Topic: <3~Realistic Mutual Match~<3 | |
I sit here pondering so lonesome and weary
These primal urges have left me so dreary Such human frailty relying upon some hope Diminished results has left us all to cope Embellished hope on this fabled Mutual Match Cybernetically formed in some soiled patch Such lonesome whispers pierce the chilly air Our anxious souls filled with love and care Disclaimer lying beneath it's weathered skin The gesture falls equivalent to a recycle bin Some seek soul redemption with no paper trail While others remain innocent & tearfully frail This pool of emotions beneath a silvery moon While deep nightfall cloaking upon us to soon The air feels heavy and so redolent with tears Failed relationships have given birth to fears Such beautiful hearts are longing for a chance For merciful healing so we may once again dance Turbulent waves they rock these listless souls While the time ticks forward taking it's toll Fingers probing gently @ the surface with care Such painful memories have left us all to aware Gray clouds surrendering as we welcome the sun Our resilience had held now are trials are done Not by Mutual Match but by a friendship was born We survived a past filled with such bitter scorn Deeply thankful are we of this Just Say Hi site I wish for these friendships to become our match May fire be bright enough for the heart to catch Lovingly written by CyPoet 4/1/08 May we find the one whom we seek |
How true
Great write and so true,
Awesome write. Here's hoping....
very good indeed
Mr. Bear your WORDS here have NEVER fell on ANY deaf ear.
You are the MAN and these words of your poem hit this HOME.....Thanks and GREAT FRIEND. |
Our lonesome whispers carried in the winds fall upon hearts muted by turbulent storms waiting for the gales to pass leaving in it's wake bright rainbows of hope... |
Bearifically good write my bear buddy!
(Grrrrrrr) |
my Big Bear friend like the others after reading these wonderful words I feel as if we should have meet.. for we are pn the samepath of life... Keep your eyes open and look for the aburn hair okie, for im sure we are on this same path of life ...God Bless with Big Bear Hugggggggggs for ya |
Ms.S~Fox-A very nice lady whom I look fwd.2 becoming friends with.
PKH-My very dear friend whom I know quite well,an inspiring writer 7K7-A very sweet lady whom I also look fwd to becoming friends with TxsGal-A very dear friend with a huge heart & superb writing ability Terry-A very close & treasured friend of mine whom I do admire Kim-My dear friend whom I Luv strongly & has taught me inner-strength MsTeddy-A sweet lady whom I admire so much & I cherish our friendship OkieAngel-A very close friend of mine whom I confide w/beyond JSH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank You!4 your beautiful comments.I am very pleased that U enjoyed this write 4 it is certainly a subject of a deep truth which we all face though it's conclusion offers us all hope of finding that special 1 to complete our existence upon this earth.That is my hope & prayer 4 U all.I Luv U very much.Godspeed!CyPoet aka CyBear |
(((( Steven ))))))
Once again your soul flows,, Your heart inspires,, You my friend,,,, Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Goshhhhhhhhhhhhh come here,, I just want to Hugggggaaaaaa you Love you |