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Topic: POW's Say John McCain Is A Lying Skunk
yellowrose10's photo
Sat 04/05/08 03:43 PM
ok....why was I once accused of believing every thing that I read when I'm the only one that has been saying the whole time that the media can slant a story to any side???? huh

boredinaz06's photo
Sat 04/05/08 03:44 PM

have I not said many times before that every side can find something to suporrt their arguements? you can drop 2 reporters in a war zones, where they each see the exact same things and STILL have 2 different articles

Hello Yellowflowerforyou Nice of you to Drop indrinker

laugh been here hun but watching highlander too

Highlander the Series or Movie(s)

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 04/05/08 03:45 PM

have I not said many times before that every side can find something to suporrt their arguements? you can drop 2 reporters in a war zones, where they each see the exact same things and STILL have 2 different articles

Hello Yellowflowerforyou Nice of you to Drop indrinker

laugh been here hun but watching highlander too

Highlander the Series or Movie(s)

movies....waiting to google a conspiracy from the media on it laugh KIDDING people

boredinaz06's photo
Sat 04/05/08 03:51 PM

ok....why was I once accused of believing every thing that I read when I'm the only one that has been saying the whole time that the media can slant a story to any side???? huh

Good Question? the Media is Above the Law and Can do Whatever they Want to make their Point and achieve their goal and Agenda.

no photo
Sat 04/05/08 04:10 PM

as for going to wikipedia and editing I'd like to know how that is done?


Lindyy's photo
Sat 04/05/08 06:47 PM

You're Gonna See More and More of This Propaganda BS as the elections Draw Closer! and of all Sources Youtubelaugh laugh laugh

It only took 30 years and youtube to find some idiot to "expose the truth".

Lindyy says:

Boing, boing, boing.

Is YouTube now the Gospel of political truth?laugh laugh

Oh, please, I have to go get the 'scooper' and hip boots out!


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