Topic: Sweeny Todd | |
I'm just starting the movie. Anybody out there like it?
I'm just starting the movie. Anybody out there like it? |
it was alright if you like musicals
i liked it, actually i bought it... but i like Tim Burton stuff... i also like musicals... and Johnny Depp & Helena Bonham Carter
I liked it. It gets pretty gory and grotesque. It's one of those things where it's just so horrible you can't stop watching.
I liked it. It gets pretty gory and grotesque. It's one of those things where it's just so horrible you can't stop watching. |
Saw it last nite, good flick.
I like Depp so I liked the movie...don't think I would have bothered if he wasn't in it
to much signing for me ! but a good movie
EEEEWWWW! Blood, blood & more blood!