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Topic: POW's Say John McCain Is A Lying Skunk
adj4u's photo
Tue 04/08/08 12:49 AM
walking threw quietly whistling taps

no photo
Tue 04/08/08 09:10 AM
Only the most far left and extreme sources are saying that John McCain talked under torture. They say it, because they can't be proven wrong.

Here are the facts:

Hilliary is really an alien symbiote, bent on world domination. Only by eatting the brain fluids of children, can she continue to live.

Obama is a White Supremicist, who has been an active member of the KKK for the past 90 years. Obama has personally burned over 1000 crosses in the yards of various African Americans.

Ron Paul is a brain eatting zombie from Planet 9. He was put here by his alien master to eat the brains of Republicans and go back to his home world with all of the worlds information.

Prove me wrong.


Dragoness's photo
Tue 04/08/08 09:33 AM

Only the most far left and extreme sources are saying that John McCain talked under torture. They say it, because they can't be proven wrong.

Here are the facts:

Hilliary is really an alien symbiote, bent on world domination. Only by eatting the brain fluids of children, can she continue to live.

Obama is a White Supremicist, who has been an active member of the KKK for the past 90 years. Obama has personally burned over 1000 crosses in the yards of various African Americans.

Ron Paul is a brain eatting zombie from Planet 9. He was put here by his alien master to eat the brains of Republicans and go back to his home world with all of the worlds information.

Prove me wrong.


laugh Mudslinging is mudslinging and it is on hot and heavy right now. All sides need to get hit so fair is fair in the game of ugly politics.laugh

adj4u's photo
Tue 04/08/08 10:52 AM
as long as the people put up with it it will go on

and if you dont vote cause of it then yer giving silent approval of everything they do

adj4u's photo
Tue 04/08/08 10:55 AM

Only the most far left and extreme sources are saying that John McCain talked under torture. They say it, because they can't be proven wrong.

Here are the facts:

Hilliary is really an alien symbiote, bent on world domination. Only by eatting the brain fluids of children, can she continue to live.

Obama is a White Supremicist, who has been an active member of the KKK for the past 90 years. Obama has personally burned over 1000 crosses in the yards of various African Americans.

Ron Paul is a brain eatting zombie from Planet 9. He was put here by his alien master to eat the brains of Republicans and go back to his home world with all of the worlds information.

Prove me wrong.


well we better vote for ron paul most americans will be safe and he will go after the foreigners

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Single_Rob's photo
Tue 04/08/08 11:16 AM

Who got off topic????????????????????????????
huh huh

They deleted those that were posting inane items (I like turtles, I like bunnies, etc), but allowed him to post his trash continuously... and then he has the gall to openly question those that provide him the security and freedom to give him the forum of free expression he so often mangles.

I've never seen ONE post in his own words (and what uneducated words those are, by the way,) except for a rebuttle to one of his copy/paste hatchet jobs.

What he fails to realize, ultimately, is that no matter what "source" he pulls these out from under, the simple problem remains: Do the democrats (specifically the far-left liberal wing of the party) have ANY solution for anything that they raise?

Until they do, this country will NOT elect a democrat for president. Witness Hillary/Obama saying ANYTHING to make themselves seem more than they really are:

A 2-term Junior Senator from a state she never lived in till she ran for office. Having co-signed NO major legislation and having served in NO capacity of leadership in any form of government, business, or academia.

A single-term junior senator from Illinois who, prior to winning election to the US Senate, lost THREE bids for Illinois Statehouse representative.

Rant on, Madisonman, but have the courage, guts, balls, and intellect to come up with logical, thoughtful, and timely isses we can freely debate. Until then, no one will ever take anything you say seriously.
A logical, well written, ORIGINAL posting in a thread started by Madisonman. My hat is off to you sir, one of the best composed I have ever read

madisonman's photo
Tue 04/08/08 02:12 PM
Its fair to say judgeing by all your foaming at the mouth responces that you do take it all seriouly . Just another fine example of twisted logic one needs to be a republicanlaugh

Kevrides's photo
Tue 04/08/08 02:31 PM
One needs to look no further than the Avatar that you use Madisonman to understand that you are so far to the left that you make Michael More look "middle of the road".

A good 74% of political name calling on the internet is done by the more leftists amongst us.

100% of political debate on the internet is pretty much useless. There aren't any minds being changed in this thread for sure.

Drew07_2's photo
Tue 04/08/08 04:24 PM

I heard that Hillary was dodging sniper fire in Vietnam too.
And Obama still didn't hear his pastor say a racist remark.

LOL! Nice.

warmachine's photo
Tue 04/08/08 06:06 PM
I interviewed Ted Sampley,for my News/politics site. Mr.Sampley is on the front lines of the McCain isn't telling the truth crowd. Sampley made it clear that McCain volunteered sensitive information in exchange for medical care and the like.
He also makes it clear that McCain had to have a reason to railroad the MIA/POW's the way he did.

There are some interesting pictures of McCain being extremely friendly with Col. Bui Tin, a former Senior Colonel in the North Vietnamese Army, who would have been involved with the detainment of POW's during vietnam. In fact he gave him a big hug right in front of the Senate select committee on POW/MIA affairs and all the witness's and onlookers.
Mr.Sampley is far from being a liberal, as he is the guy who also swung into action as a leading member of Vietnam vets against John Kerry.

For the record, There are more than enough reasons to not be fond of Sen. McCain. I just found myself in a unique position to comment on this, due to speaking with Mr. Sampley.

mnhiker's photo
Tue 04/08/08 09:57 PM

I interviewed Ted Sampley,for my News/politics site. Mr.Sampley is on the front lines of the McCain isn't telling the truth crowd. Sampley made it clear that McCain volunteered sensitive information in exchange for medical care and the like.
He also makes it clear that McCain had to have a reason to railroad the MIA/POW's the way he did.

There are some interesting pictures of McCain being extremely friendly with Col. Bui Tin, a former Senior Colonel in the North Vietnamese Army, who would have been involved with the detainment of POW's during vietnam. In fact he gave him a big hug right in front of the Senate select committee on POW/MIA affairs and all the witness's and onlookers.
Mr.Sampley is far from being a liberal, as he is the guy who also swung into action as a leading member of Vietnam vets against John Kerry.

For the record, There are more than enough reasons to not be fond of Sen. McCain. I just found myself in a unique position to comment on this, due to speaking with Mr. Sampley.


Mr. Sampley, on his website 'The U.S. Veteran Dispatch', called Sen. John McCain 'The Manchurian Candidate'.


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