Community > Posts By > Qiao

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Thu 11/19/09 12:15 PM
omfg why is it always about the most pleasurable experience engraved into our DNA to proliferate our race... gosh darn it!

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Thu 11/19/09 12:12 PM
2 slice of bread
1 banana
any amount of peanut butter

toast and combine to form a peanut butter banana sandwich.... of my god... so easy...

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Thu 11/19/09 12:10 PM
ali g, my god is the baron funny

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Thu 11/19/09 12:09 PM
i don't understand why people are punished for what they do to their own body. even if it affects others the role of judgment is played out far more than it should. people will always make mistakes, instead of accepting this we established a caste system to degrade those as criminals and yet at the same time we cry to install humanity!? even in matters of life we remain inconsistent. either let people live or accept the remorse at the expense of their punishment.

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Thu 11/19/09 09:57 AM


no one is honest, only relativity.

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Thu 11/19/09 08:39 AM
be shy no more good sir, the internet doesn't

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Wed 11/18/09 01:57 PM
or it could mean that only 20% of the world is post-industrial and the rest of the 80% is well.....

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Wed 11/18/09 11:50 AM
i think there is a confusion between forgiveness and indifference.

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Wed 11/18/09 10:00 AM
love is a poison and sex is the remedy

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Wed 11/18/09 09:55 AM

An eye for an eye I say.

leaves every one blind, i don't think offering physiological distress to prevent undesirable actions has ever prevented anything. but i guess its the most logical approach.

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Wed 11/18/09 09:52 AM

I think forgiveness is a cheesy way to get out of something.

I don't believe in forgiveness, and I don't forget.

what do you mean by cheesy? for example if you broke my cup and i forgave you, is that cheesy? or should i call forth the might of a thousand army to wage an endless war of vengeance, fueled by the blood of our linage. to me that sounds more cheesy :P, but to be consistent i think we should steer clear of the "well.. it depends on what they did", regardless of the degree, compassion shouldn't be measurable. i personally i have a friend who stole from, who, as much i want to forgive, but just can't bring my self to do.

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Tue 11/17/09 10:08 PM
it kills lots of people. lol

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Tue 11/17/09 02:46 PM
Turning the other cheek, how much forgiveness do you have in you? if given the opportunity can you forgive mass murders? Rapist? criminals of even the most heinous crime? or is there a capacity on forgiveness, should those who seek it be forgiven? if some one proclaimed their sins to you as a human to another human with all dogmatic factors aside, can you forgive without religious principles?

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Tue 11/17/09 02:41 PM
weed is friggin evil! it is illegal for crying out loud!? how can any one do something that is illegal that is just grounds for being completely wrong!?! i my self prefer to drink, it is legal thus automatically less harmful to my body than weed. i refuse to accept any scientific explanations because those are bias and having an open mind is like having an open door, your gonna get robbed. if you catch your boy smoking pot, whip him with a belt and hand him your whiskey. god bless amereika

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Tue 11/17/09 02:34 PM

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Tue 11/17/09 02:33 PM

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Tue 11/17/09 02:29 PM
shoot to kill, god speed.

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Tue 11/17/09 02:26 PM

hmm you guys all have your shirt on!? funny how we criticize those who value external appearance based on ... external appearance :P ,but the guise of a shirtless man is no mystery. we simply provide a much need contrast to those with shirts on. not every one can be a gentlemen, but those who aren't feels that the display of flesh is a more efficient way to attract attention. and that's just what it is, a way to draw attention should it bring romance or pleasure, it is only a way to gain attention.

Of course it's a way to attract attention. If it's the type of attention you're looking for, great.

ah but you see that's the fun part :D, the attention gained is a mystery, honestly you would think it only draws in those who are as shallow as the said shirtless man, but not always, sometimes curiosity can lead to a beautiful thing

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Tue 11/17/09 02:13 PM
hmm you guys all have your shirt on!? funny how we criticize those who value external appearance based on ... external appearance :P ,but the guise of a shirtless man is no mystery. we simply provide a much need contrast to those with shirts on. not every one can be a gentlemen, but those who aren't feels that the display of flesh is a more efficient way to attract attention. and that's just what it is, a way to draw attention should it bring romance or pleasure, it is only a way to gain attention.

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Tue 11/17/09 12:04 PM
hemp fire and cowardice

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