prince anyone who looks at your profile is going to think you are only here looking for sex
probably not john. jaydee was last seen on mingle over a month ago. and she made that post a year and a half ago
Rate mine please ladies
you nailed it with your profile name
there there, you'll get use to it |
a place to hide said frying pan
feel like saying that's just plain incredible
A - Z City Game - part 23
hoboken indiana
A-Z sentences 🙂 - part 3
dang, might need to take the long way up this weekend
a away to tell river i know of at least 6 hrs a night she could find
feel like saying huh, imagine that
A-Z sentences 🙂 - part 3
best enjoy it while it lasts
Game Locks up Site !!!
well considering mingle has no such games the issue is with that game or your phone
if you believe that devo i got a really cool bridge i can sell you dirt cheap
What wins a woman heart
Trying to lump all women together as though if you can understand one you understand em all isn't gonna work very well. The only thing that's true of all women is they're all freaking crazy!! 🤪🤪 but sometimes it's a good crazy |
getting ready to go home for anthony night
or maybe they think the other 7 aren't spam
that wasn't me i said all 8
Serious relationship
Four same topics! 8 duplicates |
ooh one of them got deleted