Topic: For parents !!!!
Morena350's photo
Sat 01/27/07 02:45 PM
The love of your child is so amazing, is the most pure I have ever seen,
I've seen people love each other and hurt each other at the same time,
but with your kids, is so warm,
you can get angry at them and punish them, and they will not hold a
grudge, they will give you a smile when you take them off punishment and
tell you thank you, well mine does, and makes me feel that, that is the
only true love in the whole world,
a mother and child love, or father and child love.....
is strange how children can make you feel better when ur sad
or going out of your mind with problems, and hurt, and pain,
all it takes is a smile from a child, your child, and is all better, my
son helped me go through some real though times, and Im so grateful to
have him....what about you? how do you feel about your child, no matter
what age they are!!!!?

LAMom's photo
Sat 01/27/07 02:58 PM
Morena so beautifully spoken,,, You are incredible.. flowerforyou

I have been a single parent of 4 kids for the past 16 years, and through
it all good and bad, I Would not have had it any
other way, I have learned the meaning of unconditional love from my
children and the power of a Hug and Mommy I love you,, these words melt
my heart and as they grow and start new lives with thier loved ones,,, I
sit back and Thank God for what he has given me... My children!!!!!

lily38's photo
Sat 01/27/07 03:05 PM
My daughters give my life purpose. They are my gifts from God. Even on
those days they have me pulling my hair out, I still wouldn't trade them
for anything, anyone, anywhere, anytime. Being a mother is greatest
pride and joy.:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

no photo
Sat 01/27/07 03:08 PM
My children although are grown with lives and children of their own are
my heart and all that is in it when i look at my son even though he is a
man of 30 all i can see is the little boy with the dirt in his pocketts
and my daughters at ages of 22 and 26 are still my babys that i must

Morena350's photo
Sat 01/27/07 04:06 PM
yes ladies, we are blessed !!! with the most beautiful kind of love
there is!!! true, pure, unconditional and for ever!!

Morena350's photo
Sat 01/27/07 04:07 PM
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

LAMom's photo
Sat 01/27/07 04:08 PM
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

oldsage's photo
Sat 01/27/07 04:15 PM
As a dad I spent to much time away from my kids, trying to keep the
wolf From the door & avoiding a bad relationship. (Married to young for
wrong reason) When divorce came, I hoped our relationship would be
better. Totally lost the daughter in the fight w/her mom. Mom kick'd
son out years later, her cross to carry. Son & I got close, but I was
still working to much, stepmom was great & made my son a lot of what he
is now. Bounded w/stepddaughter, her mom's death was hard of her. Now
try to spend time w/grandsons, but their 1200 miles away.
We learn to late what is really important, now I do all I can to
support the kids, they know old dad will help all he can. Store their
stuff, watch their dogs, & whatever else comes up. I feel guilty,
because I'm here & Gwen isn't. Kids are what god gives us to teach
ourselves about life.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 01/27/07 04:32 PM
I have raised my kids for the last 15 yrs by myself. Yes they are my
heart and my whole world. There is nothing any sweeter than a childs
love. As Morena said there love is a pure sweet love there love is
unconditional and true. Would do what ever I had to for them all over
again with out given it a thought. For I know in the end they will be
the ones that will be there for me no matter what. They are my world
still even tho they are grown. I'm only a phone call away!!:heart:
:heart: :heart:

Morena350's photo
Sat 01/27/07 08:37 PM
That is our reward for being a mother, having their unconditional love,
and how sweet it is!!!

no photo
Sat 01/27/07 09:09 PM
NO matter how crazy Bren makes me five minutes later he does something
that is so sweet or funny I can't be mad long. He is fast approaching
the lift off from the nest, some days I don't want it to come, what
will I do with out him??/Some days I can't wait for it to get here, I
have so much I want to do.Either way he is still my son and I love
him.People ask if I could change raising him on my own would I?? The
answer is always no...I wouldn't change it at all, it has been my
greatest accomplishment in this life.

Marie55's photo
Sat 01/27/07 09:46 PM
I raised my daughter by myself from the time she was five when I
divorced her dad, and worked two jobs to support us. Child support laws
back then are not what they are now, and we didn't receive any.

The best part though is being a grandma to two beautiful grandbabies.
Maybe it is being older and I know how important the little things in
life are now, where when I was scrambling to keep a roof over our heads
when my daughter was little, I didn't have time to notice some of the
little things, but spending time with the grandkids is the best. They
give you truly unconditional love.

leroy01's photo
Sat 01/27/07 09:54 PM

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 01/27/07 09:56 PM
LEROY are ya bored darling?

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 01/27/07 10:04 PM