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Topic: gun privacy
hellkitten54's photo
Fri 04/25/08 02:20 PM
Well I have never seen too many children wanting to go through public records of any kind. But if there is a gun at someones house, not locked and kept in a safe place, the kids will probably go get it anyhow. Gun safety is key, not public records.

daniel48706's photo
Fri 04/25/08 02:21 PM

has anyone considered that when making records public any kid can say hey lets go to ---------- house and steal their gun.lives can be at stake here

Thoise same kids can also say, "hey let's go to such and such sporting goods shop after they close, and steal a gun AND AMMO"

doesnt hold water hun, sorry......

itsmetina's photo
Fri 04/25/08 02:26 PM
i just get sick of the inernet making our privacy virtualy nothing.i guess when you've been spyed upon you get aware real quick.why just last night had a woman posing as a man in here spying on me.you might ask how i know.well this women is insanely jealous.my town is not listed thats right i don't live in heaven.the mock person listed my town with absolutely no other info.the profile said looking for miss perfect and thats it

daniel48706's photo
Fri 04/25/08 02:29 PM

i just get sick of the inernet making our privacy virtualy nothing.i guess when you've been spyed upon you get aware real quick.why just last night had a woman posing as a man in here spying on me.you might ask how i know.well this women is insanely jealous.my town is not listed thats right i don't live in heaven.the mock person listed my town with absolutely no other info.the profile said looking for miss perfect and thats it

I agree that personal privacy is a very big issue that is being exploiuted right now (or gotten rid of, however you want to label it). However, if you are not in your home, or your car, then you do not have the right to expect privacy from teh public (toilets are an exemption lol).

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 04/25/08 03:58 PM

i just get sick of the inernet making our privacy virtualy nothing.i guess when you've been spyed upon you get aware real quick.why just last night had a woman posing as a man in here spying on me.you might ask how i know.well this women is insanely jealous.my town is not listed thats right i don't live in heaven.the mock person listed my town with absolutely no other info.the profile said looking for miss perfect and thats it

I agree that personal privacy is a very big issue that is being exploiuted right now (or gotten rid of, however you want to label it). However, if you are not in your home, or your car, then you do not have the right to expect privacy from teh public (toilets are an exemption lol).

That is simply not true. There are many places outside of ones own property where they have a "reasonable expectation of privacy".

Drivinmenutz's photo
Fri 04/25/08 04:03 PM

Well I have never seen too many children wanting to go through public records of any kind. But if there is a gun at someones house, not locked and kept in a safe place, the kids will probably go get it anyhow. Gun safety is key, not public records.

yuppers...that, and teaching kids to be responsibleflowerforyou

hellkitten54's photo
Sat 04/26/08 09:12 AM

Well I have never seen too many children wanting to go through public records of any kind. But if there is a gun at someones house, not locked and kept in a safe place, the kids will probably go get it anyhow. Gun safety is key, not public records.

yuppers...that, and teaching kids to be responsibleflowerforyou


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