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leroy01's photo
Wed 01/17/07 02:06 PM
I was working with my x brotherinlaw, a bit of a ****head he was.
At the time we were building street of dreams homes. We had are
morning safty meeting on the second story deck where we were working.
The meeting was about fall protection.
20min. after the meeting he was running the skillsaw on the edge of
the deck, with one foot on the board he was cutting & the next thing I
knew he was gone. He cut himself off the deck! LMFAO!!
He didnt get hurt to bad, but I about pissed myself laughing afterwards!

iceprincess's photo
Wed 01/17/07 02:24 PM
Lets see in may of this year we moved hear to SD. we arrived on may 7
and my ex served me w/ papers on may 10. He effectivly stranded me here
till he gets resatationed or wants to maove i can't be over 200 miles
from him. When i ta happened i was so ticked i bawled for weeks cause i
couldn't leave now It's kinda funny i was more upset over being srtuck
here than losing my marriage. ohh well he sucked in bed anyway.LMAO

tales13's photo
Wed 01/17/07 02:26 PM

iceprincess's photo
Wed 01/17/07 02:29 PM
tales your talking to whom?

leroy01's photo
Wed 01/17/07 02:37 PM
My friend calls to tell me her girlfriend likes me & wants to hook up.
It was a nice sunny day so I figured I would go pick her up on my Harley
& take her for a put. We went & had a nice lunch & good conversation. On
the way back we were hit head on by a car driven by a young girl on a
cell phone! We flew over 45' breaking my leg in 7 places! The girl I was
with didn't get a scratch, she landed right on top of me! Bad first
date! My date ends up being my care giver & sex partner! What a deal! We
are not seeing each other any more, but are close friends to this day!

ExtremeJoy's photo
Wed 01/17/07 07:23 PM
I got your back L- Mine is Divorce

leroy01's photo
Mon 01/22/07 10:51 PM
Hummmmm Dead Thread or what?

lily38's photo
Mon 01/22/07 11:30 PM
Many years ago, when I was young and not real wise, I was out with
friends drinking one of those "suitcases" of beer they had in the 80's.
I thought it was fun to go incognito at times, so I put on a Bozo the
Clown half mask, complete with the frizzy red hair and topped it off
with a rubber pig snout over my nose. We went to 7-11 and I got on a
friends moped and began riding in circles around a gas pump where some
out-of-towners were fueling up. I kept going round and round, honking
that annoying little horn, with the Bozo mask and pig snout still
attached. I thought I was hilarious. All of a sudden the moped hit a
patch of loose gravel and slid one way across the parking lot, while I
skidded on my breasts across the adjacent side of the lot. The people
who were fueling their vehicle and becoming disenchanted with behavior
ended up laughing themselves to tears. I deserved it.

leroy01's photo
Tue 01/23/07 12:32 AM
Lily that was to good!

lily38's photo
Tue 01/23/07 12:36 AM
Oh, leroy, that's one of many...I was a total dumbass in my
youth......least it's funny now!!

FedMan's photo
Tue 01/23/07 07:11 AM
lily I see your profile states Profession: entertainment, I know
hookers are entertaining but really a profession? come one anyone can
have sex and most quite good at it, but prostitution is nothing but a
disease spreading crime.

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