Topic: Memories of the Traveler
Gryphyn's photo
Sat 04/26/08 02:48 PM
Chilled to the bone, wet with anxiety I wonder in which city I awaken in today. It is overcast and a cool breeze is blowing through this alley. I have little memory of how I ended up here; however it seems an all too familiar feeling as of late. I wonder what time it is as I wipe the crust of sleep from my eyes. Yawning I feel a chill run down my spine, and the all too familiar Goosebumps cover my body. I can smell something cooking, it smells like bacon, or maybe some ham. It has a sweet savory scent as it is carried on the winds.

As I blink things seem to become clearer as another yawn escapes me. How long have I been sleeping? It seems like yesterday I had all that a man of stature could ever require. I had the boat, cars, motorcycles, house, wife, and I even had a few dogs that would great me with wagging tails as they pushed each other around to get my attention. I had want for little more yet at the same time I felt incomplete. There was something missing. I had no idea what it was yet I know something was out there that I had missed in the search for all that I had.

I remembered something from long ago, yet I couldn’t quite understand its meaning.

Here I am again alone,
Where do I again atone.
Who am I to see these things,
Life a love that doesn’t ring.

I wonder why I feel I’m dead,
Alone I stand here full of dread.
Will I find the things of gold,
Just to know of things foretold.

Can I see the dreams of past,
Can I search these dreams to fast.
Can I see a single path,
Can I search the times of wrath.
Can I see from dreams of old,
Can I search for pots of gold.
Can I see the depths of time,
Can I search in truth and rhyme.

Can I know the dreams of past,
Can I live the dreams to fast.
Can I know a single path,
Can I live the times of wrath
Can I know from dreams of old,
Can I live for pots of gold.
Can I know the depths of time,
Can I live in truth and rhyme.

As I write this simple words,
Knowing love is too absurd,
As I write for none to see,
I can hide from only me.

Someday when I hear a song,
Thoughts of this are never wrong.
Never again till day is night,
Then my lord these words I write.

Many times I have thought of these words. I try to understand their meaning each Time I awake in a new city, I wonder if these words are the path I am searching for, or are they some memory of a time long forgotten. Who am I? Why do I awake in another city, only to ask the same questions? I wonder if today I will understand if I am worthy to write again.

LAMom's photo
Sun 04/27/08 08:55 AM
Worthy Yes,, As you travel on this Journey set before you,, Past becomes present,, and the Future holds new memories in the Making,, New stories to tell

((( Craig )))) :heart: flowerforyou

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:35 AM
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Gryphyn's photo
Mon 04/28/08 05:11 PM

Worthy Yes,, As you travel on this Journey set before you,, Past becomes present,, and the Future holds new memories in the Making,, New stories to tell

((( Craig )))) :heart: flowerforyou

It seems you hit the nail on the head, This is the beginning of an idea for a book I am going to write.laugh :heart: bigsmile


TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 04/28/08 05:43 PM
Good to see you as always Craig it will make and excellent book indeedbigsmile

no photo
Mon 04/28/08 08:56 PM
Splendid write G.:smile: drinker bigsmile

rush2001's photo
Mon 04/28/08 09:06 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou Very nice.flowerforyou flowerforyou

LAMom's photo
Tue 04/29/08 12:22 PM

Worthy Yes,, As you travel on this Journey set before you,, Past becomes present,, and the Future holds new memories in the Making,, New stories to tell

((( Craig )))) :heart: flowerforyou

It seems you hit the nail on the head, This is the beginning of an idea for a book I am going to write.laugh :heart: bigsmile


flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile drinker