Topic: Globalization | |
You wanted me to be serious!!!
![]() Im being serious!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 04/04/08 06:02 PM
What I've read so far does not do anything for the people in this country. High-technology industries are less than 10% technological research and development, and 90% manufacturing. Taking less skill and training than say a CNC machine operator in a manufacturing plant! As long as that is the case, then countries with a cheap labor source, is where these companies will locate! For them to come here just means Americas work force must also become "cheap labor!" I am not worried about me. I will adapt and survive, but I think the intelligent humans of a society should not turn their backs on the less fortunate! They should never forget their raisings. I also, as a veteran, take the sovereignty of the United States very seriously!! No company should be bound to a country. To do so would be to tarnish democracy and institute ISI policies. What you are saying sounds like one of two things, which are quite similar. You sound like a heavy protectionist that would be quite alright with much higher priced goods being forced on Americans because it would provide jobs to unskilled workers. And, in that, it sounds quite socialist in tone. So, you would punish the skilled, successful middle and upper classes with higher priced goods because a much smaller population in the US, the unskilled workers, refuse to adapt to the advancing US economy? To do so would be to cripple the economy, cripple technological advancement, and that would send the country backwards as other countries pressed forwards, eventually passing us as they took in all the technological achievement possibilities we turned away by being protectionist. That's because you are young and do not realize what we have lost! You have received this globalization programming since you started day-care! When I was raised we didnt have day-care and we were taught to not believe everything we hear, esp what the gov tells you. Instead we were taught to think for ourselves, and not follow the crowd! I dont mean to be disrespectful, but that is all I can attribute the acceptance of globalization that is common amongst your generation to! Things are not better than they were 20 or 30 years ago! There has been a steady decline in wages and living standards in this country. I'm not talking about technological or medical advances that would have occurred anyway! I'm talking about quality of life, Im talking about workers rights, and morals, family values, national pride and morale, freedom, education, etc, etc! I have enjoyed this pleasant debate, but I have to disagree with your analogy!!! Wait a minute, you think I believe everything I hear? How many times have I written a post where I have done extensive searches to either support or dispute something? Most, if not all. And, how many different sources have I used, how many times have you seen me repeat sites to use again and again? Used a huge multitude of sources, barely using one more than once. Most time when I say something it has never been straight from my mouth without actually basing it off of research or credible material I have looked into. Just like the high-tech numbers I posted earlier, how many people here do you know that would go to such length? I have done this on numerous occassions, not taking stuff from wikipedia or smirkingchimp or some other weak site, but taking it from very credible sites with highly educated individuals. So, to say I believe everything I hear and don't go to great lengths to back my stuff up is very insulting. Your claims and rhetoric that medical and technology advances would have happened anyway, is the exact sort of stuff you just blamed me of doing! Which, I did not, I actually found research to back my claims, you did not. So, take that as you want. You suggest there has been a decline in workers rights and living standards as well? You can't just say this stuff like it is fact without backing it up with research, credible research which means some established research group. You call me the young, day-care (which I never had), but yet every point, fact I have put forward has at least been backed up by some form of research. Isn't this suppose to be the other way around? Where the old wise man uses intense research to back up the points he is making and the young whipper snapper uses baseless rhetoric surrounded in sensationalism? ![]() ![]() |
What I've read so far does not do anything for the people in this country. High-technology industries are less than 10% technological research and development, and 90% manufacturing. Taking less skill and training than say a CNC machine operator in a manufacturing plant! As long as that is the case, then countries with a cheap labor source, is where these companies will locate! For them to come here just means Americas work force must also become "cheap labor!" I am not worried about me. I will adapt and survive, but I think the intelligent humans of a society should not turn their backs on the less fortunate! They should never forget their raisings. I also, as a veteran, take the sovereignty of the United States very seriously!! No company should be bound to a country. To do so would be to tarnish democracy and institute ISI policies. What you are saying sounds like one of two things, which are quite similar. You sound like a heavy protectionist that would be quite alright with much higher priced goods being forced on Americans because it would provide jobs to unskilled workers. And, in that, it sounds quite socialist in tone. So, you would punish the skilled, successful middle and upper classes with higher priced goods because a much smaller population in the US, the unskilled workers, refuse to adapt to the advancing US economy? To do so would be to cripple the economy, cripple technological advancement, and that would send the country backwards as other countries pressed forwards, eventually passing us as they took in all the technological achievement possibilities we turned away by being protectionist. That's because you are young and do not realize what we have lost! You have received this globalization programming since you started day-care! When I was raised we didnt have day-care and we were taught to not believe everything we hear, esp what the gov tells you. Instead we were taught to think for ourselves, and not follow the crowd! I dont mean to be disrespectful, but that is all I can attribute the acceptance of globalization that is common amongst your generation to! Things are not better than they were 20 or 30 years ago! There has been a steady decline in wages and living standards in this country. I'm not talking about technological or medical advances that would have occurred anyway! I'm talking about quality of life, Im talking about workers rights, and morals, family values, national pride and morale, freedom, education, etc, etc! I have enjoyed this pleasant debate, but I have to disagree with your analogy!!! Wait a minute, you think I believe everything I hear? How many times have I written a post where I have done extensive searches to either support or dispute something? Most, if not all. And, how many different sources have I used, how many times have you seen me repeat sites to use again and again? Used a huge multitude of sources, barely using one more than once. Most time when I say something it has never been straight from my mouth without actually basing it off of research or credible material I have looked into. Just like the high-tech numbers I posted earlier, how many people here do you know that would go to such length? I have done this on numerous occassions, not taking stuff from wikipedia or smirkingchimp or some other weak site, but taking it from very credible sites with highly educated individuals. So, to say I believe everything I hear and don't go to great lengths to back my stuff up is very insulting. Your claims and rhetoric that medical and technology advances would have happened anyway, is the exact sort of stuff you just blamed me of doing! Which, I did not, I actually found research to back my claims, you did not. So, take that as you want. You suggest there has been a decline in workers rights and living standards as well? You can't just say this stuff like it is fact without backing it up with research, credible research which means some established research group. You call me the young, day-care (which I never had), but yet every point, fact I have put forward has at least been backed up by some form of research. Isn't this suppose to be the other way around? Where the old wise man uses intense research to back up the points he is making and the young whipper snapper uses baseless rhetoric surrounded in sensationalism? ![]() ![]() Life is my source!!! I respect your opinion, and said so. Lets dont fight! ![]() We will just shake hands and agree to disagree! Cool?? ![]() ![]() |
Let's get rid of some of the quotes!
Life is my source!!! I respect your opinion, and said so. Lets dont fight! We will just shake hands and agree to disagree! Cool?? ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 04/04/08 06:11 PM
Life is my source!!! I respect your opinion, and said so. Lets dont fight! ![]() We will just shake hands and agree to disagree! Cool?? ![]() ![]() Oh, I wasn't fighting, just making very clear points. If I ever use smiley faces anywhere, in any of my posts, that will be the clear sign I am being quite light-hearted. I thought the old wise man and young whipper snapper would have given it away. I respect debating with you. You can actually hold intelligent debate unlike many, if not most here. |
To you sailor
![]() Ditto ![]() |
glad we're talkin about the most important topics of our time for a change..and for change! thx
You are welcome!!
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slowly our differences are coming together..
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Globalization is a ploy to destroy nation-states. Read Foreign Affairs to understand what these elites are really up to.