Topic: please read | |
Looks to me like LA supports.Fanta,I wonder if you was ever in the armed
forces?To the troops,,,HOORAH!!!!! |
Bill (Kisses)))
I support 100 percent as my son is inlisting,,,, My heart and soul goes out to these men and women each and everyday as well as thier families that they have left behind so that we can have all that we have... D :) |
I for one don't support the war, but I've NEVER said anything bad about
the troops, cuz they're the ones stuck in the middle. I pray for their safe return, and an end to Bush's selfish war. |
YES, I was Bill, 4 years Infantry, US, and I didnt say a thing about LA
not supporting our troops! The thread said that if you dont believe in the war then you dont support our troops 2 completely opposite things! AND I TAKE OFFENSE TO THAT PROPOGANDA LINE OF BULL****!!!!! I have and feel a kindred to those boys dying over there more than most ppl in this country can feel or even imagine! If I didnt say something about how wrong it is for my patriots my brothers to be dying in a war, where they should not be then I would not be able to sleep at night! How about you Bill???? |
I just want them to come back the same way they left, but thats
impossible. Emotional scars will stay with them forever, and they shouldn't be forced to go through that just because Bush wants more oil. I support the troops 100%, and the war 0% |
wow!!!that ia a tearjerker! well im against war but i do support our
troops!!!! |
thanks liegh.ppl this is not about YOU!!!!
it's about them and no one asked for no ones oppinnion |
Let me clarify myself, I do not support Bush and his money grubbing ways
I do not support the actual war itself, I do however support the men and women over there.They are dying for us, they are leaving children,husbands, wives, parents and siblings with out them in their lives.Just bring them home!!! |
People, those troops put their lives on the line every day. They beleive
in what they do. They are the reason you have the right to say what you say and how you say it. Not only them but those who gave the ultimate sacrfice clear back to 1776. Never forget what these people represent even if you agree or disagree with our president or not! These people are our salvation and fighters of freedom. We must remian vilante always and fight tyranny where ever it rears it's ugly head. It is all of our duties to remain viligante against this and quash it. |
as a korean weteran, I may not always support our leaders or the war
they have us in. but I always have supported the troops that are there. moreover I will always support our troop no matter where they are. |
HOORAH!You already know where I stand on this.From one soldier to an
other;if anyone out here in the civilian world do not show respect and offer complete support to our brothers and sisters over there right now. Then you have no right to call yourself an American,nor do you have the rights to reap the rewards that our beloved country offers you each and every day of your existence.For it is with the blood that has been split and the countless sacrifices that have been made by our forefathers which has allowed us to bask in this freedom that people so easily take for granted.These same sacrifices are being made right now in the present by our servicemen(our brothers pfl)and it's fair to assume that they are not taking any of them simple pleasures for granted.If you do not whole heartily support our servicemen then you need not claim citizenship within our beloved country.Then take your sorry a*s*s and leave to one of them third world countries immediately.Yeah!and do send us all a postcard and let us know if your views or your perspective on things have changed yet.Until there is Peace!Amen!Cybear/101st Airborne"Death from the Sky" To:All my Brothers and Sisters.God Bless You!Stay Safe!and come home to us.Amen. |
poison.. thanks for those words. more people need to read them and i
will do my best to share them. |
I apologize if anyone got butt-hurt by what I said, but I AM an
American, and I do support the troops. I may not have endured exactly what they're goin through right now, but I grew up in Sacramento when all the BS gang sh*t was gettin started. I wish all of the troops were home with their families, not gettin shot at. Thats no way for anybody to spend their days, especially when the "leader" isn't over there himself. If you're goin to send troops over there, and tell the families of the people killed that you're sorry, you should be there too. Once again, sorry if my opinion upsets anyone, but seein your buddies killed on the streets growin up, to seein your buddies shipped home in a box (if they're lucky) kinda gets you emotional about the subject. |
hoorah!!!!i wanna be a pen pal to some of the soldiers. if anyone has
an address of a soldier i would be honored to write to and pray for them. |
Not ONE day goes by that I dont REALIZE how fortunate I am!!! The
reasons for this are BEYOND explaining... so ALL I will say is..... HOOOORAAAAHHH !!!! |
Wow, eye-opening, great post Poison. I support our troops and feel for
their families. Thanks for posting this. |