Community > Posts By > valtheponytail35
Let's discuss about this last days,if you look into the world now you will see that we are in the world full of corruption where police can kill a student for no reason and go free where an old woman will be getting married to her sons mate,where an old man is using his daughter mate,please let's discuss this issue because I have to tell u all something. We are in the world of the worldwide news. And you seem to be quoting some sort of tabloid headlines, rather than speak from the experience. When I look into the world, the whole 100 or so meters of my street before building on the corner blocks the view... I'ts fine. When I go to work its sill fine. I even pass some people who are standing on the street with magazine racks that have the headlines which sound a lot like you. I would love to get into the discussion with you... but that's not really why you're here is it? It was a sales pitch, wasn't it?. And it didnt make enough positive feedback to go on and try to make the closure. |
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Tue 09/16/14 02:43 PM
I agree,from what i hear from more mature women,younger guys want the sex for self satisfaction only.And when they say older women are much better,it actually means that she has to work harder to get her own satisfaction instead of them both enjoying each other.
Older women actually come and confess their sex lives to YOU? Who are you, man? a priest? And you dont know a **** about younger men. When you're living with an older woman its the life like any other- you come home (to her) after work, drop the groceries on the kitchen table, kiss on a cheek or lips wherever she wants it, fill the fridge, eat when shes cooked something or cook when she was too tired to or just out at the moment. then you shower sometimes alone sometimes she joins you with naughty look in her eyes and it might be more than just shower... Then you sit by kitchen table, watch her smoke and you talk about life and stuff. and about her kids (not yours btw, hers. take it as a man), how they're doing. and despite all that you have balls to say its all guys fault guys are using women. What the hell do you think women are- remote controlled toys with no brains of their own? And when its bedtime she asks what looks better on her and brings out 2 of her favourite lingerie one hotter than the other. But yeah again it must be the guy using the woman somehow with this invisible remote... No chance that she might actually want it, or god forbid, enjoy it, right? Dude, its just a life together with a woman and she's mature and shes so good in bed that it deserves a praise out of proportion. Sigmund Freud said "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Don't see bad motives on every guy you dont know. Youre not qualified to judge, especially if you are a priest. |
so done with it all
I dont know how the hell can you even get a date, when your conversation is gonna be how disappointed you are in opposite sex. Duh, youre looking at one when saying it arent you? Anyone with self respect would walk out after hearing it.
Capitalism is first and foremost an Economic,not a political System! To call any Country existing today as Capitalist,is insulting Capitalism! ![]() I don't give a fck how to call the countries. No country changes because I suddenly found a proper label. It sure as hell wasnt what you might call a western model. I think its pointless to challenge people to go and live outside the 'safe comfy west' in some "anti-capitalist" country to experience its horrors first hand. USSR as a political entity collapsed, but people remained and there are lot of them out there now who have the first hand experience how it feels. Even better, they now have the experience of both- west and east. Do you? |
women are. all they care about is looks and money. Not true, in friends zone they have lot of room for all kinds. But if u want to be the one being led to the bedroom then quite simply put its the womans body and it must be the womans choice. You're not born into the world with universal right to have a p..(ah sht its gonna be cenzored anyway, you know what i mean, a "peach") You cannot demand it, you cannot pout and sulk about not to having it, cuz you dont own any woman on the planet. You need to earn that right... in the eyes of at least one woman. There are at least 3+billion women on the planet and only one you. |
Evolutionary flaws ....
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Mon 09/15/14 01:42 PM
One of the evolutionary flaws on our species, I hate are the "wisdom teeth".
Goddammit they are uncomfortable. Biting into the cheek which will sore for days, harder to reach for brushing, harder to floss and I dont need them to chew anything. There is no need to prove these flaws, or that they are flaws and not actually a great design feature- I have them and they suck! Another one I dislike is the appendix. So far so good, no pain, no death. But still it almost costed me my life, when my mother had a rupture of the appendix and that was before i was born. Thanx to the modern medicine and stack of proper bills stuck to the pocket of the physician, who admitted her, she was saved and here I am. In context of evolution these things make sense. we lose organs and teeth we have no longer need for but it wont be overnight process and rudiments may stick around. In context of creation... thats some shitty craftmanship. But before I get the shtstorm from some hard-core creationist I wanted to say that there are some very successful design features that make me almost believe. And these are boobs and (Edit) p*ssy in most of shapes and sizes. Brilliant design, worthy of praise! Why dont creationists EVER use these in their arguments? |
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Mon 09/15/14 01:01 PM
I'd like for these pro-Marx people try living in an anti-capitalist nation. I hear that Venezuela is nice this time of year. I'ts not that bad living in an anti-capitalist country (not Venezuela, i know nothing about venezuela). Its not a great life in terms of buying things and living for shopping. but its definitely not the hell on earth. One of the most annoying things was constant propaganda though. Not that anyone actually believed it. But it became like a wallpaper- its everywhere in the house and yet you barely notice it, much less pay attention to. Funny thing is that while Soviet people learned to just shrug off the anti-western propaganda and now none of the former soviets even talks about it or remeber it, then anti-communist propaganda in western world is still very much alive today. still so much time gets wasted condemning the dead. Seems almost like without the common enemy R.I.P , world is lost... or something Edit: ok I was over-generalizing, sure some formers still have hard time letting the old go. As regimes changed to capitalists along with them came lots of new laws including the need to learn your new country's language, which believe it or not is not actually russian anywhere but in russia. and other things as well. job market was also changing beyong any reckognition... so i'ts understandable that some folks with russian background who now live in rapidly westernizing and quite anti-russian countries, cannot cope and keep replaying their old memories as "in soviet time we had better" |
what is the meaning of life?
The meaning of life is to find what is the genuine happiness for you.
And then pursue it. |
I'd say women might appear more shallow in conversations (with a man)
and men tend to be more shallow in bed. Its only a guess but I think the reason for why it is so, is more-less the same: not enough knowledge. |
Sex with a mature is quite amazing. Almost no taboos at all and no shyness to ask what she wants and how she wants. U may get really good in bed if u pay attention.
From younger women you'll hear what you do wrong in bed. From older women you'll learn how to do it right. PS. I cant speak for all the women ofc. Just the ones I've met. |
Not suitable for persons with heightened sense of ethics. But it's fits the topic ![]() |
What makes You Happy
Seeing a happy/satisfied woman next to me in bed makes me happy.
![]() |
Lips Kissing On First Date
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Sun 09/14/14 01:24 PM
If there were a magic land of teletubbies adult version with no worries of what your actions might bring to you... ofc I'd like to lip kiss, french kiss, nipple kiss, peach kiss and tear all her clothes off for some whole body kiss...a wild man at his best. Rawrrrrr! BUT
Were not living in that land, so not freaking her out on the first date takes priority. Edit: I'm talking about kissing a woman, not a teletubbie ofc. ![]() |
start relationship
I agree we should get to know each other before having sex. But you will be surprised how many boys expect us to say yes to sex on first date. I quite understand what Smileyface said because i also had the same experience, and it certainly wasn't because I didn't want sex at all!!! There is a difference between hoping for sex or expecting it. I'm hoping for sex too when I really want that woman I refuse to believe that feeling desire is a sin or smth. But if what you say its true and they have said it out loud and clear that they expected more on the FIRST (goddammit, first!) date. Then its sad but true, you got lot of morons in the neighbourhood there. |
How do you keep a man happy?
I have tried everything to keep a man happy. Doing all the housework, cooking for them, shopping for our food, and helping them with work, and of course in the bedroom. It seems that the more I do the more they want and when it's not enough they abuse. I have thought of course it must be the wrong guy so I have tried changing the guy for a different guy but it's always the same in the end. So what is the secret to keeping a man happy? I dont see here how have you tried to make a man happy. Youve tried to keep the house clean, grats but clean house is for yourself. We guys usually either already clean from ourselves or just dont give a fck. It may add points to comfort but adds nothing to happiness Youre cooking for them and shopping for food, thats good but also it has absolutely nothing to do with happiness, its just chores. Basically yeah youve tried to take over a mother's role and that is umm not very sexy thought, is it? So im gonna speak only for myself as a man but if you want chores somehow add to the happiness if men you need to INCLUDE us in them. We hate to be bossed but LOVE to be asked. Ask a man to help you and give him smth that you think he can handle. heights, fixing a lamp or a doorhandle or operating various appliances and machines such as vacuum cleaner or a dishwasher is cool. then Thank him for a job well done. He helped you only cuz he hoped to hear you say it. Praisal of our significant other is honey to our ears. On the other hand reminding of all the things undone is poison. Bedroom part is a bit confusing too, what excacty do you think you do there? Clean it? change laundry and curtains maybe? Cuz after all that cleaning and cooking I cant imagine how could you possibly have any willpower left to have a passionate sex. And we can tell when your mind is elsewhere while having sex. Its not cool. And here comes the secret which some women may choose not to believe. Before meeting a woman who starts taking over chores in the household one by one cuz she thinks she knows better... We did them ALL by OURSELVES! Yup. I vacuumed my apartment on evey saturday, changed sheets did the laundry and omg...yes i did clean the toilet and bathroom too. I cannot vouch for quality but i got the chores done. And I did my own dishes too. I noticed you didnt mention the most important thing at all. You didnt say you loved the man. Without love, everything else you do for a man is irrelevant. Spending time in loveless relationship is time wasted. |
Why does no one answer
I'm kinda new to this online dating thing being very fresh single, but what I have seen more than once from a girls's bio is
"If i don't reply to you, then its not because I didnt see your msg but because i'm simply not interested of talking to you." It may sound harsh and could hurt the ego a bit but it kinda is the most logical explanation. After all I'm (and probably you too) not looking for a bunch of women I'm looking for just 1 so just one reply but from the right person is enough to start the chain reaction of communication that hopefully leads to celebrating christmas together with glow wine, presents and lots of snuggles. So no reply = not interested, just move on, your time is just as precious. |
Well i'm not sure how people aroundme perceive love and is it same for everyone but about falling in love...
I'ts gotta be the strongest drug I've ever had, lasts for months and is completely FREE! |
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Sat 09/13/14 04:50 PM
Straight outta bath so... I wear nothing atm
![]() Edit: Looks like I forgot my lionhead cross necklace on so... i'm still wearing something. |
Yes dude, it hurts. Hurted first time, hurted second time and no matter who initiates the break-up it will hurt every time.
It is a bit like going to dentist. You may decide not to go cuz it hurts too much. But it will hurt no less when you're not going. And loneliness will not leave you be, even if u decide to drop out of competition. C'mon dude, weve all been there and still alive, take it as a man. Let it hurt now and think of what lies ahead (if you're not quitting). It sure feels awesome to fall in love, doesnt it? Feels awesome to be in love doesnt it? And its good to keep on living and loving after the initial high is over too, right? Thats all ahead of you and will be part of your life man, if youre NOT quitting now. And heres some friendly advice. Show the hurt in secrecy or with guys only. Girls are not interested of hearing how deeply you loved SOMEONE ELSE. Ever. Once the new date is on horizon, lock up all your past. And Yes they will ask you how many you had before them and how did u feel about them. If it really was what you think of as love of your life, keep your lips as tight as possible. C'mon, youre handsome man who's rolling in cash, keep your lips about the past shut, your wallet loose and you shall have a girlfriend before this christmas. |
Doesnt matter. The concept of marriage itself need to change enough to feel desireable and not a legal trap surrounded by barbed wire of divorce laws.
If the marriage would be something like a lotto win... A trip to some place like "Las Vegas of marriage" so if you get married, you can book a half a year honeymoon with all expenses paid your employer is obliged to treat it like maternity or paternity leave so you wont lose your job etc. And then you have the opportunity to walk, sleep and make love in beds and beautiful places especially designed for the honeymooners, which you may never come across again in your lifetime later on. A sort of a half year of dreamlife. And ONLY legally married have a pass to enter this once in a a lifetime life in paradise. Second marriage or 3rd wont count anymore, so that the system could not be abused. Now this would change my views towards marriage. Marriage as it is now wont alter your life for better. You most likely are already living together, you already have all the benefits of togetherness. Marriage will add to this only 1 beautiful day... and then its time to pay up. Helluva way to start a new life - being in debt up to your neck before you even had a chance to take a house loan. And living with a debt is guaranteeed to cause tensions. She would like to keep spending, and he would like to get this friggin debt off. Very hard to do without hurting each others feelings in the process... Nah, good luck to all soon to be married folks out there... I won't be joinin you just yet. |