Topic: Out on a limb
Derekkye's photo
Mon 04/14/08 01:28 AM
My pick for the next U.S. president if it's not Lance Armstrong is Hillary. You read it here first.

LIJOMA's photo
Mon 04/14/08 01:44 AM
Really now???

adj4u's photo
Mon 04/14/08 02:27 AM
they said dewey won as well

bigsmile bigsmile

no photo
Mon 04/14/08 03:09 AM
I think I might vote for Lance first! Just kidding - had to throw a barb in there somewhere.

I think McCain will actually win. If the Dems stay out of mudslinging each other - they would come out better off over all. And that isn't a flame-bait statement - it is purely tactical. If they would keep a line going of building the 'democrat' values of the other person, and of course, building themselves up at the same time, by talking how they would fix things that the folks want - I think the Democrat party would have an excellent chance of gaining the House, Senate and Executive areas at one time.

Wonder when the last time it was that a party got all three?

adj4u's photo
Mon 04/14/08 08:56 AM
Edited by adj4u on Mon 04/14/08 09:08 AM
2003 was republican majority and bush in prez

1992 clinton won presidency

and congress was democratic