Topic: "Starbucks"________Now Open
no photo
Tue 03/13/07 05:01 AM
need a coffee and some nyquil--blaah--

oldsage's photo
Tue 03/13/07 05:02 AM
Morn all, got my frst. cup
Agree on "seems to be a lot of folishness going on here.
I am chosing to ignore them & hope they will go away.

jenn_82's photo
Tue 03/13/07 05:04 AM
good morning everyone hows the coffee around here

BillRoot's photo
Tue 03/13/07 05:07 AM
Mornin ppl.Im getting ems sage.May aswell have some fun with them I
geuss.Cant do nothin else about it.drinker laugh

verbatimeb's photo
Tue 03/13/07 09:33 AM
Hey BillRoot,

Now that you mention it, I have gotten IM's the past few mornings,
really early. I sometimes get up at 3:00 or 4:00 am (uh, I go to bed
early some nights) jump in here to see what is happening and BANG! am IM
pops up and I say "Good Morning" and nobody is there.

It is usually a younger guy too...
What's up with that?
Do you spose they saw my age and just decided to blip out?



whispertoascream's photo
Tue 03/13/07 09:39 AM
Hey everybody. I brought in my coffee from Timmy's is that ok?

BillRoot's photo
Tue 03/13/07 09:41 AM
Hey Verbflowerforyou .I only had 1 im like that in January.I just
figured someone clicked on the wrong person.Ive just been getting more
of the bs ems tho.Nothin to do but just play with them I geuss.May
aswell have fun with it!laugh laugh explode

Sluggo's photo
Wed 03/14/07 01:01 AM
Morning everyone....

no photo
Wed 03/14/07 02:30 AM
Sluggo where the hell are you, I need I mean I really need my coffee
this mornin.....damnit Sluggo git yer ass in here!

BillRoot's photo
Wed 03/14/07 03:33 AM
Mornin ppl.1 mug of tar for me please!drinker :wink:

bigpappa4331's photo
Wed 03/14/07 03:35 AM
grrrrrrrrrrrr....cofffee please ?

bigpappa4331's photo
Wed 03/14/07 03:36 AM
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,,,,,,,,,,who woke me up ??

BillRoot's photo
Wed 03/14/07 03:37 AM
Mornin 4331.Sounds like you need yours like mine.If the spoon dont stand
up in it its not strong enough.noway laugh

bigpappa4331's photo
Wed 03/14/07 03:40 AM
yup......and i'll take about 3 to start

sushi's photo
Wed 03/14/07 03:42 AM
Good morning, it's raining buckets over at my place. The dogs won't go
out, and I know the newspaper is all wet. Better get my coffee first.

BillRoot's photo
Wed 03/14/07 03:42 AM
Here ill just give ya a big azz mug like mine.There ya go.Theres all the
fixens too.drinker

no photo
Wed 03/14/07 03:43 AM
mornin guys..drinker drinker :wink:

BillRoot's photo
Wed 03/14/07 03:43 AM
flowerforyou G morning sushi.

Greyhound's photo
Wed 03/14/07 03:44 AM
G'morning Y'all!!! How do you like your coffee! drinker

no photo
Wed 03/14/07 03:44 AM
Mornin Billdrinker flowerforyou
Mornin BP
Mornin Sushiflowerforyou drinker
Mornin Sweetflowerforyou drinker