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Topic: prayer for Lynn--update
scttrbrain's photo
Tue 04/22/08 07:38 PM
I have posted this in "general also". I put it here because some of my friends are more likely to read it here.

DAMNIT.....DAMNIT....DAMNIT!!!! DAMNIT!! D...A...M...N...I...T.

I guess by now, you know it isn't good.

I waited so long to update because there was just too much going on to have anything substanstial to say.

Lynn has been going through all kinds of hell, and I have been there with her through every single step of it. is just now beginning. My heart is breaking...breaking into chunks of sorrow and information that just sears me to my very soul.

We went to the Dr again today and he took us into the consult room and told us she has to have SIX MONTHS OF CHEMO... this after her going through a painful event today that we went through last week...exactly the same. She is at home taking demerol and sleeping away the hurt. She has to have a port put into her chest just under her bra area (so there will be no visable scar). He is going to put her to sleep to insert this in the large vein horizontal to the lung. There is a percentage of going through the vein and envading the lung thus causing soomething I forgt what it was...anyway it could collapse the lung. But she will be in good hands with him. This is an awesome Dr.

Then they will go forward with the chemo.

They are aggressively attacking this cancer because it is so rare and must be done intensely. Her fallopian cancer made it through the center of the tubes and into the muscle of it and into the wall. Therefore it has an EIGHTY PERCENT chance of returning. Even though they took it out, it is still in the dangerous phase.

He said they will enduce meds to stop the sickness and give her mass doses of high potency vitamins and iron along with nutrients to try and keep her healthy. In between chemo they will do tests to see how she is holding up. There is a FIFTY percent chance of losing her hair. I told her if it starts to fall out I wanted to take her to get her hair shaved off to save her the pain of watching it fall out. I even told her I would shave mine off, but had to ask my job first to see if it would cause a problem. I am all about supporting her in any way possible. I told her if this happened, to wear her dew rag with pride and show no shame of embarrassement for others who may have to go throught it.
That if we got her a wig to not get to where she felt the need to wear it for prides sake. To take pride in her journey. To stand up and be seen as a strong and bigger than life woman of substance.

I so need to let out my own fear. So, I am doing it with you guys. Bear with me please.


dragonyosh's photo
Tue 04/22/08 07:39 PM
i will pray that she gets better soon!!!

LAMom's photo
Tue 04/22/08 07:39 PM
Kat my love i send to you,, strength for Lynn Ohhhhhhh my Angel,, I know your pain and wish I could ease your heart,, stand strong,, Lynn is an amazing women as are you beautiful,,,
Love & Light I send to you,, Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh lovely Bald is beautiful,,,,(( from my own personal experience)))) my love and my prayers

Mom :heart: :heart:

Robbyboy's photo
Tue 04/22/08 07:40 PM
prayer is all we can turn to

scttrbrain's photo
Tue 04/22/08 07:41 PM

Kat my love i send to you,, strength for Lynn Ohhhhhhh my Angel,, I know your pain and wish I could ease your heart,, stand strong,, Lynn is an amazing women as are you beautiful,,,
Love & Light I send to you,, Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh lovely Bald is beautiful,,,,(( from my own personal experience)))) my love and my prayers

Mom :heart: :heart:

I read you both times. Thank you, thank you.

I don't know what to do with myself right now.


cdanny47's photo
Tue 04/22/08 07:42 PM
:heart: I am so sorry for the two of you and I will talk to god and see if he can help.....flowerforyou flowerforyou

LAMom's photo
Tue 04/22/08 07:43 PM

Kat my love i send to you,, strength for Lynn Ohhhhhhh my Angel,, I know your pain and wish I could ease your heart,, stand strong,, Lynn is an amazing women as are you beautiful,,,
Love & Light I send to you,, Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh lovely Bald is beautiful,,,,(( from my own personal experience)))) my love and my prayers

Mom :heart: :heart:

I read you both times. Thank you, thank you.

I don't know what to do with myself right now.


Scream, Yell,,, Cry and laugh,, take it all in,, all the emotions,,, walk, talk, share,, breathe and remember each day is a blessing,, each day forward brings another day of memories,, go make memories,, share her pain, her tears, her laughter,,, Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Kat,, My heart aches,, My soul hurts,,,


EarthSprite's photo
Tue 04/22/08 07:50 PM

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your
sister...flowerforyou :heart:

I'm going to try to walk the Relay for Life at the
end of May here and I will take your sister and
all my sisters that are going through this or have
been through it before with me in my thoughs and
in my heart... :heart: :heart:

Yes Mom...bald is Beautiful ..drinker flowerforyou

LAMom's photo
Tue 04/22/08 07:53 PM


My thoughts and prayers are with you and your
sister...flowerforyou :heart:

I'm going to try to walk the Relay for Life at the
end of May here and I will take your sister and
all my sisters that are going through this or have
been through it before with me in my thoughs and
in my heart... :heart: :heart:

Yes Mom...bald is Beautiful ..drinker flowerforyou

drinker To baldness and re-Growth drinker
To Lynn and Kat,,,:heart: flowerforyou Strength will guide this path and the love from within the soul shall rise above and the journey yet bumpppppyyyyy you shall prevailflowerforyou

LAMom's photo
Tue 04/22/08 07:54 PM


My thoughts and prayers are with you and your
sister...flowerforyou :heart:

I'm going to try to walk the Relay for Life at the
end of May here and I will take your sister and
all my sisters that are going through this or have
been through it before with me in my thoughs and
in my heart... :heart: :heart:

Yes Mom...bald is Beautiful ..drinker flowerforyou

drinker To baldness and re-Growth drinker
To Lynn and Kat,,,:heart: flowerforyou Strength will guide this path and the love from within the soul shall rise above and the journey yet bumpppppyyyyy you shall prevailflowerforyou

Kat I am off for the night,, Came in to send you my love,, I shall light a candle for You and Lynn,,, Love & Light :heart:

((( Sprite ))))) :heart:

scttrbrain's photo
Tue 04/22/08 08:00 PM


My thoughts and prayers are with you and your
sister...flowerforyou :heart:

I'm going to try to walk the Relay for Life at the
end of May here and I will take your sister and
all my sisters that are going through this or have
been through it before with me in my thoughs and
in my heart... :heart: :heart:

Yes Mom...bald is Beautiful ..drinker flowerforyou

drinker To baldness and re-Growth drinker
To Lynn and Kat,,,:heart: flowerforyou Strength will guide this path and the love from within the soul shall rise above and the journey yet bumpppppyyyyy you shall prevailflowerforyou

If stubborness has anything to do with it or fight...then we have it WHIPPED! Through fear we will find strength. Though turmoil may sway us, our footing shall stand firm. It is with us and the love of friends and family that we shall win. Strength has just found me, and through it I will wonder among positivity and faith. The universe is ours. Keeping the faith now, and hoping to never give in.


bookworm's photo
Tue 04/22/08 08:12 PM
Scatter, first of all, I'm sending good thoughts your way. Chemo is no fun.

But.... six months is about right. I had six months of it, and it goes unbelievably fast. Look at it this way: you want as much as it takes to kill the SOB cells.

Tell her to be hyper-aware of her body. It will tell her what she can do / eat / play. Rely on her inner self. Also ask the NURSES things, as well as the doctors. The nurses have seen it all.

Secondly, the port is going to be a GODSEND. Fewer pokes in the arm. Fewer bruises. Tell her to get a box of Altoids because she *might* be able to taste some of the meds (the closer the port is to the tongue, the more likely she can. Heparin, which is kind of like aspirin in another form, tastes HORRID, but if she chews Altoids, she won't mind it so much). She's going to be a little sore for a few days after the port goes in, but she's going to be soooo thankful she has it.

Hang in there. Trust me, in 17 years, this will be a bad memory past.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 04/22/08 08:13 PM
my heart is with her and and with you darling
i'm going to pray hard for both of u, and ur family
love yaflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

scttrbrain's photo
Tue 04/22/08 08:17 PM
Bookworm...thank you hon. I am aware that the port is a godsend. I had one. I love it. Saved me a lot of pain and suffering from those that cannot find that vein.
Thank you again.


Miguel...hugs to you sweetie. You are a sweetheart. I was so glad to see you come in. Thank you doll.

Katflowerforyou flowerforyou smooched

yzrabbit1's photo
Tue 04/22/08 10:59 PM

This must be so hard on you and your sister. She is lucky to have you there for support. I hope it all goes well. Good luck

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 11:31 PM
Heavenly Father in Jesus Name, I curse this cancer at the root in Lynn's body.....and command it to dry up and leave Lynn's body ,in Jesus Name!!!!!

Healing Power in that Name of Jesus!

Scattrbrain....praying and believing with you both, for Lynn to be made completely well!!!!!

Til healing is fully manifested, God works thru drs too..thank God....we do our part..God does the rest.

Good nutrition will also aid the body to kick into
Have Lynn get whole enzymes rich cell energy foods into her...check in a whole health food store for more info on this.

Also ...since you are in up Oral Roberts Prayer partners for prayer ,too.

Find asap, some annointed books on the one written by Dotie Osteen on healing ( she faced cancer of the liver and is today completely healed )...also meditate on all scriptures on healing.......have Lynn keep annointed praise music other words, have her get saturated with the Annointd Word of God daily flowing forth.

Scattrbrain.....Praying and Believing with you both Faith.....for Total Recovery for Lynn now!! flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

ArtGurl's photo
Wed 04/23/08 07:18 AM
Love and light surround you and your sister lovely...

I might be far away but I am holding you close and sharing strength ... :heart: flowerforyou

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 04/23/08 07:22 AM
Ask Lynn to keep a journal, tell her to get it in her mind that she MUST post to it, at some point, every day. If that's all she manages to do on a bad day, then it must be done.

At least three sections every day.
My health: how she feels, compared to yesterday, compared to the worst day. New issues, new symptoms to discuss with the Dr. or nurse. All about her health.

My moods today:was there an overall mood? Did something make her happy, or sad? Did she suddenly have an insighful moment, what was it?

Life, love, questions & wonders: Here are those things she thought of today, or experienced, who has touched her life, what wonders she saw today, what emotions she felt and why.

Tell her, these are all the things everyone should consider in a day. Right now everyone will be focusing on her health, even her. It's obviously important and having it in a journal will allow her to gage progress. But she can't stop living, considering the other important things in life. Forceing herself to write them in a journal will assure that she does not get lost in self pity or worse in the throws and despair of depression. How her "moods" project in her journal will help her be aware should depression begin to rule her thoughts, and to tell the doctor.

In the end, she will have something wonderful to share with so many others. A written testament of her battle. It's important for people to know that others have been through similiar events and have survived.

Tell her to make this journal, the purpose of her infliction, and to know that her survival must be the outcome. She will have battle scars, no journey through life is spared, but she will have the journal and the scars to share triumph with others.

Tell her NOT to bow to learned helplessness, that deep abyss in which one's fate is non of their own design. That despair of waiting for some sign or answer and in the wait, forgetting to live. Tell her to take the power of providing her own answers and choosing to live with a purpose to love with wonder, and to deal with each day, one at a time.

That's me, always giving people something to do or something to think about. That's life, get busy or get thinking, that's my motto! :wink:

Lots of love going out your way.

LAMom's photo
Wed 04/23/08 07:48 AM
Love & Light

Morning my Angel,, Stoppin by to send my love,,, :heart:

Twitch's photo
Wed 04/23/08 07:56 AM

:cry: Sorry to hear this ... prayers, love and light are on the way.

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