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Topic: uuuggg
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Wed 05/07/08 04:19 PM
I just looked up Mandalay Bay. They have wheelchairs available for $15 and scooters for $40.

Jill298's photo
Wed 05/07/08 04:23 PM

I just looked up Mandalay Bay. They have wheelchairs available for $15 and scooters for $40.
you are super sweet... tyflowerforyou I'll call for one if I don't get any better

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Wed 05/07/08 04:25 PM
Make sure you have lots of fun.

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Wed 05/07/08 06:11 PM

so I'm in Vegas stuck in my room and my room mate is snoringgrumble grumble I can't really do anything cuz I got bit by some crazy desert critter and my foot is all swollen plus I don't need to donate any more $$$$ to the casinoslaugh but this kinda sucks, anyone got some duct tape I can borrow?

Hit the strip clubs. There are LOTS of them, you know? bigsmile

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