Topic: ideas for depression
FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 04/15/08 04:59 AM
You have advice in front of you, take it or leave it. Honestly...walk away at least for a little bit. Then again all these words are for nothing considering you don't think you have a live off the land and become highly tuned to self-preservation.

misty_57's photo
Tue 04/15/08 05:08 AM
if everything was removed from the world today, and just you ALONE were left, what would you care about......who would you want to see......NONE? somebody? satisfaction comes but only does good and need not repeat IF we see it as GOOD...... GOOD to show us WHAT WE REALLY WANT......think as if you are not yourself, not even your old name......just a being whith ALL POWER TO DO ANYTHING YOU ANYBODY you wish to be.......even our names tie us to who we think we are based on the past......your mind will tell you most not to do these things, to see all as negative, but even with the first step following the things your heart says will return passion for ALL of life.......

flowerforyou Great thoughts flowerforyou

whereuat85's photo
Tue 04/15/08 05:10 AM
thx for the advice i need to take a couple weeks off thx for the advice david ben my subconscious realized this but you brought it to the forefront. its partly playing too much and the other part is not having a female companion. im going to run a tournament on wenseday then im going to take 10 days off. i should feel refreshed and revigorated after my time off

davidben1's photo
Tue 04/15/08 05:28 AM
if one drive down the road and see a car about to swerve into them, to have fear, will make panic, and no easy quick solution is make the other driver a BAD idiot.....can make anger.....practice over and over and rage is born.....the car swerving was but an incident that taught ME to be a better driver, teaching ME to respond and trust MY build fear is to keep anything from learning just how SMART each is.....

lots of ME's in there.....happiness in life is total selfishness, and make you the kind of person you really wish to be....kinda of ironic, all hate selfishness, but this is only a perception, as any human that hate selfishness, are the unhappy ones, as they are constantly disappointed with THEMSELEVES, and come to hate can one love anything else if they hate themself.....whatever is inside, what we think of ourself must come dissapointed in oneself, and be dissappointed in others......however one feel of themself is how they treat others......

one that does all for themself, never hates another for any act, as they did not do it for anybody but themself

no one can pis you off, as all if for YOUR LEARNING.....

so you will excell at anything you touch.....

removes fair and unfair thinking from the mind as a lie....

anger cannot control you

all will respect you as you no longer have any reason to complain about anything.......and you will help another whenever YOU wish will wish to more and more each day.....:smile:

a stove was hot......a kid does not touch for fear if taught fear.......or does not touch to become smart if taught here to get smart.....both fear and wisdom are present, just which one you look at.....religious society reviles as bad anybody that thinks smart and not fear, but whichever one you feed, it grow the bigger.............all know the stories that come later

DebbieJT's photo
Tue 04/15/08 05:35 AM
i think you should stop all together..get help ..and retrain at something else..there are loads of jobs out there...if you dont will burn out one day anyhow..or loose everything..and gambling is an on top of that whats the point of earning all that money if you arnt enjoying life, meeting friends and seeing the world

davidben1's photo
Tue 04/15/08 05:47 AM
Edited by davidben1 on Tue 04/15/08 05:53 AM
wow, just seen your response post, and you said hit the nail on the is in EACHES subconscious the SAME, and i have seen much physcial evidence of this taking part in EEG studies of the can see MUCH higher spikes in VOLTAGE when speaking the subconscious matter what they are.....dosen't matter, if not spoken for a while, they are rusty at first and sound even bad sometimes, but smooth out quickly, is phenomenol the power each hold but if told they are bad, and need to try to be a good person......IT NEVER CAN GET OUT........every human was once said to be equal......i think it really is true even more than humanity has ever seen thus far......hey, no need to thank me, i was only doing what i wanted to, lol......being is each post that gave me the desire........thanks ALL for posting.....the glue that holds society together is talking about anything......peace

Lily0923's photo
Tue 04/15/08 06:21 AM
What is EACHES???

davidben1's photo
Tue 04/15/08 06:41 AM

What is EACHES???

well it got the job done....smiles

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 04/15/08 06:47 AM

ok for arguments sake say i am addicted. if i quit playing im not going to be making the money i am now their in lies the problem.i dont see the solution either.

ohwell wow I know this is a scary and innovative idea but what about .... smokin

getting a REAL job bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

AngelLight's photo
Tue 04/15/08 06:57 AM
Seek help with the gambling ~ At least explore the possibility that it could be an addiction.

As for ideas as to how to alleviate depression...there are too many to name here and each person is different as to what they respond to, but exercise is up there on the list, eating right, counseling, socializing, developing a relationship, being happy with your employment (that there is a "goodness of fit"), etc. etc.

You may need professional assistance to help you get to the CORE of your depression. It's not always as clear cut as it seems. Once you figure out all of the issues that contribute to the depression, you are in a better place to then tailor a treatment plan to address your specific needs.

I wish you all the very best.

davidben1's photo
Tue 04/15/08 07:36 AM
Edited by davidben1 on Tue 04/15/08 07:44 AM
if i say to another daily that darkness is bad, the potential to be afraid of the darkness in each hear each day darkness is bad, and soon darkness has become MORE bad, when indeed darkness is just an opposite of day, and have many uses, even make flowers to NOT wilt, and oceans to REPLENISH themselves......

the mind as a creature of habit can crave fear of the dark as a friend, but fear is only the BEGINNING of all wisdom.....if one hear to not fear and they still fear, than they are not ready, and will not listen anyhow, but if one does not have/believe something is fearful, than they maintain control over themself, and whatever IT is.....and can handle the situation with wisdom that each have

what man can befriend an animal if it is afraid of it....

what child can live happy if a parent make them live in fear.....

what fearful child will not grow up to become an adult that give fear to others.....

all evil acts committed are cowardly acts, and a coward must have fear inside.....

to rid of fear is to rid of violence, hatred, aggression, malice, bitterness, and restore one to love themself, and so love for others comes easy.....

franshade's photo
Tue 04/15/08 07:53 AM

if i say to another daily that darkness is bad, the potential to be afraid of the darkness in each hear each day darkness is bad, and soon darkness has become MORE bad, when indeed darkness is just an opposite of day, and have many uses, even make flowers to NOT wilt, and oceans to REPLENISH themselves......

the mind as a creature of habit can crave fear of the dark as a friend, but fear is only the BEGINNING of all wisdom.....if one hear to not fear and they still fear, than they are not ready, and will not listen anyhow, but if one does not have/believe something is fearful, than they maintain control over themself, and whatever IT is.....and can handle the situation with wisdom that each have

what man can befriend an animal if it is afraid of it....

what child can live happy if a parent make them live in fear.....

what fearful child will not grow up to become an adult that give fear to others.....

all evil acts committed are cowardly acts, and a coward must have fear inside.....

to rid of fear is to rid of violence, hatred, aggression, malice, bitterness, and restore one to love themself, and so love for others comes easy.....

David what are you fearful of? All your posts in one way or another reflect fear? Why do you want to instill fear or advocate it?

Life is great, I live my life fear free - I make choices, mistakes etc... but all without fear...

Please clarify why are you so fearful? why do you put such emphasis on negative feelings/vibes at all? It is a personal choice, my question to you is why do you go about things in a negative fashion?? mind you this is only my opinion.

davidben1's photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:33 AM
Edited by davidben1 on Tue 04/15/08 08:44 AM, this is a new one, as i am seldem EVER accused of that one......hum......other things, but never that one, and i talk and write to a lot of people......

what can one respond with here when all my words i have tried to say the opposite......

i will try this and see if it helps.....

can one be a friend to something they fear...

can a man defend his country well if he has fear....

can an employee serve well if they are afraid of losing their job as motivation.....

can a women love a man if she fear him.....

can a child love a parent if it fears them....

can anything love anything if it fears it.....

these are words that banish fear by speaking an untruth, which make it plain for all to see.....

does that help to clarify more.....i am not an eloquent write.....please keep posting your questions for me as they are very good and help me a lot....flowerforyou

franshade's photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:50 AM, this is a new one, as i am seldem EVER accused of that one......hum......other things, but never that one, and i talk and write to a lot of people......

what can one respond with here when all my words i have tried to say the opposite......

i will try this and see if it helps.....

can one be a friend to something they fear...

can a man defend his country well if he has fear....

can an employee serve well if they are afraid of losing their job as motivation.....

can a women love a man if she fear him.....

can a child love a parent if it fears them....

can anything love anything if it fears it.....

these are words that banish fear by speaking an untruth, which make it plain for all to see.....

does that help to clarify more.....i am not an eloquent write.....please keep posting your questions for me as they are very good and help me a lot....flowerforyou

David, I did not accuse you of anything, just wanting some clarification.

What do "you" fear? notice I said "you" not people/them/us/we... what do "you" fear? Why does it appear "to me" that you are not open to sharing nor responding to questions using the word "I" (referring to you). Most of your responses include questions, them/us/we etc... but never is the subject "I" again referring to you, albeit vague?

please respond for yourself and with no questions, if you'd rather not respond, I can accept that as well.

for example question, how are you?
response, 'I' am fine/tired/etc...

belledimanche's photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:53 AM
Try church. I pray when I'm feeling down and it helps. Also, on the lacking female companionship thing...there are lots of cute girls in church.flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:54 AM
Fear is a natural part of life. There are practical fears and irrational ones. The practical has me looking both ways before crossing the street. Irrational ones would have me trying (miserably, I might add) to be something I am not in these a for instance.

Living life without fear is simply denying it's existance, yet still suffering from its manifestations. Then more often then not...blaming those manifistations on something outside of self.

Living life in the face of fear? Can be considered the definition of courage.

As for the OP...

One of the key indicators of an addiction is doing something over and over trying to achieve the same feeling that once was a result of doing whatever it is you are doing.

no photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:55 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 04/15/08 09:00 AM

i dont know if its an addiction. i generally make money at it cleared 40 k over last 2 years. im not one of those degenerate gamblers that loses everything i have

It is an addiction that takes over your entire life. I met a man once who was addicted, and we went out for dinner. He could only talk about poker, he could only think about poker. He was a chain smoker too. He had lost his home, his wife, his life. He could only think about the next game. He was seriously disturbed and seriously addicted.

Get out before it takes over you entire life... and it will.
Use your will to direct your attention to something else that interests you.

That game will consume your mind ... and it is not a creative pursuit. It is a waste of time and a waste of the mind.


no photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:59 AM

dont addictions usually cost you money?

If you loose they call it an addiction. If you win they call it what? A profession?

Whether you make money at it or not does not determine if it is an addiction.

If you are consumed by it, if you are obsessed with it, then it is an addiction.

If you enjoy it and if you don't want to do anything else and if you love your life, then make it into a business. Start your own game parlor.. be in charge.

But if it is in control of you, then you are addicted. If you cannot walk away you are addicted.

no photo
Tue 04/15/08 09:06 AM

ok for arguments sake say i am addicted. if i quit playing im not going to be making the money i am now their in lies the problem.i dont see the solution either.

ohwell wow I know this is a scary and innovative idea but what about .... smokin

getting a REAL job bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

I hate that.

I work for myself as an artist and a private investigator and a website designer etc.

There are times when I make money and times when I don't.

Some people have told me to "Get a real job."

Here is a fact. You will never get rich working for someone else. When you have a "real job" you are working for the corporation ... paying into the national debt, paying into social security who pays out to illegal aliens from mexico.

When you have a "real job" you can get fired. You work for wages that are barely enough to live on.

No thanks. I hate "real jobs" If I am to be poor I will be poor on my own time.


franshade's photo
Tue 04/15/08 09:06 AM

Fear is a natural part of life. There are practical fears and irrational ones. The practical has me looking both ways before crossing the street. Irrational ones would have me trying (miserably, I might add) to be something I am not in these a for instance.

Living life without fear is simply denying it's existance, yet still suffering from its manifestations. Then more often then not...blaming those manifistations on something outside of self.

Living life in the face of fear? Can be considered the definition of courage.

As for the OP...

One of the key indicators of an addiction is doing something over and over trying to achieve the same feeling that once was a result of doing whatever it is you are doing.

flowerforyou No matter how hard you try Lilith is still my idol flowerforyou