Community > Posts By > Kindlightheart
Can't stop missing my grandma. Awww...big hugs my friend...if it helps at all I bet one of the best sounds she ever heard was your voice saying.."I love you gramma.." your little arms hugged her as tight as they could...I know it's one of my favorite things to hear from my angel.. ![]() ![]() Thank you, kindheartlight... ![]() ![]() ![]() of my saddest days was looking at my beautiful granddaughter and thinking...when she is my age I will no longer be...I discovered how short life really is...and then I felt so gifted that I was blessed with being in her life...the way you are today...the beautiful soul you are...I am sure is a lot because of long as she is in your heart she is is blessed with the best gifts be remembered by you girl..!.. ![]() |
Can't stop missing my grandma. Awww...big hugs my friend...if it helps at all I bet one of the best sounds she ever heard was your voice saying.."I love you gramma.." your little arms hugged her as tight as they could...I know it's one of my favorite things to hear from my angel.. ![]() ![]() |
Saudi cleric Nasser al-Umar issued a fatwa permitting mujahidin [jihadis] in Syria to have sex-jihad with their sisters [muharamhum] if no one else is available. The cleric issued his fatwa on (one of the channels associated with the radical jihadi movements). According to a documentary video (The new jihad allows brothers and sisters in Syria belonging to the [al-Qaeda linked] al-Nusra Front to marry each other under the name of jihad because of the lack of girls among fighters of that organization.) ...ok..this is about the dumbest question I have heard today...a friend of mine asked why they just don't ..."just use Kleenex" ...seems to work for the average guy... I don't know much about the faith...perhaps one day...but is it wrong to touch themselves...?...I know...dumb ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Disruption in Chicago
So been trying to a lot of people are screwed in my town...color and religion have nothing to do with it...because society has decided it can judge you and deprive you the of basics in life...the right to work and purchase a home...based on a persons,criminal history, or any other indiscretion that is frowned upon...color has nothing to do with these "offenses"...a person cannot change their past..they have paid their price and since they still breathe shouldn't they be able to move forward...but all these background checks leave so many to depend on welfare or return to breaking the law to survive...which may put them in jail or abused by law it's every color...doesn't it make more sense just to employ them and let them buy a home... ![]() ![]() |
Disruption in Chicago
So been trying to a lot of people are screwed in my town...color and religion have nothing to do with it...because society has decided it can judge you and deprive you the of basics in life...the right to work and purchase a home...based on a persons,criminal history, or any other indiscretion that is frowned upon...color has nothing to do with these "offenses"...a person cannot change their past..they have paid their price and since they still breathe shouldn't they be able to move forward...but all these background checks leave so many to depend on welfare or return to breaking the law to survive...which may put them in jail or abused by law it's every color...doesn't it make more sense just to employ them and let them buy a home...
Because everything differs from state to state some native tribes were treated worse than others...but I can say it was a shame to watch a lot of natives get given a nice patch of land to only sell it for less then its value to the white man...only to complain twenty years later that too many white people are on the reservation ...I have a lot of native friends and I told so many of them to not sell...but free stuff is easy to get rid of.. That is really sad ... It should've been made impossible to sell. White people on a reservation? ![]() ...the Flathead reservation is some of the most beautiful territory in Montana ...can't blame the white man for wanting it or buying it...sadly the natives get their money and land shortly after they turn 18...and at that age...even white kids would not be responsible...I do agree that the land should not have been sellable...or if anything it should have only been sold to the tribe...jmo ![]() |
...the Browning reservation is one of the worst in our's on a flood plain and they have been hit hard over ex son inlaw is Blackfeet and the tribe has had its ups and downs... Is that getting glacier run-off, is that where all the water comes from there? It seemed quite barren to me, but quiet and peaceful in the middle of nowhere. What makes it bad? ...most of my knowledge of the problems over there are hearsay from members of the Blackfeet ...they just say that the tribal leaders misdirected money and the town is going bankrupt...and they have a lot of black mold issues due to flooding in the past...very sad because the area has potential...just poor leadership...go figure ... |
and preachers here in the 'christian' faith are condoning homosexuality as well many 'christians' are surprised by this , but in no way proves what all Christians believe in or condone ...even non- Christians don't understand why these guys are so perverse...both Muslims and Christians have major issues with their ideas on how to climb the stairway to heaven ...geez...I do hope that God is more like I least my God only concerns "it's self" with who loves..and who knows violence against others and no free pass on my dead brother...just judged according to your least with the way I believe ..."good" Muslims and Christians will still be loved by God... ![]() You forgot to include Jews, Hindu Buddhists .,Atheists, New Age & Wiccans... . in your disclaimer/ deflection for Muslims. ![]() The others you mentioned don't seem to get involved...They don't grandstand, judge, and condemn everyone else...I just think that both Christians and Muslims are both designed and rewritten from time to time to make money for their governments ...using God as a fear factor...I don't think God is as big of a jerk as Christians make him out to be...nor do I think God finds enjoyment with the Muslims need for sexual gratification ..but until God makes an appearance ...humans will say and do whatever it takes to bury themselves in the only thing they love more than God..$$$$$ ![]() ![]() You may want to Google Gaza strip & look up the definition of ' Infidel ' according to Muslims. How are Jews not involved? They were here first .. ![]() All 3 are from ' God of Abraham ' ![]() You are anti Juedo- Christian I know. And okay * shrugs * But. . Welcome to the list of being an infidel. Love & tolerance will not save your as@ or your head. Look at Africa & Europe. ...ok..the Jews have government ruled faith as well...and I really am not "anti" Christian...or any belief for that matter...I just think that all the hate amongst us as humans is largely stimulated by how one perceives God...I was raised Christian but as time went on I found myself wondering about all of those that don't follow the John 3:16 rule...then I noticed how many Christians judge everyone..thought thou shalt not Judge was one of the big rules...I don't know if I am right...but if an Almighty God is real...he/she can't possibly be impressed by any of these "beliefs"....I do hope there is a better place when we die...but I won't ever believe that you have to be a member of any religion...I mean what's the difference of a Christian damning a young girl to hell for aborting a child because she was raped...or a Muslim having sex with young sister...both of these acts seem wrong to me ...the girl who got the abortion may have been wrong..but the person who condemned her did more damage..jmo... ![]() |
and preachers here in the 'christian' faith are condoning homosexuality as well many 'christians' are surprised by this , but in no way proves what all Christians believe in or condone ...even non- Christians don't understand why these guys are so perverse...both Muslims and Christians have major issues with their ideas on how to climb the stairway to heaven ...geez...I do hope that God is more like I least my God only concerns "it's self" with who loves..and who knows violence against others and no free pass on my dead brother...just judged according to your least with the way I believe ..."good" Muslims and Christians will still be loved by God... ![]() You forgot to include Jews, Hindu Buddhists .,Atheists, New Age & Wiccans... . in your disclaimer/ deflection for Muslims. ![]() The others you mentioned don't seem to get involved...They don't grandstand, judge, and condemn everyone else...I just think that both Christians and Muslims are both designed and rewritten from time to time to make money for their governments ...using God as a fear factor...I don't think God is as big of a jerk as Christians make him out to be...nor do I think God finds enjoyment with the Muslims need for sexual gratification ..but until God makes an appearance ...humans will say and do whatever it takes to bury themselves in the only thing they love more than God..$$$$$ ![]() |
This reminds me of a job I had awhile back...the company employed all races and religions...the "black" people all volunteered to transfer to the new assembly line...5 assembly lines total...all day long they would yell to eachother ..
"hey..***** toss me a rag...yo *****, throw me a screw...what's up my *****.." then a new guy...a native got opening on line 5 was open...the guy would work amidst all the an attempt to fit in he yelled out to one of the guys..." hey *****...toss me that drill"...after a moment or two of silence he went and grabbed the drill...after work all the black guys were waiting in the parking lot for the thing you knew the natives came up to back their stepped outside and put a stop to what would have been one hell of a fight...the next day the native was let go for being racist...sounds like the Trump rally....BLM is a horrible excuse of representing black people...As far as Trump goes...he has a dark sense of humor...but a bunch of people rioting because they don't like the guy....idiots |
Disruption in Chicago
Chicago must be cursed...perhaps before the end of this election the movie stars and rock stars can do a remake of "the night Chicago died"....before they all leave the country...then they can donate all the money it makes into a welfare program
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and preachers here in the 'christian' faith are condoning homosexuality as well many 'christians' are surprised by this , but in no way proves what all Christians believe in or condone ...even non- Christians don't understand why these guys are so perverse...both Muslims and Christians have major issues with their ideas on how to climb the stairway to heaven ...geez...I do hope that God is more like I least my God only concerns "it's self" with who loves..and who knows violence against others and no free pass on my dead brother...just judged according to your least with the way I believe ..."good" Muslims and Christians will still be loved by God... ![]() |
I swear...the only time I wish I had when someone so far away catches my eye...but can only be a dream...
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I guess if a person wants to be deceitful in their profiles on dating sites they should always expect some kind of negative may seem harsh to be specific about what you're attracted to but at least if you do wind up on a date you can be prepared with the thought that you might not be said persons cup of tea...if I read that a guy is into "perfect smiles" or has a foot fetish I will skip right
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When traveling from Oregon to Cardston, Canada, the train left us at Browning, Montana, to wait for a pick-up by family. They were late crossing the border and were horrified that we had been left alone and unprotected at the station, which turns out is in the middle of an Indian reservation. As we had no idea, we were chatting with all the 'locals' who magically did not plunder us. Seems those who live close to reservations have a somewhat different perspective than those of us who live with tribal members all around us at the Casino in town. I have always thought the Indians got a rough deal and are slowly taking it back with casinos. They are like the Amish, they do their own thing. ...the Browning reservation is one of the worst in our's on a flood plain and they have been hit hard over ex son inlaw is Blackfeet and the tribe has had its ups and downs... |
Are amish people cool?
I find it kind of odd that an Amish guy would be wondering around So Cal looking for work. He may not be Amish at all. I'd check him out a little more before giving him the keys to my house. I would have to agree...but I heard that when they reach a certain age they can leave and see the world..then decide to go back and be Amish or go...not sure though.. ![]() |
Telling the truth
I would fib alittle...I would say that a friend of mines kid had their bike stolen and if it was cool with her to give it away...
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I could not begin to name all my many past and present that give me something to smile about...not to mention provided me with a different perspective on so many shout out to everyone who is active in the forums..!!
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Because everything differs from state to state some native tribes were treated worse than others...but I can say it was a shame to watch a lot of natives get given a nice patch of land to only sell it for less then its value to the white man...only to complain twenty years later that too many white people are on the reservation ...I have a lot of native friends and I told so many of them to not sell...but free stuff is easy to get rid of..
Very sleepy...
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