Topic: Hilary and Barack....Are they America,s Team ? | |
rambill I'm confused,
do you mean the current 467 WEB sites working non-stop to try and keep track of the scandal-a-minute of the BUSH administration??? Anyhow, I agree with you (even though I don't vote) that it's high time to kick the small club socialist-republican BUSH clan out of office. Or is that a fascist club whenthonly a handfull to play GOD with the wealth and people'e lives ??? Damn I always mix everything up!!! |
See V, thats what I mean ppl dont know the facts, they go by Rumors, Too
bad your not an American we need voters who are informed with the facts. I watched a local News Cast in Miss., when I was down there. They asked shoppers as they browsed the mall, who were the candidates running in the primarys. Most everyone they asked, could only name one, and knew nothing about the candidates stance on any issues. When asked why they were voting for that candidate , they responded with stuff like, my dad likes him, or hes popular and hes the only one they know, and of course the infommercial stuff off the political commercials. Its a crying shame to think these ppl vote like that. 3 months after electing Bush 51%, suddenly they changed their minds and now he has the lowest approval rating in the history of such ratings. CHANGED THEIR MINDS, I say phooey, they didnt know why they voted for him in the first place!!!!Maybe they thought he was sexy!!! LOL |
Absolutely Fanta,
It always reminds me of the Easter Puppy Syndrome!!! They thought the poor thing was so 'cute ' at the kennel. And it was just before Easter. So they took it home with a couple bags of chow, and a funny chewing bone. They let him loose in the house, got quite a kick out of the cute thing's 'puppy show'. They watched it be 'so cute' some more, and then it happened. The cute little thing 'pissed' all over the kitchen floor! Such a small, cute thing, and so much piss! The first night, they found it funny. They wiped up the mess, and figured it wouldn't happen again. It was so excited, they figured. But after three weeks of pissing incidents on the rug, on sofas, and finally, on aunt Lilly's new skirt, they figured, enough is enough. It was just a bad 'batch' of puppy's they tell the kids. The following Easter, they go staight back to the kennel, and again, they thought this other puppy looked so 'cute', and... The morale of the Easter puppy syndrome, is very much like the point you made Fanta about voters voting with rumor mill opinions: IF YOUR NOT GOING TO EDUCATE YOURSELF ABOUT THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF OWNING A PET, DON'T CALL YOURSELF A PET LOVER, AND DON'T VISIT ANOTHER KENNEL, FOR YOU ARE A MENACE TO 'PET'DOM! |