Topic: if you really
itsmetina's photo
Wed 04/02/08 05:58 AM
liked a person and they had stds would you date the person?[this is not me]

DebbieJT's photo
Wed 04/02/08 05:58 AM

no photo
Wed 04/02/08 05:59 AM
ahhh herpes...the gift that keeps on giving....

uh, probably, notnoway noway noway noway

krazykitty323's photo
Wed 04/02/08 05:59 AM

Etrain's photo
Wed 04/02/08 06:00 AM

iamlookingforyou2's photo
Wed 04/02/08 06:01 AM

Lily0923's photo
Wed 04/02/08 06:03 AM
nope, I got enough problems in my life without worrying abuot STDs and I have a baby to raise...I won't take that chance.... you might as well play russian roulette with 5 bullets....

beautyfrompain's photo
Wed 04/02/08 06:11 AM
The United States has the highest rates of STDs in the industrialized world. In the United States alone, about 19 million new infections are estimated to occur each year. Women suffer more frequent and more serious complications from STDs than men.
(U.S. Department of Health and Services)