Topic: Testamony
crystalblue149's photo
Sun 04/27/08 02:06 PM
How do you change the wording in a testamony already giving for a friend...I don't see where you can edit it?????????ohwell

LadyOfMagic's photo
Sun 04/27/08 02:06 PM

How do you change the wording in a testamony already giving for a friend...I don't see where you can edit it?????????ohwell

You cant..only they can

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 04/27/08 02:06 PM

no photo
Sun 04/27/08 02:07 PM

How do you change the wording in a testamony already giving for a friend...I don't see where you can edit it?????????ohwell

testimony change out the a for an i

no photo
Sun 04/27/08 02:08 PM
Edited by UplandHunter on Sun 04/27/08 02:10 PM

How do you change the wording in a testamony already giving for a friend...I don't see where you can edit it?????????ohwell

You cant..only they can

you mean I can take what someone says to me and change it to say they want to jump my bones....

Whooo Whhhhhoooooodevil

Tommo's photo
Sun 04/27/08 02:09 PM

How do you change the wording in a testamony already giving for a friend...I don't see where you can edit it?????????ohwell

testimony change out the a for an i

Ooh very good laugh

Tankk's photo
Sun 04/27/08 02:10 PM
Its spelt testesmony if you're leaving it for a guy...

no photo
Sun 04/27/08 02:11 PM
Awwww!That's soooo mean:cry:And I was going 2 ask U 2 be my friend.j/k U can't sweetheart.:wink: flowerforyou

Tommo's photo
Sun 04/27/08 02:11 PM

Its spelt testesmony if you're leaving it for a guy...

Ooh, smartarses! I like!

1FunGirl's photo
Sun 04/27/08 02:11 PM

How do you change the wording in a testamony already giving for a friend...I don't see where you can edit it?????????ohwell

You cant..only they can

you mean I can take what someone says to me and change it to say they want to jump my bones....

Whooo Whhhhhoooooodevil
laugh laugh laugh

LadyOfMagic's photo
Sun 04/27/08 02:12 PM
Ok..I think I was wrong..once you write one can change it..its just there

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 04/27/08 02:13 PM
Shshsh no one can change it can only be deleted

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