Topic: Compromise = win or lose situation
oldsage's photo
Mon 01/29/07 06:03 AM
Reading different posts, I hear people saying compromise is a losing
situation. I already wrote my opinion on this subject, but am really
curious how others think. Talking about this in the past, I find more
males think it is a losing thing. Know of a guy that always called it a
lose/lose thing. His wife divorced him after 20+ yrs, said she wanted
to be happy. Could this line of thinking be a road block to a good
relationship? I think (opinion) it is a negative approach to life. If
your negative, does that hurt the way others see/deal with you?

redmange420's photo
Mon 01/29/07 08:32 AM
YES!! In relationships, you HAVE to comprimise. If not, you're only in
it for yourself. That's BS, because aint nobody royalty, yet they like
to act like it, and think they deserve everybody to bow down to them and
follow every order they give out. They'll figure it out when they get
lonely, and wonder why nobody will have anything to do with them. I've
seen people get ALL KINDS of bent outta shape cuz EVERYBODY won't listen
to EVERY word they have to say, yet, they are the same people that never
listen to anybody else, cuz they think they know EVERYTHING, or at least
act like they do. If you want anyone to value your opinion, you must
first show that you value theirs, and not try to make them feel inferior
by the way you talk to them.

MarandaLynn's photo
Mon 01/29/07 08:52 AM
red... THAT IS SOOO TRUE! have a nice day yall!

DANE1973's photo
Mon 01/29/07 09:00 AM
Even then, true Royalty knows when they should bow themselves, to those
who would hold them high.But well spoken Red.

slowtogetit's photo
Mon 01/29/07 09:01 AM
dane i'm thinking mimi is typing for red.....lolol

redmange420's photo
Mon 01/29/07 09:03 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

redmange420's photo
Mon 01/29/07 09:04 AM
*my best Larry the Cable Guy voice*

I don't care who ya are, that was funny right there!!

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

slowtogetit's photo
Mon 01/29/07 09:09 AM

michael1313's photo
Mon 01/29/07 10:17 AM
compramise,,,it is a 50/50 thing...

Barter system works for me...smokin

catchme_ifucan's photo
Mon 01/29/07 10:41 AM
Compromise..:smile: I don't ever think of the word in any kind of

Because everybody has their own thoughts & views. so it's all about
speaking it. I like to do things with others, for others & its not about
what will i get out of it, it's all just commen courtesy, for somebody
to say that after 20+ yrs. get a grip!!
maybe if she looked down she had more fingers pointing at herself...
get your own house in order before you expect your happiness to be
lavashed on you.
I learned along time ago, that you just have a guy for each need & it
works out great!! :tongue: :wink:

michael1313's photo
Mon 01/29/07 10:46 AM
ok have a guy for dishes,one for windows,one for th yard
work,one to fix th car,one to repair th house,
one to clean th house...
does any of them get time for sex?
does any of them get time off for good behavier?

might work out ok for you,
but what about th slaves,,,uh,I mean guys?

redmange420's photo
Mon 01/29/07 10:48 AM
I've been married for 5 1/2 years, and there have been compromises on
both our parts. There's been things I've done and didn't want to, and
she's done things she didn't want to. But, we knew it would make the
other happy. THAT'S what it's all about, not gettin somethin out of it.
The thing you should want to get out of it is the other's happiness,
which will lead to your bein happy in the long run. Hell, we got 3 dogs
right now that I wanted nothin to do with at first, but I knew her love
of animals, so we got em. They tear up sh*t around the house to this
day, but if it makes her happy, it's cool with me. I'm not gonna mope
around and b*tch all day cuz of em, I just accept them and move on. I
know it's not the best example, but yall get my point.


slowtogetit's photo
Mon 01/29/07 10:52 AM
catch im feeling so used right a old worn out rug..lolol

catchme_ifucan's photo
Mon 01/29/07 11:26 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
damn their suppose to clean the house???
grumble grumble grumble

noway where did i leave you slow??? huh

I kinda learned my lesson about that stuff,
I use to joke i had too many guys in my bed to get laid!!
I had alot of guys that worked for us & alot of times we would come in
from jobs with only a few hours to sleep we would crash how ever many
piled on my bed the floor what ever...
& they all had things they were good at. nothing bad!
we would have big BBQ's & party when ever,well this 1 guy Patrick had
brought his girl friend when he first started workin, then he got to
where that was his place to excape.
So she started callin lookin for him all the time, so the one night
she is just out of control, I'm tellin her he's not there. He really
wasnt,she started saying I was doin him is why i wouldnt put him on the
phone, I told her sweetie, I don't want your man.. he takes care of my
needs & when he gets grumpy i send him home to you!!! she called again
got Gloria thought it was me lying, she lost it! the cops showed up!
she had tried to light him on fire when he got home all kinds of crazy
explode she ended up preggers so he married her! explode
all he did for me was bring me 1/2 gals. of ice cream from thrifty's &
pick Lindsay up from school! he rode his skate board to work most of
the time, just a sweet kid.flowerforyou

sorry for highjacking your thread ol' sageflowerforyou

oldsage's photo
Mon 01/29/07 11:31 AM
All thoughts always welcome. Started this from other threads & seeing
peoples remarks about compromise. I think we all compromise in some way
every day. Only way to get through life.

Sluggo's photo
Mon 01/29/07 11:49 AM
Compromise's arise from differences in views of how they feel a
relationship should be (unless someone's argueeing for the sake of
argueeing.....Gee, I've never seen that happen before): The more people
compromise the more friction that is in the relationship.....