How to catch a rat........
I made my own trap before when I was a kid from some discarded window screen and wires. It worked really well. I just wired the door of the trap so it would slam shut when the rat or mouse so much as touches the bait. :) pretty hilarious. |
How to catch a rat........
i've caught a ton with the no-kill type, you just take them out to the field and release them...
*sighs* a beautiful man...
Background Checks
I remember working under the "Badge" too, I did Special Agent work for Homeland Security back in '04. They do a comprehensive check on everybody. But my point is to make sure that the individual coming into Your Home and looking into Your Finances is the person that you want. Been Verified allows you to check Their credit report too. Do you want someone who cant control their own finances to be your financial advisor? Pinnacol Insurance got hit hard by this fact too! This is true you would think that anyone working for mortgage companies would have some kind of background check. Not always found out when we were refinancing a few years ago. That the agent had been charged with embezzling tons of money form clients. NEEDLESS TO SAY. I went ballistic on the company. And they then had No problem lettin gme out of the refinance agreement. I say google everyones names. And you can search all Dept. of Corrections sites for free (any state). |
Background Checks
i rarely let ANYone into my home, period.
however, it's almost impossible to do background checks on individual can do a check on the company itself, but they don't supply the names and such of the people they'll be sending. |
User accounts
*chuckles* that you are, kim... mine's not anywhere close, either, mark. hmmm should I be insulted or complimented??? I'll take it as a compliment ![]() i always choose to take it how i like it. and yes, it was a compliment ;) |
User accounts
that you are, kim... mine's not anywhere close, either, mark. |
watched "thor" this morning, and it was certainly worth my time.
if you go, be sure to stay for the stinger after the credits. |
i make candles, soaps, bath salts, lip balms, lotions, etcetera.
i prefer molded candles to dipped. i have several stainless molds that i like...most have a hole at the bottom for threading the wick through, and then you seal it. you heat your wax over water, put in your additives (if you don't, the wax won't be hard enough to stay a candle, and it won't shrink, making removal from the mold pretty much impossible), add your essential oils, and pour that sucker into a prepared mold. tap the sides repeatedly to release any bubbles. as the wax starts to harden, you usually have to prick the top and add more wax as it shrinks. sometimes, depending on the size, you'll have to do this several times over the next few hours. when i'm making soap, i use the hot process method. much more volatile, but the finished product is usable immediately, rather than having to wait several weeks for the saponification process to finish. i super-fat, and mix my oils in a pan, pouring in my lye/water mixture, and then cooking and stirring, cooking and stirring, until a full trace is seen. pour into my lined mold (i use a wooden mold with a dough-cutter to slice the bars), cover with plastic and allow to cool and harden. in a couple of weeks, the bars are ready to go. beeswax, jojoba, vaseline, and eucalyptus usually make up some part of my lip balm. heat until well blended and then pour into containers. |
Assassination suggests a political motive, murder does not. You could say that assassination is murder+politics. |
Deer vs Dog and a Cat.....
wow, that was hard to watch. the beginning where the cat was grooming the fawn was beautiful. You don't know cats very well. That cat was trying to figure out how to pick that meal up and drag it home. Trust me. I have 7 cats and they drag home the darnest things. The fawn was just too large, but that cat sure wanted a piece of it. ![]() ![]() I felt sorry for that poor dog. But Mama deer was protecting her fawn. That dog would have chased it just for fun I'm sure. To the mother, that dog was a wolf looking for a meal. A very brave deer. Well I've seen a lot of cats with their prey and I've seen cats grooming each other, and that cat was not grooming. Grooming involves licking. The cat was clearly trying to decide where to grab hold of that prey. (I think the cat thought she could handle the size.) Cats don't just go up to a strange animal and start grooming it. then again, upon rewatching, she might be playing as with a mouse. i still think the very beginning looks like grooming, but after that, it doesn't. it doesn't look harmful, though, either. not like she's ready to pounce. |
Deer vs Dog and a Cat.....
wow, that was hard to watch. the beginning where the cat was grooming the fawn was beautiful. You don't know cats very well. That cat was trying to figure out how to pick that meal up and drag it home. Trust me. I have 7 cats and they drag home the darnest things. The fawn was just too large, but that cat sure wanted a piece of it. ![]() ![]() I felt sorry for that poor dog. But Mama deer was protecting her fawn. That dog would have chased it just for fun I'm sure. To the mother, that dog was a wolf looking for a meal. A very brave deer. |
Deer vs Dog and a Cat.....
wow, that was hard to watch.
the beginning where the cat was grooming the fawn was beautiful. |
just watched "fast 5"...holy...that movie was a thrill ride from beginning to end.
definitely worth the wait. a few spots where i had to suspend belief (like how they were able to acquire certain knowledge or just "knew" certain things pertinent to the story), but i'll be watching that one again. phew! |
Can I change my username?
It would also get confusing.
The only way to change your name is to start over. Use a different email address from the one you originally signed up with. However, make absolute certain that you completely deactivate the first profile before starting the second. It is a violation of Mingle2 rules to have two accounts going at once, and can end up in you losing them both. Lori Mingle2 Moderator |
One warning should be enough; however, it appears that it is not.
This is not the forum for political debate, and we do not have a forum in which to slam or degrade other members. Please familiarize yourself with our rules before posting. Further derogatory remarks will lead to warnings and/or suspensions. Lori |
Cats or Dogs
i've had three very special dogs in my life...but generally, i could leave them without an issue.
i'm much more a cat-person. i absolutely adore them...and i love that i don't have to love on them constantly. or walk them. |
camelburger, please
*wretches violently* |
Texting While Driving
i don't do it while actually driving...but i'm guilty of doing so at a very long red light.
You can only edit posts that are fresh. Generally this means less than an hour old.
It messes with the flow of the forums if people go and change things around; it can make a thread unintelligible. Lori Mingle2 Moderator |