Topic: I saw a terrible movie last night.
Moondark's photo
Fri 04/18/08 09:29 AM
The Plague. It didn't make sense at all.

Why were all the kids at the High School in a coma? Only it didn't look like a coma. Looked like they were awake, but more like they were in a vegitative state.

Why did they pass a law that no one could have children? Why was the government forcing abortions? Not logical. It wouldn't be long before there were no more people left. It is like the total extreme of negative population growth. More like, lets depopulate the earth in a generation.

I missed a few minutes here and there, but it was kinda hard to care when the movie made no sense. And the ending was just as confusing. With all the kids appearing at the woman's house and just standing there looking.

I looked it up online. Looks like no one else who saw it ever could make anymore sense of it that I was able too. What kinda horrible writing is that anyway.

If you cut things, you should cut things that are not needed. Not cut things that explain what the heck it going on.

Grumble grumble. I'm surprised they even attempted the movie. It wasn't filled with plot holes, the entire thing was one giant plot hole.

Moondark's photo
Fri 04/18/08 10:23 AM
Oh, I have a group of friends that loves to watch bad movies. Some are great fun. This one just bothered me with all the unexplained things going on.

Moondark's photo
Fri 04/18/08 10:25 AM
How did they gety my responce to you before you're post? Weird.

But I was gonna add, a fun bad movie to make fun of is that Horror movie in which Paris Hilton is the first person to die. The concept was a good one, and story not bad, but it fell apart in the acting and directing areas.

no photo
Fri 04/18/08 10:25 AM
Do my posts seem out of order to you?...

no photo
Fri 04/18/08 06:51 PM
I'll have to look for that. I am the rare kind of soul who gets more enjoyment from a bad movie than I do from a good. Give me a choice between LOTR and Gigli and I'll choose Gigli every time.

him_2008's photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:39 PM
any movie with will smith he suxs

him_2008's photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:41 PM
the worst movie i ever seen was sharkboy lava girl my nephews begged me to see it when it came out wow i want to kill myself after seein it but star war made up for it and my nephews liked star wars much better

rush2001's photo
Thu 04/24/08 07:29 AM
Four Brothers. So much potential.frown

steelersgirltina's photo
Thu 04/24/08 07:40 AM
solent green....
wierd noway