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Topic: Slavery and Involuntary Servitude
warmachine's photo
Sun 05/04/08 07:20 PM

Ah there you go again, the fascists were liberals, they were against the government that existed at the time and for change. As far as this being a liberal socialist issue it is. The left is the ones that keep whinning about too many people in prison people being imprisoned for victimless crimes. The liberal socialists had a majority in congress for years why didn't they change the laws. I totally agree that the war on drugs don't work, but it is still the law of the land and must be obeyed. If you obey the law you won't go to jail. If you break the law expect to suffer the consequences if you are caught. If you get caught breaking the law and get sent to jail, take it like a man, no pun intended, and quit whinning about it.

If you think there is no violence associated with drug use, take a look at all the violence that is involved in getting that weed to your lips. By buying and using drugs you condone that violence and help finance it.

So it's a liberal issue is it? So I guess that Governor of California who is releasing nonviolent drug offenders (granted thats more for his floundering budget) and passing decriminization legislation is a big screaming liberal? Oh, wait, It's GOP loving Arnie...

Socialists and Facsists are not the same creature, which is why Hitler blamed communists all the time in his lead up for war, kinda sounded just like BoyKing George, blaming Islamic Extremists everytime something goes wrong here.

As far as those Communis... I mean Liberals in charge of Congress, the end game is that they are all paid for by the same money powers that own your fun loving Neoconservatives, hell they're from the same group anyway.

When the "law of the land" is hypocritical, Immoral and in some cases, unconstitutional, We the People have the right to flip the bird at that law. For too long we've allowed lobbyists to design, push and pay for what becomes our law.
When you have corporations holding hands with the Government to create societal rule, guess what you have?

You show me a violent pothead... I've never met one and I've worked with kids with troubled homes, so you'd figure I'd have met me a potcrazed rapist by now. But lets not just make it about weed, when you use prohibition, you put the prohibited product into the hands of criminals.
If you think the pothead is condoning violence when he lights up, then every american who takes a drink of alcohol is doing the same, because it was the violence of the 20's prohibition that forced the Government to reconsider the prohibition laws, without them we would never had a Lucky Luciano or a Al Capone.

The violence stems from the turf wars, the "war" to get the product in, the war over who actually gets to sell the stuff (CIA), not to mention all the violence thats been perpetrated against innocent people over the new no-knock search warrants that have solved nothing. When you legalize them all, sell them at a heavily secured goverment regulated facility and slap a tax stamp on them, you're going to see what violence there is, die out, but that will never happen, because they make way too much revenue off of shipping it in, getting people hooked and then locking up whoever they can catch.

How come is it, that a place like Amsterdam, who has so many drug users, has not one sliver of the violence that we have?

You have homework, go watch the American drug war and tell me why drugs are illegal again.

gardenforge's photo
Sun 05/04/08 10:00 PM
if you read my post I said the war on drugs dont work but it is the law of the land. You don't change a law by breaking it you change it in the legislature. As long as it is the law obey it and you will stay out of jail. Break it and you go to jail.

As far as fascists being conservatives, look up the definition of conservative and liberal and then you will see where they fit. They weren't communists but they were definately liberal in that they wanted to change the existing government. Conservatives are for the status quo.

The reason there is less violence in Amsterdam is because drugs are sort of legal there, here we have to keep learning the same stupid lesson, prohibition don't work. It didn't work with booze, it isn't working with drugs and it sure as hell wont work with guns either when they get around to them. But today in the U.S. they happen to be illegal and anyone who uses drugs is supporting the violence associated with the illegal drug traffic. Do the crime, do the time and quit whinning or go to Amsterdam and have a ball.

kidatheart70's photo
Sun 05/04/08 11:35 PM

if you read my post I said the war on drugs dont work but it is the law of the land. You don't change a law by breaking it you change it in the legislature. As long as it is the law obey it and you will stay out of jail. Break it and you go to jail.

As far as fascists being conservatives, look up the definition of conservative and liberal and then you will see where they fit. They weren't communists but they were definately liberal in that they wanted to change the existing government. Conservatives are for the status quo.

The reason there is less violence in Amsterdam is because drugs are sort of legal there, here we have to keep learning the same stupid lesson, prohibition don't work. It didn't work with booze, it isn't working with drugs and it sure as hell wont work with guns either when they get around to them. But today in the U.S. they happen to be illegal and anyone who uses drugs is supporting the violence associated with the illegal drug traffic. Do the crime, do the time and quit whinning or go to Amsterdam and have a ball.

BS! By your analogy anyone eating vegetables is supporting illegal immigration.laugh
Best way to get rid of stupid laws is to take them to court, but unfortunately to beat the laws against smoking a joint you would need billions.
Better off growing your own veggiessmokin

Look out for the lefty tomatos GF!laugh

warmachine's photo
Tue 05/06/08 07:43 AM
I guess that means that everyone that drinks some liquor is condoning all the violence that surrounded alcohol during prohibition, lots of people bled out their lifes blood for the right to drink that Coors, lots of people are bleeding out their lifes blood over some dumb a$$ed laws that are being pushed and funded by the very people that would lose money if the druggie junk was legal:regulating personal choice... thats not freedom.
When a corporate interest holds hands with your "elected" officials and uses that relationship to get laws passed that are beneficial to their bank accounts, you have facsism, period.
smokin When we took afghanistan over and toppled the Taliban, an interesting thing took place, the farmers started growing Opium in record amounts.
Now the taliban had made alot of its power off of Opium, but they finally banned it, because at a certain point the Taliban realized that all that opium that was being grown following the soviet invasion was hurting its chances at retaining power. While some claim that is was a tactic to artificially drive up prices, it was obviously leading to massive amounts of corruption and addiction, which, in a violent regime/region like that, could lead to a revolt, so the opium started hurting their chances to retain power.
The culitvation and processing of Opium is one of the ways that Bin Laden's Al CIAda continues to create revenue.
The cops there don't do anything about it and I would guess that our soldiers have more pressing matters, SO, if you support the war on terror, which, as a byproduct, has recreated this new boom on poppy growing, you are in fact supporting the cultivation of a product that leads to the addicts of our nation to fork over their cash to the people that propagate the violence and the funding of the very terrorists we're supposed to be seeking out in all corners of the world. Nevermind the billion dollar question of how is it that this opium ( not to mention the coke) finds its way into our country without the slightest dents in the flow of the product.

Funny how easily that came full circle. laugh

warmachine's photo
Tue 05/06/08 07:45 AM
As far as this goes:"As far as fascists being conservatives, look up the definition of conservative and liberal and then you will see where they fit. They weren't communists but they were definately liberal in that they wanted to change the existing government. Conservatives are for the status quo"

You're telling me what the Neocons do is is truly conservative?
Prowar, Big spenders, who deceive and hide behind lawyers while they use "executive privelege" or whatever else to expand and change the entire scope of our Government from a Democratic Republic to a Faux-democracy costume thinly disguising what is really a hybrid facsist model... that's conservative?
If you support Neoconservative policies, you are in fact, just a prowar liberal with extreme hubris and a twist of totalitarianism.

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