Topic: immortal memories
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Sat 05/03/08 04:21 AM
As I wait for the end, I sit back and remember. I remember the past, my past, the worlds past. I close my eyes and remember how each one of my lives ended. By the knife, the sword, or some other instrament of war all ended in death on the battlefield. Though I did die I do not hold a grudg against those who slew me, becouse I think back on all the lives I had taken in battle and think, "is it so bad that my life be taken from me one time when my victims shall have no second chance. Alas it has not been all war and death that I have endured. I also remember those I held close, and would have gladly died a thousand deaths for. Though I have long forgoten their names, the fealing that they gave me will always remain and through this they too will live forever. It is only recently that I have come to realize the sorce of my ...uniqueness. Though I know not exactly what I am, I know that I am derived from the shadows, and from the shadows was I given life. Throughout this life I have honed my abilities and sharpened my blade. Making ready for the day it all comes to an end. That time is now apon us. Most do not know nor do they want to see the truth, but the truth is there all the same. So for now I shall wait, with my memorys to keep me company. Watching, waiting, preparing, for yet another battle,...for yet another death.

-Shadow Walker