Topic: New Church of Free Will
no photo
Sun 01/21/07 12:04 AM
lol Dane..sorry I am off writing and I get so into it I forget I am here

DANE1973's photo
Sun 01/21/07 12:14 AM
Hey that's why we're here, to forget why we're here right?lol

no photo
Sun 01/21/07 12:18 AM
well then i must be doing great because I forget where I am all the time

Ghostrecon's photo
Sun 01/21/07 12:25 AM
Well, SongBird.

I see yuo got a thing going here.


Keep up the faith and the good works.


songbirrd's photo
Sun 01/21/07 12:32 PM
Good afternoon LOL *listen's to the crickets*

Ghostrecon's photo
Sun 01/21/07 08:46 PM
"New Church of Free Will "

I want to start the New Church of Free Willy. LMFAO!!

Do I have any converts?

halfnutts's photo
Sun 01/21/07 09:02 PM
I saw a tent under the freeway, and bought some food for the poor soul,
but as I can see you are calling yourself a church
well good luck here.

no photo
Mon 01/22/07 06:09 PM
yay we can eat here lol

songbirrd's photo
Mon 01/22/07 06:09 PM
OK Everyone time for an argument Where did that RonZZ guy go?????

slowtogetit's photo
Mon 01/22/07 06:10 PM
oh oh some ruffled the birrds

no photo
Mon 01/22/07 06:11 PM
dunno he's another asshead like Preacher Asshead

DANE1973's photo
Mon 01/22/07 06:14 PM
her feathers are ruffled for all the right reasons,slow.

songbirrd's photo
Mon 01/22/07 06:15 PM
Amen to that He ALWAYS runs away :( He posted on one of my first poems
He ran away from my Army of support LOL

no photo
Mon 01/22/07 06:15 PM
*grumbles* I got more soul in my lil toe then that asshead has in his
whole being

niceguy4u79's photo
Mon 01/22/07 06:17 PM
So how many ppl you think we could fit in here?

songbirrd's photo
Mon 01/22/07 06:18 PM
Thousands maybe more. Welcome Nice :)

no photo
Mon 01/22/07 06:19 PM
as many that are open minded

niceguy4u79's photo
Mon 01/22/07 06:27 PM
Thanks Song i see that ronzzz has left his mark here too lol

niceguy4u79's photo
Mon 01/22/07 06:29 PM
Hey CCP and dane how are we this fine evening?

no photo
Mon 01/22/07 06:31 PM
Jus peachy niceguy :) you??