Atheism Weak or Strong
That is not considered credible evidence by many people. If you want to believe it on faith alone, go ahead, who’s stopping you? To convince anyone else, it would have to pass the test of scientific scrutiny. That last post I submitted above was NOT about evidence, it was in regard to jeannies statements about the church and God. Sally |
Although I as a Christian must admit that there is no way to scientifically prove the existence of God, Atheism must admit that there is no way to disprove His existence either.!!!
Unfortunately, what Atheist and Agnostics fail to realize is that if we don't start with an infinite, un-caused God, then we must start with finite, un-caused matter! So, atheism must hold the absurd conclusion that something comes from nothing, that is, that non-being is the ground upon which being rests. This seems highly unreasonable and unlogical, for an atheist to assert dogmatically that there is no God, then he must be omniscient, and therefore God! Therefore, his assertion contradicts itself!!!!! Sally |
Are you gonna be my girl ---- JET
Evolution is it a fact?
I did read many of the posts here but not all of them. This is an age old controversy between science and religion. Religion is of course obviously wrong. The question I would pose to religious people is this: If you believe your God is Almighty and the Creator... then could not such a Creator create things that evolve? Can you honestly dispute your Gods plan or design by saying no? Many people say "it is Gods will" or "it is in Gods hands."... yet they limit what they think their God can do when it comes to the topic of evolution. Obviously, practically and verifiably, evolution happens and is happening all around us. If your God or Creator rules all of the universes and more, it must be the Creators hand at work. It is easy to reconcile Religion and Science in this field if you consider what I am saying. RW Mountain The Church has defined that the universe was specially created out of nothing. The church claims the world and all things which are contained in it, both spiritual and material, as regards their whole substance, have been produced by God from nothing. Concerning biological evolution, the Church does not have an official position on whether various life forms developed over the course of time. However, it says that, if they did develop, then they did so under the guidance of God.!!! Sally |
Atheism Weak or Strong
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Thu 02/05/09 02:26 AM
It is all about what authority you decide to accept and believe. If you decide to accept and believe the Church authority who tells you that the Bible is the word and work of God then that is your choice. The problem seems to be that not everyone accepts that authority, and the ones who do are put in a position to have to defend their authority. Hence all the debates about the Bible. Science just wants to learn the truth about things and when what they learn does not support the Bible, people get upset. Science is not the enemy of the Bible. It does not seek to destroy religion. It seeks truth. I agree - though I think the bible itself speaks of it's authority. I don't need a leader of a church to tell me the scriptures are the word of God - the text tells me that. I long ago abandoned any church as a representative authority. I just see them as a group of people with a devotion towards God. Whatever God they may believe. I get my God from the bible - not a church. I will add that science is about the "How" of things, and not the "Why". Religion is more about the "Why" - and not the "How". The two are really not related. You get your god from the Bible? Who do you think put the Bible together? .... THE CHURCH. If you think god did it, think again. (It was men.) I would think you would know that. Jeannie, The Bible is inspired and has authority, not because a church declared it so, but because God made it so.!!! God delivered it by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and declared that it would abide forever. All scripture is inspired of God.The Old Testament was written by Moses, David and Solomon, prophets, seers and kings. There was no "CHURCH" of any kind to claim responsibility for it. God inspired individuals to bring God's word to the people. !! Sally |
Atheism Weak or Strong
There is not one Christian alive today who participated in the Inquisition. They all died centuries ago. Every one of them had to face God. God knows the heart of every individual involved and justice has been served.!! Those people who are supposed to be "witnesses" to Jesus' crucifixion, have all been dead for 2000 year(if they ever truly lived at all) Nothing in writing is an actual eye-witness account. Every single prophet was an eye witness. Every prophocey in the bible has come to pass. I believe you need to look outside the box for just one moment. Sally |
Atheism Weak or Strong
People who kill in the name of God are not Christians or followers of Gods word. These people are extremist fundamentalist. Don't confuse the hypocrisy of such individuals. I was wondering when you were going to get to the "No True Scotsman" argument. Of my examples I listed, The Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition, were carried out by the church. I will tell you the same thing that I have told the others who have used that argument. It is not up to you to determine who is "True" and who isn't. IF there is a God it is up to him, and him alone. Your right, who am I to judge you or anyone, I am only conveying my beliefs. There is not one Christian alive today who participated in the Inquisition. They all died centuries ago. Every one of them had to face God. God knows the heart of every individual involved and justice has been served.!! Pope John Paul 11 admitted the wrong actions of the Catholic Church throughout history. This spirit of repentance, entails a firm determination to seek in the future ways to bear witness to the truth that are in keeping with the Gospel and Gods word. Sally |
Evolution is it a fact?
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Wed 02/04/09 10:28 AM
Hi Jeannie,
I respect your views, however I dont agree with them. Mythology and the bible should not be mixed with each other. We have to seperate the biblical with mythological entities here. The prophets and people in the Bible were indeed real people, along with the Church fathers, historians,etc.,this is fact. The Chosen people in the bible represents Israel. Have a good day. Sally "Mythology and the bible should not be mixed with each other." I am not mixing mythology with the Bible. I evaluate all information equally. The Bible is no different from any other information. Of course you can disagree, I was quite sure you would. I respect your choice to believe what you want. However in truth, you have no idea if the people in the Bible were "real" people or not. They could just have easily been fictional. Some could have been real people and then others fictional. The Bible is a collection of writings put together to form a new religion. It was put together by men. Before the Greek Gods were dismissed as "mythology" they were worshiped as real just as you worship your Bible and your god as real. But ultimately the individual decides what he will regard as "real" or not. Hi Jeannie, The bible is a book of historical and biblical events along with facts that happened and were prophocized,it is not about magical mythical creatures. Ancient Greek gods and goddesses are mythical.!!! The ancient Greek gods and goddesses have no definite foundation, which makes them even more of a fantasy and fiction. Again, I respect your views with regard to your belief system. Sally |
Evolution is it a fact?
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Wed 02/04/09 10:18 AM
The Chosen people in the bible represents Israel.
And what does "Israel" represent? I believe it represents a genetic bloodline. You are correct, however the question is, what does this have to do with an Alien society.??? or a work or element of fiction as Draconian.?? Fondly, Sally |
Atheism Weak or Strong
How is it that God is the leading cause of death? The Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, the Witch Trails. Even today, the war on Terror has been made into a Religious war, because of statements made by Bush, and the fact that the insurgents and the Taliban, are killing soldiers in the name of "Allah"(which is ultimately just another name for God) With regard to your statment on the witnesses connected to the church, 2000 years ago the testimonies were not from Christians, yet by Jews and others who had no reason to testify such events occured. In fact, they risked death by claiming such happenings. The biblical Scholars and the Historians you claim as being part of the church or movement are not all Christians,in fact a lot of them are skeptics,however they have much evidence and proof to back up with their claims.
So, when Someone is claiming to have "proof" that a book may be right, that is perfectly acceptable. When someone else, using the Scientific Method, and continually test and re-test the theories, and have actual proof that the book is wrong, they can't be trusted. ![]() When the overall majority that include Historians and Scholars claim a book is correct,and there proof to back this up then yes it is acceptable. You believe in books about science and evolution. or books in general on life and facts. How can you refute History in general. People who kill in the name of God are not Christians or followers of Gods word. These people are extremist fundamentalist. Dont confuse the hypocrisy of such individuals. Christianity emerged from Judaism which is considered a triune religious connective relationship. With Jewish teaching, Christians are accepted as worshipping the same God, and many Christians emphasize common historical heritage and religious continuity with the lineage of the Jews. Sally |
Atheism Weak or Strong
No one can explain logically anything regarding
Gods miracles on earth. To claim a medical miracle is a miracle from God is no cop-out , its just that, and there is no other explanation for it. It is a cop-out, because you are not trying to understand it, you aren't asking questions. Because of your faith in "God", you are willing to stay at your current level of intelligence. There is much proof on the witnesses of biblical times ,along with Biblical Historians, the Church Fathers, etc, to ignore them by claiming these people don't exist is absurd.
And all those people, Are connected to the church in some way, so of course they have a reason to lie, and claim that as fact. God is not a jealous God, He is merciful and kind,just because bad things happen to good people does not justify him as an evil God. Man
make evil. Everything in life is a test of faith and morals. No one can explain why bad things happen to good people,but there is a reason. Right. "God" is merciful, and kind. That's why his death-toll in the bible is more than Satan's. Right? You cant give God up because life did not work out
the way you wanted it too. Its just life, we are in charge of our own will. Its our choice how we live. God does not force his will upon any of us. Where did I say that I don't believe in God because life "didn't work out the way I wanted to"? You do realize that God is the leading cause of death today, right? So, go ahead and believe, the blood of those killed in his name, what be on my hands. Hi Inkracer, How is it that God is the leading cause of death?.,God created us, with free will, we make the choice. Its men that created evil here on earth. God did not want death and destruction. He only wanted Harmony, Peace and Love. Why do you blame God for the worlds mess.? It is not his "death toll in the bible", yet once again its MANS,with not be able to resist satan and his tricks and temptations. With regard to your statment on the witnesses connected to the church, 2000 years ago the testimonies were not from Christians, yet by Jews and others who had no reason to testify such events occured. In fact, they risked death by claiming such happenings. The biblical Scholars and the Historians you claim as being part of the church or movement are not all Christians,in fact a lot of them are skeptics,however they have much evidence and proof to back up with their claims. Have a good day. Sally |
Evolution is it a fact?
I hope you dont mind me putting my 2cents in here, but with regard to the Alien encounters and or theory, is it possible it could be Satan himself decieving mankind once again regarding the creation factor by creating illusions and deceptions,after all he is a fallen angel and is Gods greatest advesary. If you support this so called evidence on alien society, why not look for an explanation on angels and demons as there is a spritual war going on as we speak in another realm. I find far more evidence to support God,creation,miracles and the meaning and purpose of us human beings just being here. What would be our meaning and purpose anyway on this planet.? Sally Sally, You call them devils or fallen angels, I call them aliens. 2000 years ago, any kind of advanced civilization would have been looked upon as gods. Any leader of these so-called 'gods' would have been jealous of the others and demanded that no other god be worshiped but him. I do indeed see the connections in Biblical legend and myth and the aliens who "fell to the earth." Yes, they were rebels and they rebelled against their administration, ruled by a draconian queen. Indeed, there is a lot of "deceit" going on in order to hide the true origins of these non-human lifeforms you call fallen angels and "Satan" who mated with human women and whose offspring were "giants among men" or "men of renown." They consider themselves the master race, and better than the average human. Their descendants are the royal families and the "chosen people." In the Bible they are referred to as "the sons of Cain" and spawn of the evil one. Hi Jeannie, I respect your views, however I dont agree with them. Mythology and the bible should not be mixed with each other. We have to seperate the biblical with mythological entities here. The prophets and people in the Bible were indeed real people, along with the Church fathers, historians,etc.,this is fact. The Chosen people in the bible represents Israel. Have a good day. Sally |
Atheism Weak or Strong
The bible is God breathed, so some stories we don't take as literal, however the bible has two main meanings, which is Faith in God and his commandments and or laws. This is Gods word and the way we as believers should abide.
If the stories are from god, why aren't you taking them literally? Science has taken their own theory to refute the bible,however once again its just theory. Science cannot explain to reiterate how miracles and many other unnatural phenomenons or occurrences happen. They never will!
Everything can be explained logically. Saying something is a miracle is a cop-out to doing the work to figure it out. You cannot refute the many witnesses at the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. These men were non- Christians who were eye witnesses to this event.
Before you can claim them as witnesses, you first have to prove they exist. Even if I could prove to you there is a God, would you want to know him anyway.???
Since the god of the bible is a jealous, megalomaniac, No. Why did you lose your faith, if you don't mind me asking.?
The actions of supposed "Men of God". And myself opening my eyes to what religion really does in this world. I try to abide in Gods word by keeping the commandments and following his word with Faith. No one can explain logically anything regarding Gods miracles on earth. To claim a medical miracle is a miracle from God is no cop-out , its just that, and there is no other explanation for it. There is much proof on the witnesses of biblical times ,along with Biblical Historians, the Church Fathers, etc, to ignore them by claiming these people dont exist is absurd. God is not a jealous God, He is merciful and kind,just because bad things happen to good people does not justify him as an evil God. Man make evil. Everything in life is a test of faith and morals. No one can explain why bad things happen to good people,but there is a reason. You cant give God up because life did not work out the way you wanted it too. Its just life, we are in charge of our own will. Its our choice how we live. God does not force his will upon any of us. Then we are judged, good and bad.! Sally |
Evolution is it a fact?
Oh yea of course saly, we all know satan put all dem fossil in da ground to tricks us. Satan also setup the entire genetic code so dat we would see dos fossils as telln a story of evolutionism. yea . . . JB, if you are not willing to watch the videos, I am not willing to discuss this with you. The videos summarize and expound on far more information then I could do in the same amount of time. Watching them is far better for a lay person then reading for the same amount of time. Nobody ever stated we did not evolve, yes we are always evolving, however where did the big ball in the sky come from anyway, out of nothing-ness.? Besides what do fossils and aliens have to do with each other.? If God created the world along with Man, Angels, and animals then he is in charge of the evolving of the universe. Sally |
Atheism Weak or Strong
Can you disprove Gods Existence?
Can you prove god exists? If you understood the bible then you would
not title your self Atheist. You would call yourself more of an agnostic as you once were a Christian. Yes, I understood, and still understand, the bible. I also see it has nothing more than fictional stories made up to control man. The bible is a matter of Faith, which one cannot prove. However many Biblical Scholars and Historians have stated facts regarding the bible along with the prohets,Saints and many witnesses.
Science has already disproven many of the stories in the bible. Jesus Christ Crucifixtion and death along with his ressurrection are in numerous testimonies from the other New Testament writers, Early Church Leaders, and witnesses. He is the only known prophet out of all the religions in the world to call himself the Son Of God. There is too much evidence in History to refute his existence as a teacher, prophet and the Son of God.
You realize that the only real "evidence" of Jesus is the bible, right? Also many religions(that predate Christianity) have a god story similar to the Jesus story. Horus, an Egyptian God is one. When science can explain medical miracles or phenomenon's then you can question the existence of a God, however science cant and will never prove any mysteries or phenomenons that occur in this world our God created.
Science has already proven many things in the bible to be false, and one day, we will understand why medical "miracles" just happen. Just because we don't know why they happened, doesn't make them miracles. The bible is God breathed, so some stories we dont take as literal, however the bible has two main meanings, which is Faith in God and his commandments and or laws. This is Gods word and the way we as believers should abide. Science has taken their own theory to refute the bible,however once again its just theory. Science cannot explain to reiterate how miracles and many other unnatural phenomenons or occurances happen. They never will! You cannot refute the many witnesses at the crucifixtion and resurrection of Christ. These men were non- Christians who were eye witnesses to this event. Even if I could prove to you there is a God, would you want to know him anyway.??? Why did you lose your faith, if you dont mind me asking.? Sally ![]() |
Evolution is it a fact?
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Wed 02/04/09 08:07 AM
We do see evolution happening in modern man, it has happened with our immune system in the last thousand years even.
Its written in the DNA. I don't have a problem with that. You may even find us connected to elephants and tigers somewhere in the DNA or in the information contained within a single atom. I also have can see evolution within a species as they change and adapt. It's the breaking off points that lead to a new species and how that happens that are unclear. However you are correct, we cannot rule out all kinds of fantasy scenarios, we have ruled in evolution however. Fantasy scenarios? I don't call it that. I think there is sufficient evidence to support the alien theory. But you misunderstand. I am not looking for proof to support the alien theory. I am looking for proof against it. Therefore I would have to nail down and understand the exact process of how a lemur (or whatever) would change into a homo erectus and then from there evolve into a modern homo sapian and develop a modern civilization in such a short time without outside intervention. It is not just evolution I am looking at here. It is a combination of a lot of other information I have gathered that all points to the alien or advanced civilization influence. It is overwhelming and it is the best explanation I have come up with. It is far from "fantasy." Hello, I hope you dont mind me putting my 2cents in here, but with regard to the Alien encounters and or theory, is it possible it could be Satan himself decieving mankind once again regarding the creation factor by creating illusions and deceptions,after all he is a fallen angel and is Gods greatest advesary. If you support this so called evidence on alien society, why not look for an explanation on angels and demons as there is a spritual war going on as we speak in another realm. I find far more evidence to support God,creation,miracles and the meaning and purpose of us human beings just being here. What would be our meaning and purpose anyway on this planet.? Sally ![]() |
Candlebox - Far behind
Sally ![]() |
Atheism Weak or Strong
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Wed 02/04/09 06:21 AM
Did you ever wonder what came out of the 911 attack.? Good always comes out over evil. After the 911 people united and came together all over the world. It demonstrated what Love of Neighbor truly defines. God does not cause evil,( man does). God permits it for reasons unknown to any of us. His reasons are mysterious,however through faith we accept his will. Sally. |
Atheism Weak or Strong
What is a "decent understanding" of the bible? Have you read it? Even just the New Testament?
If you haven't - you are basing your understanding on everything else but the source. I will state for the last time I was raised in a Christian household. Yes I have read the bible, several times in fact. Due to the discussion of Hitler - and your stance on his being a Christain, I know for certain you have not read the New Testament.
So, you're going to call me ignorant, but base what I have done, on your definition of a Christian, and Hitler. ![]() Therefore...
You have no experience or understanding from "where you're sitting" because it is from the seat of ignorance. And heading off to Wiki to get a definition of Christainity is like writing a book report on the Illiad from the Cliff notes. Your opinion is not your own, but somebody elses, and what evidence do you have that they've done the work for themselves. I have come to my own understanding of what it is to be a Christian from my time AS a Christian. Again, I was raised (for 18+ years) in a Christian household. That time gives me a good understanding of what it is to be a Christian. And aside from giving a brief overview of what the gospels say about salvation - how do you even know what my definition of Christianity is to determine there isn't anyone who is one?
Well, from what you have posted as your definition of a Christian, any rational person can see that by your definition, it would be very difficult for Jesus(IF he truly existed) to be a Christian. Read the manuel - then join the discussion. By your own analogy - why should you be allowed an opinion?
Again, 18+ years as a Christian, I have read the bible, and even now as an Atheist, I would say I understand it more than most Christians out there. Can you dissprove Gods Exsistence.? If you understood the bible then you would not title your self Atheist. You would call yourself more of an agnostic as you once were a Christian. The bible is a matter of Faith, which one cannot prove. However many Biblical Scholars and Historians have stated facts regarding the bible along with the prohets,Saints and many witnesses. Jesus Christ Crucifixtion and death along with his ressurrection are in numerous testimonies from the other New Testament writers, Early Church Leaders, and witnesses. He is the only known prophet out of all the religions in the world to call himself the Son Of God. There is too much evidence in History to refute his existence as a teacher, prophet and the Son of God. When science can explain medical miracles or phenomenom's then you can question the existence of a God, however science cant and will never prove any mysteries or phenomenoms that occur in this world our God created. Sally. |
Evolution is it a fact?
It always comes down to the fact that evolution is science which deals in provable facts and religion which deals in unprovable beliefs. There is no crossing of these two except in religious minds that feel it threatens their beliefs. But it really doesn't because one is fact based and the other is belief based. I must say religion has provable facts,just look at all the information Biblical scholars and historians have found as factual evidence of the meaning and purpose of this life. The prohets and saints are prime examples of fact with regard to religion.the many witnesses who hung Jesus Christ for example are fact in both History and Religion. Its faith one cannot prove to another person,rather than religion. Sally |