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Topic: God's Name
german_chic's photo
Tue 04/29/08 08:47 PM
Many people have a different interpations (oops) of what God's name is, such as God,Allah,Yaweh,Jehovah and etc.. What are you thoughts on this?

Tankk's photo
Tue 04/29/08 08:50 PM
Well, Allah is the Arabic word for God, so an Arab Muslim, Christian or Jew would all pray to Allah.

boredinaz06's photo
Tue 04/29/08 08:50 PM

I think regardless of Your Interpretation of God and Heaven, We're all Climbing the Same Mountain Just on Different Trails.

Enya's photo
Tue 04/29/08 08:55 PM
I firmly believe its Jehovah.

star_tin_gover's photo
Tue 04/29/08 08:55 PM
I personally like to think of Him as "Steve the bouncer" on the Jerry Springer Show. :wink:

no photo
Tue 04/29/08 08:59 PM

Many people have a different interpations (oops) of what God's name is, such as God,Allah,Yaweh,Jehovah and etc.. What are you thoughts on this?

The Bible (God's Word) clearly teaches us..

That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah,
You alone are the Most High over all the earth.
~ Psalm 83:18

robert1652's photo
Tue 04/29/08 09:00 PM

Many people have a different interpations (oops) of what God's name is, such as God,Allah,Yaweh,Jehovah and etc.. What are you thoughts on this?

somewhere in the old scriptures it says if you knew all the thousand names of the God and you could recite them you shall gain King Solomon's powers which included the knowledge of the animal tongue.

chriserwalk032786's photo
Tue 04/29/08 09:01 PM
I'm a fan of Jehovah, personally!

Enya's photo
Tue 04/29/08 09:04 PM
{{ newg78}}

I agree.
to me,the bible is like Gods diary and our manuel to a happy,safer,better life.
but,as imperfect as we are...we dont live according to Gods way.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 04/29/08 09:06 PM
Yahweh is know doubt his name. Titles are not names. Allah is a breakoff of Yahweh. If you will look at a map of the middle east you will find lots of cities that end in Yah. Yah is the poetic and the family name of our creator. Your children take on thier fathers name. This is true with our savior. Yah shua. The yah the family name shua a discriptive word of what his son came for. Shua means saves or salvation.A lot of the Prophets have this family name. In the millinium we are told we will have the family name. Yahsua gave us a prophecy for today to understand who is a servant of his and who is not. It is John 5:43..Blessings...Miles

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/29/08 09:07 PM
the bible has many names for God like "the great I am" "God of Abraham" "Father" "Jehovah" why can't there be other names as well?

WhereIsMatt's photo
Tue 04/29/08 09:10 PM

boredinaz06's photo
Tue 04/29/08 09:11 PM


laugh laugh

no photo
Tue 04/29/08 09:12 PM
Edited by newg78 on Tue 04/29/08 09:16 PM
In the Bible, the true God is identified by such expressions as “God Almighty,” “the Most High,” “Grand Creator,” “Grand Instructor,” “Sovereign Lord,” and “King of eternity.” (Genesis 17:1; Psalm 50:14; Ecclesiastes 12:1; Isaiah 30:20; Acts 4:24; 1 Timothy 1:17) Meditating upon such titles can help us grow in the knowledge of God.

However, God has a unique name that appears almost 7,000 times in the Hebrew Scriptures alone—more often than any of his titles. Some 1,900 years ago, the Jews superstitiously ceased to pronounce the divine name. Biblical Hebrew was written without vowels. Hence, there is no way to be precise about how Moses, David, or others of ancient times pronounced the four consonants (YHWH) that make up the divine name. Some scholars suggest that God’s name may have been pronounced “Yahweh,” but they cannot be sure. The English pronunciation “Jehovah” has been in use for centuries, and its equivalent in many languages is widely accepted today.—See Exodus 6:3 and Isaiah 26:4 in the King James Version.


{{{Enya}}} Good to know you believe in Jehovah.

viraloneontheout's photo
Tue 04/29/08 09:13 PM
*The Primary Names of God

El (Short for Elohim), lae (Gen 35:1)
Elohim, !yhila> (Gen 1:1)
Eloah (singular of Elohim), H'/la> (Deut 32:15)
Aramaic Elah, Hl'a; (Ezra 6:10, Matt 27:46)
Yehovah, h/;hy] (Exodus 3:14)
Yah (Short for Yehovah) Hy: (Ps 68:4)
Adonai, yn:doa} (Gen 15:2)
*Compound Names with El or Elohim

El-Shaddai, yD;v'-la,, God Almighty290 (Gen 1:17)
El-Elyon, @/yl][,i lae, God Most-High292 (Gen 14:18)
El-Olam, !l;w[o lae, God Everlasting293 (Gen 21:33)
El-Gibbor, r/BGI lae, Mighty God414 (Isaiah 9:6)
El Hana’eman, @m;a>N<h' laeh;, the faithful God 286 (Deut 7:9)
There are many more names besides these.

*Compound Names with Yehovah

Yehovah Elohim, !yhila> h/;hy], Yehovah God432 (Gen 2:7)
Adoni Yehovah, h/;hy] yn:doa}, Lord Yehovah295 (Gen 15:5)
Yehovah Tsava’ot, twaob;x] hw:hy, Yehovah of Hosts294 (1 Sam 1:3)

no photo
Tue 04/29/08 09:17 PM

I'm a fan of Jehovah, personally!


Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 04/29/08 09:29 PM
Je hovah. Is a purposely put in name since the Hebrew Constants ar YHWH. Yes vowel points is how we transliterate the name into our language. However that language has to do it they do for names. When preachers go to other countries they alot of the time will have an interpretor. Now as we watch we do not understand any thing the interpretor is saying. But when a english or hebrew sounding name we recongize it. If your name in English is Steve it does not change if you go to Russia. They would still say your name as Steve.As far as the name being lost. Personally i do not believe this. The High Priests uttered it on the Day of Atonement every year when the jews decided to replace it with Hashenm meaning the name. The High Priests had a dutie to train and pass down that name to the next one. They take this very seriously. To say that it has not been passed down every generation is hard to believe. But since one thing so many cities having the family/poetic name in them. we can be pretty much assured these cities which are thousands of years old new the name. The Weh would be more in Question. je hovah. Nobody has determined where this name came from. Since the letter J did not appear untill around 1500's and the people wanting to hold on to this name. I would challenge you and hope you look it up and see for your self what the meaning of hovah is in Hebrew. You might not be to quick to use it as our creator....Blessings...Miles

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 04/29/08 09:32 PM
I kind of like Wankan Tanka, if you insist on giving God a name. bigsmile

I used to call her Lea and I had a wonderful female dog by that name too. I actually treated the dog as though it was an incarnation of Lea. Not a full incarnation, of course, that would be impossible, but more like a direct connection to her spirit. So having my dog with me was like having God with me, in the flesh.

Lea is also the Goddess of canoe makers in some Hawaiian folklore. I didn’t know that when I originally named God Lea. But I thought that was quite fitting such we are each rowing our way through the stream of life, so in a way, we are each the maker of our own canoe.

Recently I’ve found the name Wankan Tanka to be quite interesting. This is the name that some North American Indians gave to God.

Ultimately we must give God a name. That is our responsibility. It’s like a gift. Our offering to God that we feel best fits our relationship with God.

I tend to still think of God as Lea. I like that name, but it is a very personal name for me. Kind of like my ‘buddy name’ for God that focuses on God’s feministic side. However, I realize that God encompasses everything and therefore God also has a masculine aspect as well. This is why I’m looking at the name Wankan Tanka to be more all-inclusive of the Great Spirit.

Being a masculine entity myself, I tend to identify more with God’s feminine side. I feel compelled to do this because God has given me the masculine side of her spirit. Therefore to worship the masculine side of God would be too much like worshiping myself.

I could never reduce God to a single dogma that was written by other men. That would be far too impersonal for me, and would seem to me to be an insult to God. Like as if I don’t think God is worthy of a genuine relationship with me. I’d never restrict myself to a relationship with God that had been constructed by other men. To me, that would be the greatest insult I could possible give to God.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 04/29/08 09:35 PM
Abra you doo not here the name of Yah in the american Indian Language? shalom...Miles

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 04/29/08 09:44 PM
Thier are many other places to see what his name is. In New Mexico some try to dismiss it but it has been dated in the original Paleo Hebrew YHWH inscribed on a huge rock in a state park i believe. Showing with the writing ancient indian language of that day. The Phenicians of the bible were known to be great sailors. They have unearth part of a settlement in N Carolina with Phenician writings on it which would make it 3000 or so years ago. The American Indians may be thier descendents. But thier also they have found written in Paleo Hebrew YHWH. The name was spread all around the world. Alot of it just is not recorded anywhere untill these settlements are unearthed.Blessings...Miles

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