Topic: Awww Saturday Morning All !!
BillRoot's photo
Sat 01/13/07 06:59 AM
LOL ya crack me up girl!!!

no photo
Sat 01/13/07 07:00 AM
That it does but I am sure someone will come along soon lol Shdaowdog is
here but I think he's gettin coffee

BillRoot's photo
Sat 01/13/07 07:02 AM
C there were a few ppl that checked is pritty important in the

no photo
Sat 01/13/07 07:04 AM
Yep without it there is no life lol

BillRoot's photo
Sat 01/13/07 07:05 AM
Like to address ppl by there name but dont in public here.Will save for
EM and IM sence some ppl dont want there name knowin by all.cant say as
i blame them concidering some of the wackos out

BillRoot's photo
Sat 01/13/07 07:08 AM
dont have my java in the morning my azz is draggin all day.makes it hard
to walk!LOL

no photo
Sat 01/13/07 07:08 AM
True enough :) Its also a simple act of respect, some people don' want
you to use thier names.

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 01/13/07 07:11 AM
guten morgen yall.:D

BillRoot's photo
Sat 01/13/07 07:12 AM
just seems kinda uncomfortable tho.Call them by one name here and
another there.some may take it as disrespect when its compleat respect
for them.

no photo
Sat 01/13/07 07:12 AM
yep----mmmm, coffeeeee [slurpin']

no photo
Sat 01/13/07 07:12 AM
yep----mmmm, coffeeeee [slurpin']

BillRoot's photo
Sat 01/13/07 07:13 AM
Good morning to you Lion.Hope you have a great day!

no photo
Sat 01/13/07 07:13 AM
am i in the grand canyon or what??

no photo
Sat 01/13/07 07:13 AM
Mornin bro :D

BillRoot's photo
Sat 01/13/07 07:14 AM
mornin shadowdog,have a great day!

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 01/13/07 07:14 AM
hows it going bill,shadowdg,c.c.,and anyone who is here this fine
saterday mornin.:D

BillRoot's photo
Sat 01/13/07 07:15 AM
Well ya all got someone to talk to now.i gotta go.have a great day all!

no photo
Sat 01/13/07 07:16 AM
rain--more rain--heavy rain

BillRoot's photo
Sat 01/13/07 07:16 AM
doin real good there Lion,,,Thanx!C ya all

no photo
Sat 01/13/07 07:17 AM
later, bill