Topic: ladies i need your help
LightVoice's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:01 AM

women want a little bit of everything in a guy, a guy who is caring loving but will fight for you in a heartbeat/ stand up for you,

thats what they say they want anyway, but when it actually does come along they go running like it offends them. ohwell

Sorry you have that impression hon... sounds like you have been hanging with the wrong women... flowerforyou

And may I suggest you consider that if you feel your sentiments are true of ALL the women you have interacted/had a relationship with.. that there is another common denominator.. YOU. Why are YOU choosing women like that?

Wishing you better success :heart:

Jill298's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:01 AM

Whats with friends anyway. I'm all about being a type of friend first. The problem is women tend to drag you so far over the friend line it's too late. They start telling you how much they really like this and that about this guy, and then they get hurt and you say "oh there there" and they respond "Oh I wish all guys were like you. I need to find a guy like you." Well here i am... Oh no were JUST FRIENDS!

Nice guys exist but we are so sick of being nice that we turn asshole thats when you get a girl! When your an asshole! Then when your around them alone you become a nice guy. See women like to convert assholes to nice guys! They feel in control. So if you pretend to be an asshole and act like your not interested then women will try to get you interested BUT if you push them away too far then they will think YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE! So be mild be a jerk but be respectful. Women and Men like the challenge if you make it to easy to get they will loose interest.

Now all the ladies will go NO thats not true. Ok well then prove it. Here is a nice guy, wondering where nice girls are, and you see women asking where nice guys are. OK WHY ARE YOU ASKING??? why are you not introducing yourselves? If he's a nice guy and your a nice girl and your both looking for each other then why are you over looking each other? Unless YOUR SHALLOW!!!! that can only be the answer. I'm a nice guy I have not spoken to one person on this site. I don't even think people use this site. At least in my area. I have been a member since Jan. NOT ONE EMAIL. So B.S. to the girls with there tag line saying looking for nice guy... Cause guess what sweetheart here we are why are you over looking ;) lol
shocking... this is your first post since Jan and you don't have any emails yet??? amazing...

jb3007's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:03 AM

... So B.S. to the girls with there tag line saying looking for nice guy... Cause guess what sweetheart here we are why are you over looking ;) lol

drinker flowerforyou drinker drinker well put!!!drinker drinker

Thank you I have always felt that way lol Plus it;s great material for stand up lol

franshade's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:04 AM

Whats with friends anyway. I'm all about being a type of friend first. The problem is women tend to drag you so far over the friend line it's too late. They start telling you how much they really like this and that about this guy, and then they get hurt and you say "oh there there" and they respond "Oh I wish all guys were like you. I need to find a guy like you." Well here i am... Oh no were JUST FRIENDS!

Nice guys exist but we are so sick of being nice that we turn asshole thats when you get a girl! When your an asshole! Then when your around them alone you become a nice guy. See women like to convert assholes to nice guys! They feel in control. So if you pretend to be an asshole and act like your not interested then women will try to get you interested BUT if you push them away too far then they will think YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE! So be mild be a jerk but be respectful. Women and Men like the challenge if you make it to easy to get they will loose interest.

Now all the ladies will go NO thats not true. Ok well then prove it. Here is a nice guy, wondering where nice girls are, and you see women asking where nice guys are. OK WHY ARE YOU ASKING??? why are you not introducing yourselves? If he's a nice guy and your a nice girl and your both looking for each other then why are you over looking each other? Unless YOUR SHALLOW!!!! that can only be the answer. I'm a nice guy I have not spoken to one person on this site. I don't even think people use this site. At least in my area. I have been a member since Jan. NOT ONE EMAIL. So B.S. to the girls with there tag line saying looking for nice guy... Cause guess what sweetheart here we are why are you over looking ;) lol

spoken from a true nice guy noway

Why are you waiting for someone to contact you? why not take the initiative and spark up a conversation? why so bitter? dont like how things are happening change them. why wait or rely on someone else to make you happy???

why you are personally being looked over, dont have a clue, but can tell you this is your first post, as far as I can see your first attempt to let people know you're out there. Wish you luck and keep this in mind, you are bound to get more positive responses with positive results if you leave the negative baggage at the door.

Jill298's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:04 AM

... So B.S. to the girls with there tag line saying looking for nice guy... Cause guess what sweetheart here we are why are you over looking ;) lol

drinker flowerforyou drinker drinker well put!!!drinker drinker

Thank you I have always felt that way lol Plus it;s great material for stand up lol

so according to you the only reason a nice woman doesn't email you is bc she is shallow??

hellkitten54's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:06 AM
Get em Jill and Fran!devil laugh

jb3007's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:06 AM

... So B.S. to the girls with there tag line saying looking for nice guy... Cause guess what sweetheart here we are why are you over looking ;) lol
shocking... this is your first post since Jan and you don't have any emails yet??? amazing...

well this is the first time I knew how to post. Now if I can figure out how to make a topic.

franshade's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:06 AM

Get em Jill and Fran!devil laugh


Jill298's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:07 AM

... So B.S. to the girls with there tag line saying looking for nice guy... Cause guess what sweetheart here we are why are you over looking ;) lol

drinker flowerforyou drinker drinker well put!!!drinker drinker

Thank you I have always felt that way lol Plus it;s great material for stand up lol

It's amazing to me how you take NONE of the responsibility for people not contacting you. It's either we are shallow or assholes. Thats a bunch of BS. I have never, ever not once turned a guy into a jerk. HOWEVER, I have dated jerks and I don't blame you and every other man out there for it. Not my fault you're bitter.

Jill298's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:08 AM
where the hell did lilith go?

franshade's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:09 AM

... So B.S. to the girls with there tag line saying looking for nice guy... Cause guess what sweetheart here we are why are you over looking ;) lol

drinker flowerforyou drinker drinker well put!!!drinker drinker

Thank you I have always felt that way lol Plus it;s great material for stand up lol

It's amazing to me how you take NONE of the responsibility for people not contacting you. It's either we are shallow or assholes. Thats a bunch of BS. I have never, ever not once turned a guy into a jerk. HOWEVER, I have dated jerks and I don't blame you and every other man out there for it. Not my fault you're bitter.

I'm with you, so much easier to point a finger but people dont realize there are 4 more fingers pointing back at you

I can do no wrong, I am a nice guy, I am this, I am that all equals to sad sad woe is me laugh

me2g's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:10 AM

women want a little bit of everything in a guy, a guy who is caring loving but will fight for you in a heartbeat/ stand up for you,

thats what they say they want anyway, but when it actually does come along they go running like it offends them. ohwell

Sorry you have that impression hon... sounds like you have been hanging with the wrong women... flowerforyou

And may I suggest you consider that if you feel your sentiments are true of ALL the women you have interacted/had a relationship with.. that there is another common denominator.. YOU. Why are YOU choosing women like that?

Wishing you better success :heart:

why am i chosing women who say they are looking for a nice loving caring guy? huh cuz I know that i am that type of guy and i have tonz to offer the right woman. is it shallow of me to want to be physically atracted to the woman?

jb3007's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:10 AM

... So B.S. to the girls with there tag line saying looking for nice guy... Cause guess what sweetheart here we are why are you over looking ;) lol

drinker flowerforyou drinker drinker well put!!!drinker drinker

Thank you I have always felt that way lol Plus it;s great material for stand up lol

so according to you the only reason a nice woman doesn't email you is bc she is shallow??

No i'm asking is that why? I have emailed like 8-10 women and not received a response. A no thanks or a I'd like to get to know you. Nothing. I'm not at all bitter. Folks I do stand up and I know you can;t hear the tone of voice just keep in mind it was a rant not a grudge.

I'm a nice guy and although I have made more girlfriends then a gay man could I will continue to be a nice guy cause I can;t be anything else but myself. I just think maybe asshole is the way to go. Sit around don't work watch sports and drink beer. Well I can't do that but I can be nice and I can be funny both of which I will continue to do ;)

Jill298's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:11 AM

women want a little bit of everything in a guy, a guy who is caring loving but will fight for you in a heartbeat/ stand up for you,

thats what they say they want anyway, but when it actually does come along they go running like it offends them. ohwell

Sorry you have that impression hon... sounds like you have been hanging with the wrong women... flowerforyou

And may I suggest you consider that if you feel your sentiments are true of ALL the women you have interacted/had a relationship with.. that there is another common denominator.. YOU. Why are YOU choosing women like that?

Wishing you better success :heart:

why am i chosing women who say they are looking for a nice loving caring guy? huh cuz I know that i am that type of guy and i have tonz to offer the right woman. is it shallow of me to want to be physically atracted to the woman?
nope... not shallow. There has to be an attraction for it to work.

lurchs_sister's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:12 AM
These are all good points but i have one of my own to add to the mix...

we women have gotten so used to men being jerks that we have become comfortable with it. I'm not saying we like it or that it is right I'm just saying that it has become "normal" and we all look for normal.

I'm a hopeless romantic and love to be spoiled and pampered but I have found that when a man starts out that way there is a change coming and I'm not going to like it.

I'm not saying all men are this way it is just what I have found in my past.

Best wishes to you!!flowerforyou

lilith401's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:14 AM
Edited by lilith401 on Thu 04/17/08 11:15 AM
Looking for my nice guy post. I am not at home, so it's not in "my documents".

I did find my "real man"post.
I think it fits nicely...A real man is honest, has integrity, and stands up for his beliefs. He is also supportive, loving, and strong. A man who treats others the way he wants to be treated and does not keep his anger inside to fester or display it outwardly towards others.

A real man strives to help himself by helping others and knows what he needs and wants. And part of that is accepting what he did not know he needed or wanted. Being a real man takes courage, but he would never say he was courageous. He'd just say, "I try to do the right thing".

In sum, OP~~ Nice men don't call themselves anything but 'them'. Perception of yourself is best left for others to define. You just be the best "you" you can. Saying your nice? Means you are either a doormat or uninteresting, really.

jb3007's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:16 AM
Ok folks first of all calm down Don't get all bent out of shape. I was simply stating that it's funny how guys say where can I find all the nice girls? and women respond where can I find all the nice guys. Well those two people should email each other and talk. As far as my first post I just figured out how to post I thought the forums were another website advertisement. And finally I'm contacting people all the time. I can only be me I'm not going to pretend to be someone else to get there interest. So if they don;t like it tough ****. I'm a nice guy. Women WILL NOT come to me I have to go to them. I am in no way bitter folks it was a truthful joke so lets step back and relax lol.

Jill298's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:19 AM

Ok folks first of all calm down Don't get all bent out of shape. I was simply stating that it's funny how guys say where can I find all the nice girls? and women respond where can I find all the nice guys. Well those two people should email each other and talk. As far as my first post I just figured out how to post I thought the forums were another website advertisement. And finally I'm contacting people all the time. I can only be me I'm not going to pretend to be someone else to get there interest. So if they don;t like it tough ****. I'm a nice guy. Women WILL NOT come to me I have to go to them. I am in no way bitter folks it was a truthful joke so lets step back and relax lol.
if women WILL NOT come to you, than you are doing something that makes you unapproachable... I don't know, maybe like calling women assholes or telling them they turn men into jerks??? That might have something to do with it. As far as women not responding to you, maybe your approach in the email is off. There's a variety of reasons we don't respond besides we are to shallow to talk to you.

me2g's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:25 AM
every woman that ive tried dating thinks its an act..... heck my X wife!! no ones this nice... every word in my profile is true and believe me just because im nice doesnt mean i dont have a backbone!! I have a lot of patience for people but once that thresholds been crossed explode i wont play no more. as much as i can take it... I can give it tenful!!! i just dont choose to..

jb3007's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:29 AM

Ok folks first of all calm down Don't get all bent out of shape. I was simply stating that it's funny how guys say where can I find all the nice girls? and women respond where can I find all the nice guys. Well those two people should email each other and talk. As far as my first post I just figured out how to post I thought the forums were another website advertisement. And finally I'm contacting people all the time. I can only be me I'm not going to pretend to be someone else to get there interest. So if they don;t like it tough ****. I'm a nice guy. Women WILL NOT come to me I have to go to them. I am in no way bitter folks it was a truthful joke so lets step back and relax lol.
if women WILL NOT come to you, than you are doing something that makes you unapproachable... I don't know, maybe like calling women assholes or telling them they turn men into jerks??? That might have something to do with it. As far as women not responding to you, maybe your approach in the email is off. There's a variety of reasons we don't respond besides we are to shallow to talk to you.

Look I don't need to explain myself. Especially to you. However I would like to apologize to you for taking what I said the wrong way. My post was suppose to be humorous. You have taken what I wrote out of context. I was agreeing with the person I KNOW women won't come to me I didn't mean for it to be read as I can't get women to come to me.
I'm going to grab my shovel and see if I can dig my way out of this hole. Which I always seem to do. I won;t succeed but here goes.

Hi folks I do stand up comedy so a lot of what i say is just for ha ha's I have no problem meeting women on the street and getting to know them. I also have no problems being friends at first. I just have a problem getting draged to far over the friends line.

I'm a nice guy. I too am looking for a nice gal it just seems a lot of people don't always seem like their profile tells me they are.

Oh well I'll just continue to be a nice guy traveling the world for my one true love. She will not come to me then I will go to her.

I hope you all enjoyed my post and try not to take it the wrong way PEACE

Was that a better way?