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Topic: I'm Kinda New?
leroy01's photo
Thu 02/01/07 01:14 PM
Hello "The Beautiful People"

kojack's photo
Thu 02/01/07 01:21 PM
Peeks in room looks around then walks out....

drinker drinker

leroy01's photo
Thu 02/01/07 01:38 PM
Kojack your a chef? Thats awsome! We will have to swap recipe's some
time soon ! I love to cook!

lily38's photo
Thu 02/01/07 02:11 PM
I really do not like cooking..........I'd rather clean the
toilet......glad to know there are culinary experts here.......

Sluggo's photo
Fri 02/02/07 02:52 AM
I like cooking too...
More of a Meat Type of Guy (Love using the Rottiserie & BBQ) and making
wierd stuff on them...Like BBQ Corn on the Cob and making special types
of Butter for the Corn...Or Marinades, etc..)

leroy01's photo
Fri 02/02/07 01:20 PM

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