Guys - Question
What do you mean by "discipline specific stuff"??? ![]() no time. sorry. |
Guys - Question
Edited by
Thu 04/30/09 11:29 PM
unneeded info edited out
Guys - Question
i aian't gonna lie if i didn't know you and you tried to put a dollar in my belt i would of kicked you in the face.....and that's just being real ![]() haha!! |
Guys - Question
Edited by
Thu 04/30/09 11:30 PM
opinion irrelevant. edited out.
Guys - Question
haha sorry. believe it or not, that's my sense of humor. it's like fart jokes... on cocaine. fart jokes on coke... ![]() Last night, for example. I was at a kareoke bar with this girl from work and her large group of friends. One dude got up there and started singing "killing me softly" as a joke. i joined in the fun by walking up to the stage and putting a dollar bill in his belt. im not sure if everyone was laughing really hard because it was funny or because they were surprised... all i know is that guy ****ing hates me now. |
Guys - Question
haha sorry. believe it or not, that's my sense of humor. it's like fart jokes... on cocaine.
Guys - Question
Just tell him you castrate queers as a hobby, if he stays around, you got yourself a friend... unless he's a gay guy with a castration fetish... |
Guys - Question
Honestly dude... Just be a friend... It's our society that labels "affection" in such Narrow terms that two men can't hang out without appearing gay. My friends and I are very close. We go out and do things ... sometimes just two of us... It's cool. You're friends. I live in the Coachella Valley, California... Population is approximately 60% (or more) Gay. You can't let what others may think stand between you an friendship. You will miss out on far too much. Unless of course you are harboring some latent fears that you might want his pink pole... But if that is not the case... ASK YOUR FRIEND TO GO FISHING haha. problem is that gay dudes occasionally get beaten up by straight dudes down here. i don't mind an ass kicking, but i seriously can't get arrested again, especially if they get hurt. my fear is not of being gay. if i wanted to pound butt, i probably would. my fear is alienating 50% of every human I see with the two extremes of asshole/gay. |
Guys - Question
How do you become friends with another dude without him thinking you want to plant the pink pole of... um.... ok no more metaphors today. I can ask a girl on a date easily, but how do you say "hey bro let's go fishing together and drink beer." that seems like mission goddamn impossible for me. Men make friends when they play on sports teams. That's one place. i've been a 15k/marathon runner since 14. what team sport could a 25 year old guy get into (180 lbs/5'10'')? i feel like i'm too old or something. |
Guys - Question
Just takes common interests . And a good ice breaker unless your talking people you already socialize with ! oo. request icebreaker examples please. |
Guys - Question
Well, fishing is a good time to bs. But, respect the quiet too.... i can sit in silence, but i can't relax in it. too much to do. too much to talk about. maybe i should start taking drugs to establish friendships. |
Guys - Question
((((robert)))) is good people ![]() next time i get arrested im calling you ![]() heh, i just got a felony battery case thrown out without using a lawyer. the guy wanted $15,000 to talk to the DA. I just googled the crap out of local case law and did it myself. Their jobs are not nearly as complex as it seems to be. point is: hit me up d00d. just don't ask for help on domestic abuse or something. |
Guys - Question
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() just be you ...don't send out no homo vibe ![]() if i'm just me, dudes get pissed. i talk really fast and make a lot of references to discipline specific stuff. i think they interpret it as me trying to sound smart. the sad thing is, i can't express what i'm trying to say without them. this ends up being a problem with girls too, but with them i can change the topic to their lives or opinions. if i do that with a guy, he's going to wonder why i'm asking all that crap. |
Guys - Question
Usually stems from common interest. Have you seen "I love you man" recently or something? ![]() Guys constitute 50% of humans. I'm not a good human if I completely ignore/have no friendships with half of everyone else. |
looking for friends
be one...mabye you will get one ![]() I do that constantly, but then dudes think I'm gay. I don't really know how to be "nice" without solving a problem for someone. if you are friends with people whom think your gay for being a friend...i would get some different freinds...just imo... ![]() like, i'll try to be nice to a dude that's the roommate of a girl i'm dating, so i'll tweak his computer and setup free internet + proggies he can use to DL anime or whatever he likes, but the dude just gets surprised. he's like "uhhhhh, thanks". with girls its fine, because they think i want sex, and are occasionally correct. with guys, they always get the wrong impression. as far as having friends - i haven't had one in maybe 8 years. i was dating/married to women that entire time, but that was it. i seem to need something to focus on. very hard for me to juggle multiple relationships. |
Guys - Question
How do you become friends with another dude without him thinking you want to plant the pink pole of... um.... ok no more metaphors today.
I can ask a girl on a date easily, but how do you say "hey bro let's go fishing together and drink beer." that seems like mission goddamn impossible for me. |
Would you rather
argue. leaving fixes nothing. talking about it at least airs the problem. if done right. that backfires with violent people. |
Would you rather
Argue Or Leave? stay and edify/be edified. |
looking for friends
be one...mabye you will get one ![]() I do that constantly, but then dudes think I'm gay. I don't really know how to be "nice" without solving a problem for someone. |
looking for friends
How do we get friends? i dunno honestly. guys always want to fight me and girls want sex. that middle ground is flying right by >< |