Topic: What's wrong with....... | |
I lurk a lot. it's very educational. often I read whole threads about something I am interested in, but I don't feel I am educated enough on the topic to comment. Sometimes after a while & after reading from other sources I will jump in.
Lurking is a good way to see how a potential romantic interest interacts with others. I had a crush on a guy here but lurking cured it. He obviouly enjoys belittling others. I lurk in some threads I would be embarressed to post in. I often have a "everyone else is doing it" feeling & want to see how my values & experiences compare with others. So far I havn't felt the need to lower my standards, but I have learned a few things. |
I am a lurker..... Also the "kiss of death" to any post.... I make a comment, and no one ever answers, guess I have nothing to say...I think I'm nice, but no one ever answers.... so, I am a lurker.... I've felt the same way before, just keep jumping in! Post whats on your mind...people will either answer it or not. It's like talking to friends in person in a way, it lets you vent. NG |