Topic: Lunch
Lily0923's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:37 PM

no, i told waterloo the facts just as he told me. i thought u needed to know this information.flowerforyou

In these emails did you tell him what you wanted to do to my breast?

no photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:37 PM

I'd be willing to do lunch with ((((Water)))flowerforyou

:heart: Any time Val:heart:

Duffy's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:37 PM
well he'a ready and able, so go for it.
suddenly, i am not hungry. c ya all.happy

no photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:37 PM

is it one a them veggie lunches....where we both lay down nakerd.....and they cover us up in all dem fruita and veggies...

ummmm nakerd buffet.......

yea thats it.........

then I cant many women.....

"you said there was only me"

refer to...."why do men have all the right moves " thread....

laugh laugh laugh laugh noway smokin

FaithfulOne78's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:37 PM

I'd be willing to do lunch with ((((Water)))flowerforyou

:heart: Any time Val:heart:

blushing blushing :tongue:

eileena9's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:38 PM

I'd be willing to do lunch with ((((Water)))flowerforyou

I ALREADY HAVE!!!!!!:tongue: :tongue: TWICE!!!!! laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:38 PM

no, i told waterloo the facts just as he told me. i thought u needed to know this information.flowerforyou

In these emails did you tell him what you wanted to do to my breast?

She wants to compare breasts and touch yours to see if they are as spectacular in real life as they look in photos...

lilith401's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:39 PM
Hmmmmmm.... Interesting. Suddenly I am hungry. :wink:

I got romaine lettuce and grape tomatoes in my fridge. I'm a big fan of blue cheese dressing. It's so creamy. laugh

Lily0923's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:39 PM

no, i told waterloo the facts just as he told me. i thought u needed to know this information.flowerforyou

In these emails did you tell him what you wanted to do to my breast?

She wants to compare breasts and touch yours to see if they are as spectacular in real life as they look in photos...

I KNEW IT.........

Duffy's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:41 PM
lies, lies and more lies.noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway

no photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:42 PM
Do you like creamy salad dressing Duffy?

eileena9's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:42 PM
So nice to be ignored by all but one...........have a nice day people

no photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:44 PM

So nice to be ignored by all but one...........have a nice day people

flowerforyou Awwww, sorry Eileen... I got caught up in all the excitement heredevil

lilith401's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:44 PM

So nice to be ignored by all but one...........have a nice day people

But Eileen.... we never got to talk about lunching with Lexy Lexicon...noway

Duffy's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:44 PM
mad mad mad mad

Nickinolosers's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:47 PM

Since Water is already taken I would have to say Caam, Thumper and LHB bigsmile

FaithfulOne78's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:52 PM

I'd be willing to do lunch with ((((Water)))flowerforyou

I ALREADY HAVE!!!!!!:tongue: :tongue: TWICE!!!!! laugh laugh laugh

I'M SO JEALOUS!!!!!!!devil devil laugh flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:52 PM

mad mad mad mad

Maybe you need some water to cool down???

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

Duffy's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:54 PM
water is not going to cool me down, but it might help u, and that is drown u for all the nasty things u said about lilly's breastacysts.noway :tongue:

no photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:56 PM

water is not going to cool me down, but it might help u, and that is drown u for all the nasty things u said about lilly's breastacysts.noway :tongue:

I worship Lily's breasts

love Lily's b(.)(.)bslove

And you know you love them too... You never stop talking about them....

Come on just say it... Then I'll let you rub my head too...