Topic: McCain won't rule out preemptive war. | |
I'm all for hitting first if the intelligence says that the likelihood is high that we are going to be attacked. If Iran or North Korea develops the means to get a nuke to the USA and we find out about it and DON'T do something. That would be the crime. The government's MAIN purpose is to protect Americans from the threat of attack from foreign forces. Not doing such a swell job on the borders now are they? Razor wire fences and a gun tower every 500 yards along with a "shoot to kill" order would eliminate illegal immigration within days and it wouldn't even be considered preemptive. Not knowing who is coming here via Mexico is the biggest threat we have right now. Survey says... EEEEEHHHHHHNNNNTTTT! The governments oath is to the Constitution of the United states! N. Korea already has the bomb, all they need is the proper ICBM delivery system and you can call an end to that rhetoric. For some stupid reason, Iran having a Nuke, is more scary than russia having enough to wipe out the world? Whatever, people. We stood down the Soviets, at the same time we finacially and militarily armed what is now Al Qaeda. Why now are we so frightened of what might end up in Iran, especially when they don't even have that weapon and the IEAE claim that it's been nothing but peaceful energy developemnet? Buy into that neocon propaganda hardcore now, because jumpinng ship later might get you sent to a fema camp. If you want to secure the border, stop sending the border patrol to Iraq... in fact, why don't we just bring our people home and start runnning a rotating schedule... keeping 50000 troops on our most easily infiltrated border? Oh... but that would be directly against the final goal of the SPP wouldn't it? So much for Bush Co. being conservative... since our borders and ports mean nothing and seem to be for sale. |
McCain is the worst of the three offered. He meant that chit about a 100 year war, tried to fudge on it but he meant it. He wants to just blow up everybody for revenge of his time in the POW camp. He is mad about it, he even admits he has anger control issues. ![]() ![]() I love how you say he's the worst of three offered, when the other said they would obliterate Iran, and the other advocated full-on nation building in Pakistan. |
McCain is the worst of the three offered. He meant that chit about a 100 year war, tried to fudge on it but he meant it. He wants to just blow up everybody for revenge of his time in the POW camp. He is mad about it, he even admits he has anger control issues. ![]() ![]() I love how you say he's the worst of three offered, when the other said they would obliterate Iran, and the other advocated full-on nation building in Pakistan. ![]() ![]() |
Frankly i am a little sick and tired of people choosing sides. Republicans or democrats. They both have their evils. Democrats are more for government expansion and control. The republicans like try a little too hard to bring in their personal beliefs making morals the law. . . . . then what do you suggest we have? a communist dictator. i believe our time for giving one man the power to rule over our greatest decisions should come to an end! americans should learn to make their own decisions |
Frankly i am a little sick and tired of people choosing sides. Republicans or democrats. They both have their evils. Democrats are more for government expansion and control. The republicans like try a little too hard to bring in their personal beliefs making morals the law. . . . . then what do you suggest we have? a communist dictator. i believe our time for giving one man the power to rule over our greatest decisions should come to an end! americans should learn to make their own decisions ok perhaps i should have worded it differently. I am against biased in any form. There are people that are hardcore democrat or hardcore republican that will never see bad in their own parties. And/or will see only bad in the other parties. They will not vote for someone specifically because they are republican. This is a biased point of view. It blinds us all. |
bring in their personal beliefs making morals the law. . . . .
your right. its wrong to be bias but thats what this country teaches us to be right. if u see the ballots it only allows u to vote within your party. . . . . when an elected official wins the majority vote, in florida for example 27 die hard republicans will be sent to washington to vote or if democrat wins majority then 27 die hard democrats will be sent to washington. thats how it is and its not right |
bring in their personal beliefs making morals the law. . . . .
your right. its wrong to be bias but thats what this country teaches us to be right. if u see the ballots it only allows u to vote within your party. . . . . when an elected official wins the majority vote, in florida for example 27 die hard republicans will be sent to washington to vote or if democrat wins majority then 27 die hard democrats will be sent to washington. thats how it is and its not right actually no that is not how it is with republicans for the most part yes but the dems do not give all the delegates to the majority winner ------- this article explains it somewhat |