who isn't a pantheist salesman I sure as hell sound like one huh? ![]() I do believe that pantheism is true, beautiful, and compatible with much more than people realize. I would also suggest that there are places within the Bible that imply that the world is created via our imagination. Both in the Old and the New Testament. |
I read once that anything that we can imagine exists, for all that we imagine can exist because we are the creators and our thoughts are manifested in this dream-like holographic reality. That which we cannot imagine cannot exist. Plain and simple. JB IMAGINATION RULES THE WORLD! I'm in total agreement with this. ![]() This veiw is compatible with pantheism. ![]() And for someone who isn't a pantheist salesman I sure as hell sound like one huh? ![]() I do believe that pantheism is true, beautiful, and compatible with much more than people realize. I would also suggest that there are places within the Bible that imply that the world is created via our imagination. Both in the Old and the New Testament. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
To argue the belief in God is silly and a waste of time. What you want to do is forget about that argument and worship life. You have been put here to experience life, to learn and grow. If you don't believe in a God, it does not matter. You are alive! That is all you really know. You exist, and that alone is a great miracle! Use this life the best you can and look around you. You can see and touch and feel and taste! You can choose what you will do with your time. That is the most precious thing. The time and the life and how you spend it. JB yes, yes. all that is very nice my sweet lady. however, lovely what is beyond. I agree is waste of time arguing about God. Everybody has its own position in this issue. That is why I have taken another approach. I'm going to share my experiences maybe and just maybe somebody can get some hope out of my sharing. As long as humans have an ego bigger than the planet there is no point to argue because if my point is not respected then there is no sense in arguing. To argue is just to inform the other party the way i think. |
To argue the belief in God is silly and a waste of time. What you want to do is forget about that argument and worship life. You have been put here to experience life, to learn and grow. If you don't believe in a God, it does not matter. You are alive! That is all you really know. You exist, and that alone is a great miracle! Use this life the best you can and look around you. You can see and touch and feel and taste! You can choose what you will do with your time. That is the most precious thing. The time and the life and how you spend it. JB yes, yes. all that is very nice my sweet lady. however, lovely what is beyond. I agree is waste of time arguing about God. Everybody has its own position in this issue. That is why I have taken another approach. I'm going to share my experiences maybe and just maybe somebody can get some hope out of my sharing. As long as humans have an ego bigger than the planet there is no point to argue because if my point is not respected then there is no sense in arguing. To argue is just to inform the other party the way i think. To give hope to the hopeless is a good thing. Good luck. ![]() |
Not even hope. if I just can put a smile in a person's face, i think i have accomplish a lot.
Not even hope. if I just can put a smile in a person's face, i think i have accomplish a lot. You have put a smile on my face quite a few times. ![]() |
Not even hope. if I just can put a smile in a person's face, i think i have accomplish a lot. You have put a smile on my face quite a few times. ![]() aw ![]() I'm glad. |