Topic: freedom of speech... | |
I had a contract to go into an office building and install a computer network a while back. I decided to try out a guy, to run the wiring through the buildings. I was paying him 3 times what he was used to being paid, because I had seen him work before and believed he could get the job done in the time frame I needed, and he was very particular and detail oriented. I had several other jobs in line too.. and could have kept him gainfully employed for at least 9 months to a year... and introduce him to a fairly lucrative trade. It seemed he was under the impression I hired him to spread his political views. I found him engaging anybody who would listen. This was disruptive behavior..It was not getting the job done and it created more of an impedance to the offices we were working in, then our presence should have created. When I tried to discuss it with him.. He brought up my 'limiting his freedom of speech'! He also said that he had observed me talking to people in the office quite a bit.. and saw no reason why I can and he can't. Completely omitting the fact that I was the owner of the business he was working for and not considering that I was probably discussing the progress of the job with the people it was effecting. A few hours later.. I brought somebody else in to do the work. Handed him a few hundred for his time and told him he did not have to go home, but could not stay there. Later that year, I ran into him at a local Mini Mart, working behind the counter. The owner was a security system client of mine. I learned later that month that he managed to get terminated from that job too.. For inappropriate dialog with customers. In other words.... There is a time and a place for everything! Not being able to distinguish when and where a behavior is not appropriate... can severely impede your ability to pay your rent and feed your face. |
I guess that makes us pricks brother, because I am the same way. My guys know where the limit is, and they refrain from discusing any, and all matters that pertain to anything outside of the job at hand when they are on the job-site. They are free to discuss anything they desire once they leave the site, even though they are technically still being paid by me. It is not that I have any desire to impede their rights of free thinking, but the place for it is NOT a work environment The last time I saw the guy was outside a job I had downtown. He was standing in the rain...soaking wet, with a backpack and bedroll. Hitting people up for spare change. He did not recognise me, and I did not say I knew him when I handed him a few bucks. I just knew I would not be able to resist the temptation to ask him if his principles were worth it. I worked with my Father for a while too, right before he passed... We collaborated on some engineering contracts that were worth millions. He owned his firm and I owned mine. He had an awful habit of getting into political discussions with our clients. Well.. not really discussions, but monologues... He had a tendency to go off on these little diatribes right in the middle of a meeting intended for discussing the clients needs and our designs. Which had a tendency to completely alienate the client. I'd get so disgusted trying to sway the meeting back on point..and him not getting it... On occasion, I just had to leave the room. He was a brilliant Engineer. Yet could not manage to navigate a conversation with others to save his life! His internal censor was broken. The end result? We often worked for free... The client did not get what they wanted... and I ended up breaking the partnership. |
I work at 7-11 and understand that if you just nod your head and agree with the customer...your going to go far. I can spare a few of my personal ideas for a simple nod and "ok".