be honest with you, i would love to see/find some evidence... who knows what the future holds? i would even attend an exorcism, if they would let me, but that is kinda remote... Attending an exorcism is no laughing matter. When we performed this at the temple, only those who are 'protected' or 'strong enough' to help are allowed to assist. This is to prevent the entity within from leaping. In the case of the sisters that I mentioned earlier, the sister were all affected in turns. I think you mostly don't see/hear/feel anything because A you're not tuned in and B you are very strong.
As Crystal already mentioned, this may be the case with you. When I was assisting, the entity/victim described those of us assisting as 'tigers' and it/she was scared that the master/shi fu had them beside him. I have had my share of feeling their existence, especially during times when I am physically weak/sick and felt the terror of their presence though I did not visually see them. My son, then 3 or 4, described what he saw as a 'lady in white' who was beckoning him to go over, but the smart boy just kept close to me. |
Everything Chinese
rubber bands help too... grandfather used to whack me on the head with his chopsticks if I held it wrongly, it is not supposed to cross, and you never pick the food using the chopsticks away from you, and mostly to finish every grain of rice on my bowl, every grain.......yes, with the chopsticks!!! And it is a NO NO to stab the food with the chopsticks!!! |
Zee's Pub! - part 6
just poppin in for a brief HOWDY FOLKS!! Missed you lots........ |
Zee's Pub! - part 6
just poppin in for a brief HOWDY FOLKS!! Zee, while you are here, you need to clean out your cats' litter box. The pub is beginning to smell ... ... and I recently bathed, thank you very much. Recently bathed....... !!! So, the smell was from you..... gosh, how long ago was your last bath? Zee.......I took care of the cats' litter box! The smell didn't come from there! |
Everything Chinese
Edited by
Tue 04/07/15 11:47 PM
Since Chinese food has been brought up...... just the mention of food should conjure the image of the 'humble chopsticks'!
The way to hold a chopstick, start from scratch...... position it properly and you will be able to master the technique. To master using the chopsticks, start on peanuts! Once you have mastered picking a peanut with your chopsticks..... you will have no problems using the chopsticks for other food items. |
Everything Chinese
| for those who like "odd" china... I like the one about the UFO though... |
Everything Chinese
(((Ame))) love the thread!!! just about as much as I love everything Chinese... as you know I had a obaachan growing up that taught me many things of the Asian culture.. and what basically got me started.. I remember her dressing me up like a geisha doll (she had only grandsons LOL) and although I LOVED the feel of silk, never did master walking in clogs I have tons of cultural items in my collection and am dedicating an entire room JUST to display my swords and other mind blowing goodies.. when I have a moment, I'll upload my pics to share!!! fave food? CHINESE! fave culture? CHINESE! I briefly visited the local museum when they had the Clay Army display.. simply MAGNIFICENT!!! so much tradition and respect... I just LOVE the way they treat their elders!! the History!! the stories... the dedication! one day.. I'll get to your neck of the world.. and see the wonders with my own eyes!! Hi Zee!! Long time no see. Guess you have been busy and I have and will be too, for the next 3 months at least. Do post your pics of your collections. I am not much of a collector, and I don't have the time, space or resources to collect, but I do appreciate when I see others. Glad you like all things Chinese too. And my neck of the world will be South East Asia.... Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia! Welcome..... selamat datang .... 'huan yin'! |
Everything Chinese
"By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest." [Confucius] "If you make a mistake and do not correct it, this is called a mistake." [Confucius] "The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life." [Confucius] |
Happy Birthday Storm!
Happy birthday, Storm!
'LONGEST' is undeniably the 'longest' English word in the English Dictionary. How can some other word be longer than 'LONGEST'? Longer than Longest would be INFINITY! Longest is still measurable.... infinity can't be measured. If something is 'longer' than 'longest', then 'longest' will never have any valid meaning, in the true sense of the term. Besides, how can something be 'longer' than the thing that has been concluded to be 'longest'? |
Everything Chinese
here ya go Sheesh...... Pansy, good grief, did you read my mind? I ask for pictures, and presto it appears! You are a genie |
Everything Chinese
|! Please post pics of the things that you guys/gals are mentioning cos' I may assume the wrong item/things/food!
'LONGEST' is undeniably the 'longest' English word in the English Dictionary. How can some other word be longer than 'LONGEST'? Longer than Longest would be INFINITY! Longest is still measurable.... infinity can't be measured. |
@ Realcarebear - I remember that! Loved it for the same reason sweetie! @ Amelling - thanks for your post! Missy.... things have brighten up a little lately, and will continue to be so. Majority wants that so, with concerted effort, it will be so. |
Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. Helen Keller Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars. Khalil Gibran These so apply to me........I'm scarred for life! |
Everything Chinese
I've been to 83 countries. Lol Some, several times. Now I travel for pleasure and adventure. Though, I may have business to negotiate in Beijing again. I loved The Forbidden City, spent several days there, even got to attend a concert there. I enjoyed the Summer Palace and completely explored Badaling. There there..... see, you'll get to eat that triple pepper beef soon! Wow......83 countries! I can't even name that many countries! LOL! |
Everything Chinese
I could go for some of the triple pepper beef at the Huabei, near the 2 nd ring road just north of the Forbidden City, Beijing. It's been 16 years and I still remember it. Stan, it's been 16 is time to make another visit! Though we can't be sure that particular shop is still there, the food should still be available elsewhere. China is so vast, it would do to plan where and what you want to see this time round. It's still there, I checked about 3 months ago. I've been to Shanghai, Hong Kong and Shenzhen as well. Wow.... 16 years ago, and still there! These old shops endure due to their 'old brand' that gets carried down for generations. I passed by Shanghai on an all night sleeper train. I've been to Mount Tai (Tai Shan), Suzhou, Qingdao, Harbin, Heilongjiang and Beijing. Also being to Macau and Hong Kong. Yet to see Shenzhen though. The Forbidden City in Beijing is really really huge! You could get lost in there. Standing in one tower, you would be seeing numerous towers as far as the eye can see. As for now, we know that Devildog is in about sharing about the places that you are at/have been to, if you can! |
Good write and very expressive, as usual.... but hmmmm, I don't see where I could have inspired you, cos' you are who you are and you will carve your own path! You already have your head firmly screwed on, and so, pat yourself on your back.....or I can do it for you! Well done, dearie!!
Solomon described 72 Demons/Deitys, as Angels and also Legions. Crowley, A. (ed.), The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon the King (1904). .... portion was labelled "Liber Malorum Spirituum seu Goetia", and the . and demons were paired with those of the 72 angels of the Shemhamphorasch, who were intended to protect the conjurer and control the demons he summoned. And science have also been unable to explain some events..... and I believe some scientific explanations can and has been challenged. The supernatural is something that is 'unexplainable', you have got to see it to believe it. And until you do see it, I understand how you can be skeptical about it. But for those of us who have, you will no longer doubt it. |
Everything Chinese
Tufted Deer (Elaphodus cephalophus cephalophus). These guys aren't necessarily listed as endangered yet but they could be in the future if habitat destruction and encroaching human populations continue. The main reason I selected the Tufted Deer for Weird Wildlife Wednesday is because of the little tusks the males develop. They remind me of prehistoric sabertooth animals and I think qualify them as weird. In captivity, they can live to be 15 years old or older even, but it is unknown how long they may live in the wild. They are relatively small compared to other deer species and males are larger than females. Tufted Deer are found in Asia, mostly in China and live in jungles and mountainy forests. The Chinese giant salamander is the largest salamander in the world, reaching a length of 180 cm (6 ft), although it rarely "if ever" reaches that size today. Endemic to rocky mountain streams and lakes in China, it is considered critically endangered due to habitat loss, pollution, and over-collecting, as it is considered a delicacy and used in traditional Chinese medicine. The photos here are of an animal that has yet to be named because it is the first of its kind. This unique creature was found in China and he seems to be enjoying his apples. The salamander looks so 'eeeeeew'!!! Didn't know this 'saber-toothed' deers existed. These are really unique creatures found in China. The unidentified creature looks similar to our 'musang' or 'civet' but without the stripes. |