Topic: Sex in wa
Brandon360wa's photo
Thu 01/25/07 07:12 AM
yr pic looks real classy ydont u sprinkle me 40

slowtogetit's photo
Thu 01/25/07 07:14 AM
let me make a couple of points here son.......


2 i have blond hair, so i don't need to use dye, i'm not fake.

and what is this in your is for single people, not people
in to explain that?????

Brandon360wa's photo
Thu 01/25/07 07:14 AM
Lace my shoes

iceprincess's photo
Thu 01/25/07 07:17 AM
Brandon I was nice and said we'd stop we picking on you so child please
stop being so dang rude!

Brandon360wa's photo
Thu 01/25/07 07:18 AM
if u want to sleep around make sure u dont have a wife at home(or a
child) c i might be young but i never had a dad(sad right) so i wana b
there for my children and thats what that is all about

iceprincess's photo
Thu 01/25/07 07:21 AM
Explain please

Brandon360wa's photo
Thu 01/25/07 07:21 AM
yeah u guys didnt cut the hippo or whatever any slack it was 5 on one
lol i thought he needed a lil help i mean comon im only one lil child

Brandon360wa's photo
Thu 01/25/07 07:24 AM
long story short my dad was psyco my mom took us and ran i never stayed
in one citty for over 2 months untill i was old enough to work and help
my mom keep the roof over our head so u can hit me with as much child
talk as u want i know im a man

slowtogetit's photo
Thu 01/25/07 07:24 AM
ice, my apology's for even joking about you being with him.....i'm

iceprincess's photo
Thu 01/25/07 07:24 AM
Ok do you read what you write. You make no sense darling and yes you are
only one little child. Misguided at that. your on here advertising for a
fling yet you talk of another sleeping around and being there for kids
is why your here?Makes no Sense

slowtogetit's photo
Thu 01/25/07 07:27 AM
brandon i grew up with out a mom......but i don't come in here being
rude to people. one thing you should have learned in all of
how not to be like your dad.

Brandon360wa's photo
Thu 01/25/07 07:28 AM
that was for slow2get it and if u still dont get it i guess you never
will so DONT ASK

Brandon360wa's photo
Thu 01/25/07 07:31 AM
hey man u started it i was just havin fun what do u want do u want me to
say sry about the hair dye thing

iceprincess's photo
Thu 01/25/07 07:32 AM
As lOng as you know what the voices in your head are saying that's all
that matters baby

slowtogetit's photo
Thu 01/25/07 07:32 AM
all your doing is making excuses for the way you dad this and won't ever have to worry about having kids if you don't
change your attitude. not unless you can get her pregnant by looking at

ohh and there are 10 kids in my stop the pity me and do
something with your life.

aleacim831's photo
Thu 01/25/07 07:33 AM
Ummm I was gonna comment but yall are just too funny. laugh

slowtogetit's photo
Thu 01/25/07 07:34 AM
nope i don't care about that brandon, come here and treat these people
with some respect and you'll get a lot farther. otherwise it's going to
be a real bumpy ride.

Brandon360wa's photo
Thu 01/25/07 07:34 AM
I dont get it u toss a joke at me an i toss one back when someone cant
think of one than they lost but if their jokes too good u get mad

iceprincess's photo
Thu 01/25/07 07:37 AM
Darling nobody is mad your just a liitle amusement for us this morning.
Will it make you feel beter if we say we're sorry

Brandon360wa's photo
Thu 01/25/07 07:37 AM
its still a mystery to me